
Where can I find a RESTful list of bars and restaurants close to a user?

I want to create a mobile application that finds restaurants, bars, and other interesting places close to a user. However, I don't know how to find a list of all these restaurants and other places, without doing this myself. Is there some sort of service that offers a RESTful way to get this data? Does Google Maps to do something like t...

Twitter (Social networking) Dataset

I am looking for twitter or other social networking sites dataset for my project. I currently have the CAW 2.0 twitter dataset but it only contains tweets of users. I want a data that shows the number of friends, follower and such. It does not have to be twitter but I would prefer twitter or facebook. I already tried infochimps but app...

Using an iPhone audio dongle to transmit data

Hi, i've just started working at a biomedical company and we need to communicate data from a device we are making to an iPhone. Obviously using the made for iPhone program would suffice, but for prototyping and for a simpler solution i was wondering if we could use an existing bluetooth audio transmitter, such as (

How to graph these events pulled from the database over time?

I'm trying to plot data from a database over time. The data represents events taken by several entities (light bulbs). For example: Light A was turned on on July 10 12:00 it flickered at 13:45 flickered again at 19:29 flickered again on July 11 2:00 then turned itself off on July 12 20:00 Lights B, C, and D all have similar patterns...

Data Binding in Code Behind c#

I have a quite simple question: I have a People property whose type is List< Person > and a Person has a Name and Surname. I want to show the Name on my listBoxPerson and ı want to make bindng operations in code behind -dont want to use ItemsSource property- Here is my code snippet: Binding userBinding = new Binding(); userBin...

Data Mining in Excel 2007 using SQL Server 2008

Hi, I was working on reporting and analysis using the Data Mining Add ins for Excel 2007 using SQL Server 2008. Does any one have any idea if there is something comparable/similar which can be used for data analysis and reporting provided by Oracle?? Let me know if you do and a link would be very helpful :) Thank you, J ...

How to specify a min but no max decimal using the range data annotation attribute?

I would like to specify that a decimal field for a price must be >= 0 but I don't really want to impose a max value. Here's what I have so far...I'm not sure what the correct way to do this is. [Range(typeof(decimal), "0", "??"] public decimal Price { get; set; } ...

Making the points always visible in a flex line chart

I'm trying to do something very similar to this example (source code enabled): When you hover over each data point, a circle appears indicating that this is a point. How do I keep those circles visible at all times? Edit: this example isn't mine, but you can view the source enabled h...

C# text file to store data

I want to persist some data into a text file in my c# application. I added the text file to the root of my project. How do i access it now? Will this file be embedded with my exe or what? ...

[Haskell] Error: "No instances for (x)..."

Exercise 14.16-17 in Thompson asks me to add the operations of multiplication and (integer) division to the type Expr, which represents a simple language for arithmetic, then define the functions show and eval (evaluates an expression of type Expr) for Expr. My solution works for each arithmetic operation except division: data Expr = L...

Storage of Static data within android app

I am currently developing a simple info app on various uni campuses. I want the app to operate predominantly in an offline state thus I want to store all my information locally. The data within the app will not be subject to any change thus I was wondering what the best (practice) method was to store such data? Basically should I be sto...

How to access session custom action data (properties) during install and uninstall in Wix?

Can you please tell me what is wrong with the following code? I am able to access the custom action data during install and I add their values to session custom action collection. However, during uninstall I the value pairs are not in the collection. public class CustomActions { //This action is only called during application instal...

Panel data: dealing with lagging and binary dependent variable with plm

I am attempting to run a pooled logistic regression with panel data and a binary dependent variable. Since I wanted to lag some of the variables, I used the plm package to create them. When I tried to do it other ways, I ran into problems. I can't use lag or embed, because it is panel data. hybridsubsidies <-pdata.frame(reduced, c...

How to serialize/deserialize simple classes to XML and back

Sometimes I want to emulate stored data of my classes without setting up a round trip to the database. For example, let's say I have the following classes: public class ShoppingCart { public List<CartItem> Items {get; set;} public int UserID { get; set; } } public class CartItem { public int SkuID { get; set; } public ...

Using Python class as a data container

Sometimes it makes sense to cluster related data together. I tend to do so with a dict, e.g., = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) print[a] One of my colleagues prefers to create a class class groupClass(object): def __init__(a, b, c): self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c = groupClass(1, 2, ...

How many records can be loaded into Salesforce using Apex Data Loader in one go?

We have to insert thousands of record into Salesforce using Apex Data Loader. We use csv files to load data. ...

How to Manage a dataset together with an application?

The application's code and configuration files are maintained in a code repository. But sometimes, as a part of the project, I also have a some data (which in some cases can be >100MB, >1GB or so), which is stored in a database. Git does a nice job in handling the code and its changes, but how can the development team easily share the da...

Objective-C Storing Information

Hello, in an iPhone app, the User can create Items - each Item needs to have a CGPoint, NSString and a few integers with information about it. The User can keep adding these Items. How can i store all these variables for each of the Items and programmatically keep adding them to a list or array or something? I tried using a struct arr...

R heights graph - relative to birth date

I have a group of people, with a space-separated text file for each person. In these files, the right value indicates the height of that person in cm and the left value indicates the date in %d/%m/%Y format: 09/05/1992 0 17/03/1993 50 02/08/1994 65.5 03/12/1995 72 A height of 0 marks the birth date of the person. This R script draws ...

data structures and search algorithm for multiple predicate

Hi: Does anyone know any good data structure and algorithm for searching with multiple predicate. eg. suppose I have a set of tcp header data (assuming no duplicate). If I were searching for an tcp header of the list by src ip, I could sort the set by src IP and do binary search. What kind of data structure/algorithm should I use if I...