
How to implement Self-host WCF data serivces (http://localhost:1234/myDataService.svc/...)

I have a project that needs to implement WCF data services (OData) to retrieve data from a control system (.NET Framework Application). The WCF data service needs to be hosted by the .NET application (No ASP.NET and NO IIS). I have seen many WCF Data Service examples recently; they are all hosted by ASP.NET application. I also see the s...

PHP - Redirect and send data via POST

I have an online gateway which requires an HTML form to be submitted with hidden fields. I need to do this via a PHP script without any HTML forms (I have the data for the hidden fields in a DB) To do this sending data via GET: header('Location:'); And to do this sending data...

C# - Data Clustering approach

Hi all, I am writing a program in C# in which I have a set of 200 points displayed on an image. However, the points tend to cluster in various regions, and I am looking to find a way to "cluster." In other words, maybe draw a circle/ellipse around the clustered points. Has anyone seen any way to do this? I have heard about K-means clu...

transferring binary files between systems

Hi guys I'm trying to transfer my files between 2 UNIX clusters, the data is pure numeric (vectors of double) in binary form. Unfortunately one of the systems is IBM ppc997 and the other is AMD Opteron, It seems the format of binary numbers in these systems are different. I have tried 3 ways till now: 1- Changed my files to ASCII for...

compressing non-binary data in java http client

I plan to use to compress http post data when sending it from a java client to the server(java servlet in this case). is this the best approach for reducing data load? should I use gzip as the compression alg? ...

What DirectShow uses for data transfer between filters?

What does DirectShow use for data transfer between filters? (pipes or what) ...

SQL Server Data Import with a "lookup"-- Hopefully a Simple Question

I have two databases, on two separate SQL Servers (trying to consolidate both). This is my setup, and I'm trying to import from Server1:Orders table to Server2:Orders table. Server1 Database1 Orders(ID, CustomerName, DateOrdered) Server2 Database2 Customers(ID, Name) Orders(ID, CustomerID, DateOrdered) ...

Dynamic Data Website Filter Helper

Hi All! My drop-down filter is working fine. It is a foreign key to another table which has a over 3K records. The users are complaining that there are too many items in the drop-down list box and it's hard to find what they want to filter on. They want a text box next to the drop-down. As they type the text, the items in the drop-down...

HTML Forms - Are name and id required?

Why do I need the name and id attributes for <input> form elements? Which is used for POST data sending and which can I exclude? ...

Is A Web App Feasible For A Heavy Use Data Entry System?

Looking for opinions on this, we're working on a project that is essentially a data entry system for a production line. Heavy data input by users who normally work in Excel or other thick client data systems. We've been told (as a consequence) that we have to develop this as a thick client using .NET. Our argument was to develop as a ...

Jquery ajax() error : "Uncaught Syntax error, unrecognized expression: %2Cacpitool%2Caide"

Hello, I have a error when i tried to send post data with ajax() method. I have a array with : acpitool aide I use encodeURIComponent() for passing the array with data: but the ajax method fail. Could you help me? Thanks Edit : This is the ajax call $.ajax({ url: 'AjaxSearch.php', dataType: 'json', data: param+"...

Using membership "THROUGH" wcf data services?

Hi there, can anyone help? I recently had membership setup using a connection string to my db via the web.config in my service layer. It enabled me to do something like this :- public bool IsValidLogin(string username, string password) { return System.Web.Security.Membership.ValidateUser(username, password); ...

Using R to open grib files

I am using R to work with meteorological data. I proceed in two steps: 1- convert grib to netcdf using the commande line function ncl_convert2nc from ncar command language 2- use package ncdf in R to import the netcdf data. I still have one problem: 2- For some particular grib files, the convertion with ncar tool does not work. Is ...

MSTest VS2010 - DeploymentItem copying files to different locations on different machines

I have found that DeploymentItem [TestClass(), DeploymentItem(@"TestData\")] is not copying my test data files to the same location when tests are built and run on different machines. The test data files are copied to the "bin\debug" directory in the test project on my machine, but on my friend's machine they are copied to "TestResul...

MS Access 2007 Import Not Working?

Hi guys. I just switched from Access 2003 to Access 2007. In the very first "dev" copy (as I call it) pre-split, pre-front end, I need to import some data that are text files. I try to use the ribbon to do this, and after I walk through the steps I get this little pop up box that states Microsoft Access has determined this to be a pot...

any other data format except 'csv' can upload to gae(google-app-engine)

i can use 'csv' file to upload to gae , and i want to know , can any other data format do this, thanks ...

How do you store and retrieve data from a text file in Java / Android?

The question is in the title. ...

How to display HTML-like table data on iPhone?

I have a set of data in a matrix which I would like to display in my iPhone app with all of the rows and columns intact. Everything I can find on the web dealing with "tables iPhone" gives me information on UITableView, which only lets you show a list of items to the user - not an actual table in the HTML sense. What's the best way on th...

SSRS run SQL/DataSet conditionally

Hello.... I have an SSRS report that contains several subreports. The user has the ability to select/deselect which subreports they want to produce using several Boolean parameters. If a subreport is deselected then it is not rendered by setting the Visibility property. However, the DataSet associated with the de-selected subreport s...

How to extract digg data by digg api

I am trying to extract digg data for a user using this url ";appkey=34asd56asdf789as87df65s4fas6" and the web response is throwing an error "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden." Please let me know. public static XmlTextReader CreateWebRequest(string url) ...