
Design suggestions for real-time data aggregation?

I'm looking to build some data aggregation stuff in C#, and I'd like something akin to a real-time pivot table, or some sort of continuously updating SQL query, with support for select, sum, average, first, where, and group-by (where first is in the LINQ sense of "give me the first value"). For example, I might have a some sort of table...

Flash memory data format

I'm looking for a storage library for storing data in flash memory in an embedded system. I'm on the verge of writing a custom one for want of a format with the right mix of features and simplicity. Ideally it would be a format and C/C++ library with something better than storing raw structures, but less complex than a full blown file s...

[FLEX 4 / AS3] I load a new component in a as3 file and I want to pass to it some data, knowing only it's a IVisualElement.

[FLEX 4 / AS3] I load a new component in a as3 file and I want to pass to it some data, knowing only it's a UIComponent. ex: // class1 // ... _UIClass = getDefinitionByName(_basePath + _UIPath + '.' + _UIName) as Class; _UI = new _UIClass(); // UI is a IVisualElement // _UIClass is a Class, and in practice is a reference to the compone...

Parse weird formatted data to XML?

Okay sample output data is below, it looks something like JSON, but it's not formatted exactly like JSON. So I am wondering, how can I get this data looking like XML, preferably with php? Thanks! [{ action:'getallregions', reply:[{regionid:'1',name:'Blue',description:'Research Route',color:'508CEB',active:'true',parentRegionId:'0',paren...

How to create notes in iphone notes app programmatically

I have some data in my local database in my iPhone app. I want to programmatically create a note in iPhones notes app and store this data. Does anyone know how to do it? ...

Looking for a earth model that I can customize.

I am looking for some kind of earth model that at run time can pick up some data from an xml file and display it on the earth based on lan or lon etc.Is there something like that ? Any OpenGL or flash where I don't have to do coding just feed the thing.Can someone shed some light on available ways to accomplish this.Something on the line...

SQL Server - Copy stored procedure's from one database to other

I am trying to copy a database with huge data from SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008. I tried using the Copy Database Wizard but could not use the wizard because they are two different server 2005 and 2008. So I copied all the tables using Import data wizard from SQL Server 2008. I had about 1120 stored procedures to be copied, so on ...

In R, how can I parse csv data from a character vector to extract a data frame?

The read.table and read.csv functions in R are used to parse a file or URL containing delimited data and produce an R data frame. However, I already have a character vector that contains the CSV delimited data (using comma and \n as column and record delimiters), so I don't need to read it from a file or URL. How can I pass this charac...

Tab formatter tool to prepare array data

Is there a tool that can take this: Attack,Decay,Sustain,Release 45,-1,26,55 "VERY LONG TEXT",false,true,true 0,0,1,1 and output it in a tabbed-format like this: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release 45, -1, 26, 55 "VERY LONG TEXT", false, true, true 0, 0, 1, 1 I need it...

Best Server-Side Data Storage Method for Simple Data

Hello! I'm coding a website that involves storing very simple data, just a very long list of names with no additional data, on the server. As this data is so simple, I don't really want to use MySQL (it would be a bit too clunky) so I'm asking what's the best way to store very simple data on the server. I definitely would favour speed ...

Shared data in base class in

Hi, I have a set of aspx pages which are made of up usercontrols. Each usercontrol inherits from a base class. In that base class I want to put some common data objects (via EF) that I need access to in my user controls. How can I do this efficiently so that each user controls accesses the same class instance or copy of the data? Th...

Fastest data structure for contains() in Java?

What's the data structure in Java that has the fastest operation for contains() ? e.g. i have a set of numbers { 1, 7, 12, 14, 20... } Given another arbitrary number x, what's the fastest way (on average) to generate the boolean value of whether x is contained in the set or not? The probability for !contains() is about 5x higher. Do a...

I don't understand this Huffman algorithm implementation

template<class T> void huffman(MinHeap<TreeNode<T>*> heap, int n) { for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++) { TreeNode<T> *first = heap.pop(); TreeNode<T> *second = heap.pop(); TreeNode<T> *bt = new BinaryTreeNode<T>(first, second,,; heap.push(bt); } } In my Funda...

How do I plot a data series in F#?

Over on FSHUB, LethalLavaLand said, Let me plot my values! So the question is, how can I plot a data series in F# using built-in .NET 4.0 controls? ...

Listing data from mysql tables

Hi. I have 3 tables: recipe_category cid | category 1 | desserts 2 | cakes 3 | biscuits recipe_name id | recipe_name | cid | iid 1 | black forest cake | 1,2 | 1,2,3,4 2 | angel cake | 2 | 1,2,4 3 | melting moments | 3 | 2,5 4 | croquembouche | 1,3 | 1,5 ingredients iid | ingredient_name 1 | self...

Error with cURL - "Could not resolve host:; No data record of requested type"

I am trying to access data of with cURL. Now I used HTTPFox to see what data does this site send and accordingly made an array to "POST" to the page. But I am having problem in accessing Page 2,3,4,5... Here is the array - $array = Array(); $array['__EVENTTARGET'] = 'ctl12$gc1$s$gridResult...

Core Data app don't load data from persistent store

Hi all, I've any problems for app I'm developing... I'm using Core Data and I just write initial code... But one of my problem is: Core Data won't load data stored in persistent store... This is my code! MyWishesAppDelegate.h #import UIKit/UIKit.h #import CoreData/CoreData.h @interface MyWishesAppDelegate : NSObject { UIWindow ...

Data entry application in java

What commercial data entry applications are there done in java,or any other language,applications with cool features such as editable grids and other good stuff that make it easier for users to enter data very easily. ...

Offline / Online Data Synchronization Design (Javascript)

Hi All, I'm currently in the process of writing an offline webapp using all the html5 goodies for offline support. However I'm starting now to think about writing the sync module that will ensure that any offline data gets sent to the server and server data back to the client. Now I'm sure this has been done before, I mean its a prett...

JSON or XML or other data format with jQuery ajax()?

For a data send, where the return data contains potential updates for hundreds of elements on a page, is XML or JSON or another data format better, for usage with jQuery's various parsing formats (invoked via ajax() success)? ...