
C# Data Export Framework or tools.

Is there any data export framework in .net or something.I have need to device a tool kit to export legacy and data from older/legacy application to the new application under development,there are around three similar systems.To give you an idea the three have employee table.Is there any framework or dsl tool for this? Or I have to come u...

How can I read data from powerpoint

I have to work with data in MS powerpoint file,but I don't know how to open and process data in powerpoint file.please help me! My programming language is C# and use visual studio 2010. ...

How can I merge this data in MATLAB?

In the sample text file below, if column 3 contains a 1 then the corresponding data of column 2 should be merged with the data of the previous row in column 2. For example, the 40 in row 2 should be added to the 10 in row 1, then row 2 should be set to 0 (as shown in the modified sample text file). The problem with my code below is that ...

Sources of video clips for testing and demoing?

In the same vein that bulk test data for databases is required for a lot of situations that preclude creating your own, I have a need for 100 to 200 video clips 10 seconds or so in length for testing (mainly html5 video testing at this point). Going out and capturing this data set is a job in itself, so I was wondering if anyone knew of...

after signup back button problem

hello... i am doing signup form . in this i am doing validations using php. after signup i am redirecting to next page. then i am clicking browser back button then all the form data displaying as it is. so how can i prevent this? ...

DB design for importing data from multiple providers?

Hi, I have to build a news database that will potentially take news from many different providers and display them on our site. Right now I am thinking that I should just come up with how it will look on our site, the fields we would display, and then when a new provider comes along, right a script that will parse their data into our fo...

How to display nested XML-elements in report with XML datasource in Active Reports 6

I have following xml structure and I would like them to display in the report. {...} <order id="121"> <item> <fees> <fee id="23"> {...} </fee> </fees> <discounts> <discount id="1"> {...} </discount> </discounts> </item> <item> .... </item> </o...

iPhone App : Wireless connection fails after sleep...

I have a problem with a new app I am writing. The app connects to the internet to download an xml file which it uses in the app. It goes back regularly to sync the data - basically to check if it has changed. This all works fine but I am experiencing a problem if the iPhone has gone to sleep. When it wakes up 9 times out of 10 the wirele...

Data Loading Software

We deal with scientific research data and we have volumes and volumes of data put together in different template file formats (excel, csv, txt, xml etc). We were using old legacy C programs (developed inhouse) to load these data into our databases. (We use ingres as our DBMS). Are there any opensource software that is available for ETL (...

Python memory usage: Which of my objects is hogging the most memory?

The program I've written stores a large amount of data in dictionaries. Specifically, I'm creating 1588 instances of a class, each of which contains 15 dictionaries with 1500 float to float mappings. This process has been using up the 2GB of memory on my laptop pretty quickly (I start writing to swap at about the 1000th instance of the c...

How do I scp the (huge) output of a command directly to a remote machine?

Note that I can't first store the file locally -- it's too big. This (obnoxious) page (scroll all the way to the bottom) seems to give an answer but I'm having trouble disentangling the part that's specific to tape drives:

WCF Linq2SQL Not Returning "Parent" objects

I have a WCF Service which retreives data via Linq2SQL. I am getting all the child records, just not the related parent records i.e Customer record has related Orders, and there is a status on the customer. I am getting the customer and the orders, but I cannot get the status record to get the status description using (MyDataContext c...

Distribution of data in the circle

Lets say I have elements (E1, E2, ... ,En) that have individual values which varies in [1; 100]. I have a circle (see figure below) and each two circle represent range of data. The problem is how to show distribution of these elements ofEin this circle. Figure below depicts distribution of some elements ofEin the circle, where for exam...

SOA/Web Service Pagination

In SOA we should not be building or holding state (or designing dependencies) between client and server. This is understood. But what patterns can be followed in the case that a client wants to consume a real-time service that may return an open ended number of 'rows'? Web applications, similar to SOA but allowing for state (sessions) h...

Which is quicker when indexed. INT (10) or Timestamp in MySQL

I was just wondering which field type would be the best solution for storing a timestamp in a MySQL database. Currently I store timestamps in an INT (10) field and insert the time by doing UNIX_TIMESTAMP(). If I was to use a timestamp field would it be slower or quicker when indexed? I know both fields use 4 bytes. ...

What does Google App Engine provide for realtime data transfer from java app to your client?

Are there any mechanisms for real time ive data transfer-delivery like socketsa or something like that? keep-alive http connections? Are there any tutorials on this topic of realtime data transfer from java app to your client and backwords? ...

WCF Data services FTP

Hi I want to expose a service operation of a WCF Data service over FTP I was wondering how to best approach this I was thinking of writing a batch file, which will invoke the WCF dataservice, write the data returned by the service to a FTP location and grant access to the Client to that particular FTP location Do you think this is a ...

Looking for data set to text FULLTEXT style searches on

Hi, I am looking for a corups of text to run some trial fulltext style data searches across. Either something I can download, or a system that generates it. Something a bit more random would be better e.g. 1,000,000 wikipedia articles in a format easy to insert into a 2 column database (id, text). Any ideas or suggestions? ...

Arrays of data classes in C#

OK, I've been messing around with this for ages and I'm not getting any closer. My current version is as below. The comments are what I think I'm doing. The semantic is basically an index number (like a house number) and a list of attributes in an array. Then create an array 'street'. I want to be able to update the values of all element...

I have a bunch of data and I need a data filter using Grails

Hello there, I am trying to make a filter for my data so other people can see it, lets say I have a bunch of Events, like a calendar, and I want to see all that have a name or title with the word "Soccer". I've been trying to figure out how to do it but nothing works for me, I also tried to use filterPane plugin but did not work quite a...