
Best way to migrate servers without losing any data and with no downtime(?)

This is a methodology question from a freelancer, with a corollary on MySQL.. Is there a way to migrate from an old dedicated server to a new one without losing any data in-between - and with no downtime? In the past, I've had to lose MySQL data between the time when the new server goes up (i.e., all files transferred, system up and read...

ASPX Load controls from SQLDataSources CONCURRENTLY

I have many controls on my aspx page (DropDownLists) each bound to a SQLDataSource. They stored proc takes a long time to run. I have been working with the DBAs for weeks to try to speed them up. We got it down to about 1-2 seconds for the slowest ones. However loading eight of these one a page is too long for a user to wait! So, I wou...

Flex chart display with no datapoint

I need to display price of item for every date in the month. The chart can be Bar chart or plot chart. Question: Suppose there is no data available for 01/15/2010 then, Is there a way to display (01/15/2010) on x axis but no (bar or plot point) corresponding y axis point ? i.e. there will be a empty space between 2 bars or plot points...

Multi-dimensional data structure

Which of the following data structure R-tree, R*-tree, X-tree, SS-tree, SR-tree, VP-tree, metric-trees provide reasonably good performance in insert, update and searching of multidimensional data stored in its corresponding form? Is there a better data structure out there for handling multidimensional data? ...

Retrieving selected data from DataGrid with IEnumerable<IDictionary> (Silverlight)

I have an application that can dynamically load data into a DataGrid. What's needed is an object of IEnumerable<IDictionary>, and a List<Dictionary<string,object>> is supplied (each Dictionary in the list has exactly the same keys). The data is loaded into the DataGrid and shown, but now I want to retrieve the data the user has clicked ...

After a junit test case ran, should I delete the test data related with this test case?

After a junit test case ran, should delete test data related with this test case? Will keeping the test data help the developers to debug the code? Thanks Joseph ...

How can I get NSURLResponse body?

Hi, I'm writing an application that connect with a server using NSURLConnection. In the delegate method didreceiveresponse:, if the status code is 404, I cancel the connection and I would like to show a message with a custom error that is generated in the server. The problem is that from response object, I only can get statuscode, he...

Data transformation question

I have data composed of a list of employers and a list of workers. Each has a many-to-many relationship with the other (so an employer can have many workers, and a worker can have many employers). The way the data is retrieved (and given to me) is as follows: each employer has an array of workers. In other words: employer n has: wo...

Powershell - Splitting variable into chunks

I have written a query in Powershell interrogating a F5 BIG-IP box through it's iControl API to bring back CPU usage etc. Using this code (see below) I can return the data back into a CSV format which is fine. However the $csvdata variable contains all the data. I need to be able to take this variable and for each line split each colu...

Splitting up UDP packet

Heyo, I'm using UdpClient to query game servers about server name, map, number of players, etc. I've followed the guidelines on this page (A2S_INFO) and I'm getting a correct reply: I have no idea how I would go about to get each chunk of information (server name...

Managing test data for Junit tests.

Hi, We are facing one problem in managing test data(xmls which is used to create mock objects). The data which we have currently has been evolved over a long period of time. Each time we add a new functionality or test case we add new data to test that functionality. Now, the problem is when the business requirement changes the ...

What is the difference between System.Linq and System.Data.Linq?

I was having troubles earlier while trying to declare a ChangeAction parameter in a method, with the IDE saying I might be missing a Namespace. So I right click it and Resolve it and find that System.Data.Linq has been added and now everything is fine. What is the difference between these two namespaces? ...

Java Applet question regarding data manipulation

Generally, how does a java applet manipulate user data? Take for instance "shopping carts" on shopping websites - after a user enters the data, is the data then preloaded each time a user accesses a website? Or is the data retrieved as the user is on the page? ...

WCF Data Services access issues - 403 forbidden?

Hi, I have Silverlight 4.0 client calling WCF data service, in the service I have write allow to all (I know that is not very wise, but I want to test it first): public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config) { // TODO: set rules to indicate which entity sets and service operations are visible, updatable, etc. ...

Flex 4 Keeping Data Providers In Memory

I am working on a modularized Flex application, and I am trying to cut-down on the amount of client-server interaction. Every time a module is opened, a request is made to a web service to get values to bind to the Flex form. If a user closes the module, and then reopens it at another time during their session, the same web request wil...

Dynamic Data Website - Hide columns in gridview but show in details?

I have seen how you can hide a column by scaffolding. But how about hiding it from the gridview only and showing it on the details screen. Thanks! ...

Where would you document standardized complex data that is passed between many objects and methods?

Hi All, I often find myself with fairly complex data that represents something that my objects will be working on. For example, in a task-list app, several objects might work with an array of tasks, each of which has attributes, temporal expressions, sub tasks and sub sub tasks, etc. One object will collect data from web forms, stan...

Transfer data from android phone to another server

i have written a application for android phone (nexus1) which collects some information regularly at some intervals.Now i want to transfer the information collected to some particular server regularly as the information is collected by phone? ...

what is best way to store long term data in iphone Core Data or SQLLite?

Hi all, I am working on i-Phone app targeting 3.1.3 and later SDK. I want to know the best way to store user's long term data on i-phone without losing performance, consistency and security. I know, that i can use Core Data, PList and SQL-Lite for storing user specific data in custom formats.But, want to know which one is good to use w...

Best practices for encrypting continuous/small UDP data

Hello everyone, I am having an application where I have to send several small data per second through the network using UDP. The application need to send the data in real-time (no waiting). I want to encrypt these data and insure that what I am doing is as secure as possible. Since I am using UDP, there is no way to use SSL/TLS, so I h...