
Enterprise Architect Vs IBM InfoSphere Data Architect

We are primarily going to model databases (mostly sql,db2) for our SOA intiative applications organisation wide. Let me know the highlights between choosing either of this tool and the recommendations out of your expereinces Aspects we see like 1. Repository 2. Integration with VS, TFS. 3. Collaboration 4. UML, code generation capabili...

Dynamic Table Column

Hi All, I have one scenario in which the user can define the column and that can be the master table. This master table has transaction table by ref its Primary key and also has some common column whose value is differ for each record. Example, user created table called XYZ and defined the column X1,X2,X3 etc,. And the Transaction tabl...

Where can I find statistics about Facebook applications?

I'm trying to find a source for Facebook Application statistics. I'm most interested in getting a comprehensive list of the applications in the system, and how many monthly active users each app has. I know this information is available on each application's page, but aside from crawling Facebook, is this information available somewher...

Extracting data from a non-formatted string

I want to extract certain parts and be able to put it into a nice spreadsheet format. The important parts are the address, ward number, square feet, and price. I was going to try something really complicated in PHP(novice), but thought there might be an easier way. The data looks like this: 243-467 1402 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave. 50th...

Tab control in Silverlight 3.0 and Dirty data

We are using tab control in our project. While using this control i came across a few issues like - When the tab control loads, it invokes constructor of all the xaml pages that form the individual tabs. Can this be avoided? Is there any event with tab control that we can use to identify dirty data on the previous tab that i may have...

Data format for content heavy iPhone app - Plist or XML?

Hello, I'm building an iPhone app that is essentially a book, it will be bundled with a lot of text-heavy content. I considered bundling the data as XML and load it when the application starts but the XML would contain a lot of nested structures and be a bit of a pain to parse. Would it be better to use a plist? I'm concerned about me...

How to invalidate a single data item in the .net cache in VB

I have the following .NET VB code to set and read objects in cache on a per user basis (i.e. a bit like session) '' Public Shared Sub CacheSet(ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As Object) Dim userID As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name HttpContext.Current.Cache(Key & "_" & userID) = Value End Sub Public Share...

CakePHP 3-level-deep model associatons

Hi, I am relatively new to CakePHP, I am doing fine with the documentation, but I've been trying to find a way out to this problem for weeks and I don't seem to find the solution, I am sure it is easy and maybe even automagicaly doable, but I just don't know how to find it (maybe I don't know the jargon for these kind of things) My mode...

Dynamically add data to a javascript map

Is there a way I can dynamically add data to a map in javascript. A map.put(key,value)? I am using the yui libraries for javascript, but didnt see anything there to support this. Thanks! ...

How to send data in the HTTP request body when using an HTML form?

The HTTP spec says that a POST request can contain an arbitrary body of data. An HTML form element can POST to a URL and may contain input elements, but those input elements get turned into a query string. How can I get a form to also send along data in the body of the HTTP POST request that it sends when its submit button is pressed? ...

Excel Time format data getting converted to text value in XML

Hi, Thanks for viewing my question. This is basicaly excel I am working on **Shift Start Time Break 1 Time Lunch Time Break 2 Time Shift End Time** 7:00:00 8:30:00 12:00:00 14:30:00 16:30:00 when I am convertiong this excel to XML from my .Net code the time values in Xcl are getting conver...

ExtJS (Grid): How do I traverse the data of a Grid

I need to validate information from a grid: - check if all the rows that have the "required" column set to "Yes", have the "Status" column set to "Received". How do I traverse the data of the grid? ...

Data parallel libraries in C/C++

I have a C# prototype that is heavily data parallel, and I've had extremely successful order of magnitude speed ups using the Parallel.For construct in .NETv4. Now I need to write the program in native code, and I'm wondering what my options are. I would prefer something somewhat portable across various operating systems and compilers, b...

What is the best/correct/most efficient way to store a data series in XML

I have an application which will store a series of (float) values in an XML file. There could be upwards of 100,000 values so I am interested in keeping the size down, but I also want files to be readily accessible by third parties. There seem to be various methods open to me as far as encoding the data within the XML: 1. <data> ...

Destroy a large amount of data as quickly as possible?

How would you go about securely destroying several hundred gigabytes of arbitrary data as quickly as possible? Incinerating hard drives is a slow, manual (and therefore insecure) process. ...

I want to store Javascript array as a Cookie

Is it possible , I have a some sort of list and I want to store it on browser , If it is not possible , what is the efficient way of doing this ? ...

MapReduce in the cloud

Except for Amazon MapReduce, what other options do I have to process a large amount of data? Thank you! ...

are there any useful datasets available on the web for data mining?

Hi, Does anyone know any good resource where example (real) data can be downloaded for experimenting statistics and machine learning techniques such as decision trees etc? Currently I am studying machine learning techniques and it would be very helpful to have real data for evaluating the accuracy of various tools. If anyone knows any...

Best strategy for synching data in iPhone app

I am working on a regular iPhone app which pulls data from a server (XML, JSON, etc...), and I'm wondering what is the best way to implement synching data. Criteria are speed (less network data exchange), robustness (data recovery in case update fails), offline access and flexibility (adaptable when the structure of the database changes ...

Include PHP file content as argument to function that expects string value?

Is it possible to include a file that contains a string value (in this case a comma delimited list of values) as an argument to a function? For example: include.php <?php 'value1,value2,value3' ?> function.php <?php function test($string) { echo $string; } test(include 'include.php'); ?> I've tried this and it doesn't work, ...