
Possible to pass multiple level data array using the data field of jQuery $.ajax ?

how do I pass multiple level array using jQuery ajax function? example of data to be passed: {"data": { "username" : "name1" , "password" : "password1" } } in bodyContent = $.ajax({ url: "somepage", global: false, type: "POST", **data:** , ... ...

Before starting the Database model

What you do before starting the Database model diagram? I mean how you form the Requirements, Specifications etc. Use cases is one thing but anything else? Some best practice or a rule of thumb? Being a self learner I want to see how it goes in the hands of professionals? ...

Data Base Design solution advice

I am pretty new in data base design and I would like have your opinion :-). I need design a simple Data Base for a CMS, CMS will manage Articles and Blog Posts for my website. My Questions: A) Since fields in DB for Articles and Blog Posts are the same (ex: Title, Main content) expect "Type" (Posts or Full-Articles), I thought would be ...

United States Weather Radar Data Feed/API?

Is there a government or private API for accessing weather radar data in the United States? ...

Hessian with large binary data (java)

Hi! I'am looking for a complete example of large binary data transfer with Hessian (java) caucho implementation. Where can I found one ? Zig ...

BindingList for DTO which support object deleted state

I have a BindingList for DTO which can bind directly to window form control and the problem was raised when user want to delete a row in my datagridview. In that situation, the deleted object (row) go away and when that DTO BindingList get back to server for updating, I dont know which row to delete. Can a BindingList have a collecti...

Data Scraping from PDF and Excel

I am doing a little data scraping, There are 3 types of file from which i am scraping data. 1- HTML 2- PDF 3- Excel(xls) For HTML i am comfortable, i am using HTML Agility for that. For PDF and excel i need suggestions from anyone. Thanks in advance. ...

jQuery: How to deal with response data in ajaxComplete event

Say I have this code: function onComplete(event, request, settings) { // How do I get the data? In the correct format? } $('body').ajaxComplete(onComplete); In regular ajax success handlers, I can just access the data directly since it will be the first parameter to the handler. It will also be in the correct format (as long as t...

DataTable + entering row at specific row in c#

I have a Data table and I want to enter a row at the beginning and end of the table how can I achieve this: c# code: Guid tempGuid1 = new Guid(); dt1.Rows[0]["ID"] = tempGuid1; dt1.Rows[0]["Name"] = "Select a WishList"; Guid tempGuid = new Guid(); dt1.Rows.Add(tempGuid, "Create a new WishList"); Ok after I fill the table i w...

R: How to import unusual data formats into R?

Format consist of lines, every line has set of key="value" elements. Format example: X="1" Y="2" Z="who are you?" Y="4" Z="bla bla..." X="42" I would like to import this data into R, table or data.frame, where key defines column. Thanks! ...

Determining a computer's maximum hard drive data transfer rate programmatically with C#

I have written a small WPF widget using C# that displays the current CPU activity, RAM used and disk activity as three small percentage type bars. I have used the following PerformanceCounters for this: (diskCounter PerformanceCounter returns current total disk activity in bytes per second) private void InitialisePerformanceCounters() {...

How to force SQL Server 2008 express import from Excel to a specific data type?

Hi, I'd like to force SQL Management Studio - Import Data - from XLS excel file to read one column as specific data type? It does a type guessing. My first N rows contain decimal data, but some later columns have also characters in there. I know I need to specify IMEX=1 in the connection string to the XLS file, but as far as I know this ...

NSMutableArray = null in new view error

Hi, I'm trying to work out how to move data, parsed from an RSS feed into a UITableView into an entirely new view, for example a UIMapKit, but not having much luck. Each time I get "" (see below) = null. I have an NSMutableArray, called "Dogs". It's created in a "currentDogstableview" class - which downloads the data from an RS...

Data Management - Readonly data

Hi, I'm working on a some project in C#, and I came across the following problem: I have some data-type classes, for example a Person class, which keeps information about a person. In addition, I have a DataManager class, which is responsible of managing the persons in my program. If you want to add, get, find, or remove a person, you...

Do you know some good resources for learning NoSQL databases?

Hi, I consider to use some NoSQL database in one of my project. Do you know some good starting points for a newbie in this topic? ...

loading sample data in rails

when a user created a new account on my site, id like to load sample data into his account. I would have done this easily with fixtures but the problem is, the sample data needs to know the new account id, so i need to pass this to the fixtures, but i don't know if its possible. That's my idea, but I am open to other best way to load sa...

Should I separate data from Facade Class?

I'm making a "back-end" engine of HomeCAD. I have a facade class that do many things. But should I separate data (like array of object) from that class? Many thanks ...

Saving temporary form information in global Javascript variables

Is there any reason why I shouldn't do something like the following (to avoid using a hidden field to store the temporary information)? I'm using jQuery syntax for brevity but it's a general JavaScript question. function editComments() { window.currentComments = $('#commentsTextBox').val(); $('#commentsTextBox').removeAttr("read...

Vector/SVG data of World / Country Boundaries?

I'm developing an OpenGL application. I need to have a model of planet earth spinning around (with the waters in blue, the land in green). My question is not dealing with the OpenGL / graphics ... but with the data. Where can I get this data? (Of the boundaries of the various countries). Bonus points if you also know where I can get ele...

Datamining? and how can I perform it on my website ?

Hi I’m preparing my graduation project from computer science, I made this website and its running perfectly but my supervisor requested me to apply data mining on the website. But I don’t understand what I should do. The website is a social network, each user will have a profile and blog and access to some e-books that required you to be...