
common NSConnection for various data proccessing from web server in iphone

Hi friends, How to have common NSConnection for various data proccessing from web server in iphone. if possible can i have code for it Regards, sathish ...

how to get checkbox data using python on gae ..

this is my html : <div id='automail'> <form action = "/admin/mail" method = "get"> auto mail when user :<br/><br/> <div> <input type="checkbox" name="automail" value ="signup">signUp</input><br/> <input type="checkbox" name="automail" value ="login">login</input><br/> </div> <d...

How to get timezone before postback

I am making a page that accepts post data from any number of pages that I cannot change, access, or in any way control. I need, in one way or another, to get the timezone of the user. I know, ideally the posting page would do this, but I cannot access these pages. I've read other answers on this site and come up with 2 almost, but not ...

WCF Data Service can't handle UPDATE on feed entries

Hi! Me and some buddy of mine are trying to get started with WCF Data Services, so let me first describe what we have done so far: We have created a fairly simple WCF Data Service with a data source that implements the IUpdatable interface and exposes some data through some public IQueryable<> attributes (the code is attached at the b...

Insert value into a column in PostgreSQL

I am trying to figure out how to insert the same value into the entire column of a table? The table already exists and I have an empty column into which I would like to insert a certain value, for example, today's date. I have only found sources explaining how to insert values into an entire row. ...

Why won't my UITableView show the data?

Here is my issue. I have a screen in a tab bar application that display's a search bar, and a UITableView. When you first open the tab, the UITableView is empty. After you enter a search, the iphone gets and parses XML based on the query. All of this is working fine. I add the xml data to the underlying array that SHOULD populate the t...

How would I visualize the amount of time that's passed between dates?

If I had a product and wanted to visualize the amount of time that has passed between releases of that product, what type of graph would I use? What I'm trying to show is the average amount of time that has passed between release cycles, as well as (approximately) how far through the current release cycle we currently are. The best I co...

Does putting data into std::vector in C++ create a copy of the data?

I am interested if creating a new std::vector (or calling its assign method) creates a copy of the data? For example, void fun(char *input) { std::vector<char> v(input, input+strlen(input)); // is it safe to assume that the data input points to was COPIED into v? } Thanks, Boda Cydo. ...

How to build a real-time streaming data silverlight application

Hi all, I'm curious to get some feedback and ideas on how one could go about building a realtime data streaming application. We can keep the source data generic for this exercise ... throughput info, stock trade pricing, etc. Just something that is constantly changing, and the information is stored in a database. I am interested in buil...

Tools and processes for application configuration management

My question has to do with best practices and tools used for promoting application configuration data to a new environment as part of a typical testing cycle. The latter includes three environments, TEST, STAGING and PROD. Code and configuration changes are applied first to test and then promoted to STAGING and then to PROD once tests ha...

Calculating percent difference between elements in a list with functional programming in Mathematica?

This stems from a related discussion, How to subtract specific elements in a list using functional programming in Mathematica? How does one go about easily calculating percent differences between values in a list? The linked question uses Differences to easily calculate absolute differences between successive elements in a list. Howev...

open source data base to handle 10 k transactions per sec?

I am trying to design data base to store 1 terabyte of data, that is able to handle 10K transactions per second I would like to use open source.What kind of architecture i can use.I am new to database(its read/write operation).Please give hints regarding this. ...

What are the risks of PHP sessions?

So everyone says that sessions have security risks, I want to know what kind of risks are these? What can hackers do with sessions? This is not about knowing how to avoid attacks, I want to know how hackers are doing it, and what are they doing. I talk about PHP SESSIONS. ...

Qt getting reference of custom data type of QStandardItemModel to change it!

It's getting a little weird I can't see a method to actually change the "data" of a QStandardItemModel. For example: struct TestStruct { std::vector<int> testVector; void addNumber(int i){ //this method will modify the member vector } }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TestStruct) QStandardItemModel* model = QStandardItemModel...

DAL + BLL + LINQ + Enterprise Library 5 + .net 3.5

What are the Best practices for coding Data Access Layer and Business Logic Layer with combination of LINQ and Enterprise Library 5.0 in .net 3.5? ...

Flex: Extending x-axis on LineChart for unknown future data

Hello Everyone, How do you display data on a LineChart that cuts off where there is no more data? For example, if I am showing a chart of company revenue for 2010, the chart should only show up to July now (with August and forward on showing no data). This would make the line in the line chart break and dissappear off at about midway ...

Data Cleanup, post conversion from ALLCAPS to Title Case

Converting a database of people and addresses from ALL CAPS to Title Case will create a number of improperly capitalized words/names, some examples follow: MacDonald, PhD, CPA, III Does anyone know of an existing script that will cleanup all the common problem words? Certainly, it will still leave some mistakes behind (less common name...

Duplicate values are being suppressed in Jasper bar chart.

I have a Jasper bar chart with occasional duplicate names. In the report customizer class I can see all of the expected data inside the JRChart's datastore, but there is only one value in the final chart. Simple example - I have two items called "a" with values of 1. I would expect to see two items in the chart labeled "a" with bars t...

Is PHP serialization a good choice for storing data of a small website modified by a single person

Hi, I'm planning a PHP website architecture. It will be a small website with few visitors and small set of data. The data is modified exclusively by a single user (administrator). To make things easier, I don't want to bother with a real database or XML data. I think about storing all data through PHP serialization into several files. ...

jQuery .data vs eventData

When setting up a event handler (submit, click, keypress, whatever) what is the fastest and most efficient way to get data to the handler and use it in the handler? Should I be doing something like: ${name: value, ...}); ${ var $this = $(, name = $; }); Or is it better to do...