
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Session Façade Core J2EE Pattern?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Session Façade Core J2EE Pattern? What are the assumptions behind it? Are these assumptions valid in a particular environment? ...

How to hide __methods__ in python?

Hi, I just wondered, how to hide special __.*__ methods in python*? Especially I am using an interactive python interpreter with tab-completion, and I would like to display only the methods my modules expose ... thanks, / myyn / *(at least from the user, who uses a python shell) it looks like this now: h[2] >>> Q. Q.ALL( ...

Should I use a façade over 3rd party assemblies?

We are compiling a list of common functions and methods into a utilities assembly. Part of this utilities assembly is to provide a façade over the Enterprise Library Logging Block. The utility assembly abstraction provides an extension over the Logging Block in a number of ways: A custom database logging component to capture richer log...

Monitoring and logging strategy for a "facade webservice"?

I'm working on a "facade webservice" and I need to rethink part of it. The context - my webservice (let's call it "FacadeWebservice") is an internal webservice developed to hide other webservices complexity from my system: My FacadeWebservice calls ExternalWebserviceA, ExternalWebserviceB and will soon need to call ExternalWebserviceC...

How to subscribe to an event inside a facade class

I have two projects 1: windows forms project and 2: a business logic project that recursively walks the file system looking for specific files. I want the windows project to subscribe to an event buried in a class called recurse. The problem I have is the instance of the recurse class is instantiated inside a facade class in the busines...

Providing a unified interface to heterogenous implementations

I am considering the implementation of a caching subsystem that acts as a facade for heterogenous cache implementations. The immediately obvious disadvantage with this approach is that you lose cache-specific functionality in the abstraction (e.g. System.Web.Caching will have slightly different capability to, say, Memcached). The benefi...

How to use the Facade.Instance method without object construction?

I only recently completed a unit on software patterns and am now attempting to comprehend the PureMVC framework. One thing has got my stumped however, something which is simple to the gurus here. I'm attempting to create an instance of the singleton Facade class. In the constructor, the comments state: This IFacade implementation is...

"Points of view" in the object model

We have two domain types: Users and Locations. We have a method on the LocationRepository: GetUserLocations(). The existing implementation: var user = UserRepository.GetUser(userId); var locations = LocationRepository.GetUserLocations(userId); To me it makes more sense to retrieve the locations associated with a user from the User t...

differences between facade pattern and other patterns

Hi,I have a question about patterns.I have really problems with design patterns Can you tell me the difeerences between facade pattern with builder,factory and abstract factory pattern? ...

Should I separate data from Facade Class?

I'm making a "back-end" engine of HomeCAD. I have a facade class that do many things. But should I separate data (like array of object) from that class? Many thanks ...

Is it breaking Facade design pattern

In HomeCADEngine facade class I have a method "addRoom(room:Room)" and it will add this room to a ArrayList. But is it break facade pattern when we create a room outside facade class and then pass it into addRom() method?? Many thanks ...

Create an object outside a facade class, does it break facade pattern?

In HomeCADEngine facade class I have a method "addRoom(room:Room)" and it will add this room to a ArrayList. But is it break facade pattern when we create a room outside facade class and then pass it into addRom() method?? ...

IRepository, IService, Unity in an ASP.NET MVC Application, reference question

I'm new to Unity, but this question is more generic to IoC, and I’m pretty new to implementing IoC as a whole. I have VS2010 solution with this project structure (simplified slightly): Business Objects – Folder DomainModel (Class Lib prj.) – Entity Framework 2 POCO entities Data Layer – Folder DataAccess (Class Lib prj.) – EF2 EDMX...