
What is a data warehouse?

I was asked by a customer what the term "data warehouse" really means. I thought about ETL, details of the data model, differences to NoSQL, Clouds, 'normal' DBMS, MDM (Master Data Management) etc. but wasn't able to describe the term in a few words to him... (In fact I did some talking and left him unillumined.) How can "data warehou...

Data View Concept/Library/Pattern ?

Any application that deals with data, has one screen or more to allow the user to look at data. Usually we dont offer all the 10 million records to look at, but a subset, defined by a filter (or a view) that the user can create (and save). How to define these views that are translated (behind the scene) into some kind of "select from xxx...

Is there a .NET library or example code out there that is useful for optimizing points on a line or decimation?

I have a large set of datapoints (all 2D that represent a edges of a shape) where there exists many that all line up in straight lines a series of many points (pixels) I would like to optimize the data by removing the points that make up straight lines (same vector) and leave only the last two end points of the series to define the line ...

Getting java.lang.nullPointerException using SharedPreferences

I am trying to save the date of file parsing, so that when next time user, opens the application, the date can be checked against the last parsing date. I am using shared preference to save the data and retrieve it, but getting error. here is the code : SharedPreferences settings = getPreferences(0); String today = new Date(System.cur...

Caching and saving frequently updated data

I'm working on a .NET data logging application that needs to accept data from a large number of clients and store it in a database. The client sends a start event to the server and then sends heartbeat events, causing the last activity time of the data to be updated. I can't use an end event because the client app may be closed with no ...

MVC Transfer Data Between Views

Hi All, I just started to learn MVC and trying to understand how it works. I dont want to send user to different views for all edit, insert and list operations. In my sample application a View contains a list of items and below the list there is a form (for inserting new items) with action "{Controller}/Create" but there is no Create ...

Getting data from iframe with JavaScript

Greetings, js masters. I have a simple page with iframe. In this frame there are a three input fields, which user fill in. How to get this data in every input field with js? Here is js: <script type="text/javascript"> var ticket = window.frames[0].document.getElementById('ticket').ticket; alert(ticket); </script> And i have inside f...

Data is not getting displayed in WPF User control when used in an application.

Hi, I have a user control - with 2 grids and 4 buttons...buttons used to add/remove values between the grids. There are two properties in this(which i defined in view-model)..."SourceGridData" and "DestinationGridData"...i have implemented onPropertyChanged for these properties. I use this user control inside my wpf application....and...

How to subtract specific elements in a list using functional programming in Mathematica?

I have a list of dates and values in the format: {{{dateInfo1},value1},{{dateInfo2},value2},...,{{dateInfoN},valueN}} With some actual dates and values: {{{1971, 1, 31, 0, 0, 0.}, 1.0118}, {{1971, 2, 28, 0, 0, 0}, 1.0075}, ..., {{2010, 5, 31, 0, 0, 0.}, 1.0403}} For those curious, it's a list of US versus CAD $ values pulled from...

Prefixes for C/C++ data members / objects

I've been getting more and more involved in C / C++ programming lately and have noticed a trend in the way people name datatypes in their code. I always see prefixes such as p, m, ui, etc. For example: mPlayerNames, pData, uiNumResets I think I get it, but just to confirm: Do these prefixes indicate the data type? ie: mData -> Matrix ...

How to get all the datum of my Facebook by Java, including profile, my friends list, etc.

I plan to develop a Java program. In that program, first get the datuom of my FaceBook, including profile, my friends list and so on. Second, store them to my defined databace. Now I am worrying about how can I get those datum in my Java program. Thx. ...

Language to constrain large datasets for ruby/java and javascript

I got a backend web service containing massive amounts of data that I have control over and I need to fetch data from it through a browser frontend. The frontends task is to simply display the data in a paged table but the user should be able to dynamically constrain the data based on the fields and i can't load the entire matching data ...

Jquery post and then instantly display posted data on same page

How can I post data using ajax and display the posted data in a div on the same page without page refresh?? ...

Software defined radio AM band sample source

I'm interested in Software Defined Radio. I have basically no experience in any of the electrical engineering or math topics involved, but I'm reading... Rather than trying to deal with the hardware aspect of the antenna and the ADC, I imagine it'd be fun enough (and cheaper) to play with some pre-recorded (or even live!) sample stream...

handling large scale dataset

From the online discussion groups and blogs, I have seen a lot of interview questions are related to handling large scale dataset. I am wondering is there a systematic approach to analyze this type of questions? Or in more specific, is there any data structure or algorithms that can be used to deal with this? Any suggestions are really a...

Returning local data from functions in C and C++ via pointer

I have argument with my friend. He says that I can return a pointer to local data from a function. This is not what I have learned but I can't find a counterargument for him to prove my knowledge. Here is illustrated case: char *name() { char n[10] = "bodacydo!"; return n; } And it's used as: int main() { char *n = name(...

Server-side validation of a REQUIRED String Property in MVC2 Entity Framework 4 does not work

I'm trying to get server-side validation of an Entity Framework String Property to work. Other server-side validation such as data type validation and required dateTime and numeric EF properties are working. This in VS 2010, .Net 4.0, MVC2 + Cloud, ADO.Net Entity Framework. The String Property I am having issues with is mapped to a SQ...

What is the easiest way to visualize transactional data utilizing using a data dump like MySQL, CSV etc etc

Essentially I want to be able to feed it data and see fancy charts and graphs displaying information out of the data based on x amount of transactions etc etc and/or SQL statements etc. It does not matter if it is client based or web based. Open source would be great but commercial is fine also. Thanks ...

Determining different rows between two data sets in R

I have two data files in tab separated CSV format. The files are in the following format: EP Code EP Name Address Region ... 101654 Alpha York Street Northwest ... 103628 Beta 5th Avenue South ... EP codes are unique. What I want to do is to compare two files with respect to EP codes, determine the...

jQuery Data Function

How does jQuery's data function work? Is it more efficient than giving the dom elements a class or attribute? Where is the data stored? Cheers. PS: I once saw a link to a page that does method search for jquery, but I lost it :P ...