
ASP.NET MVC2 Strange Validation Problem with Regex (DataAnnotations)

I've got my validation wired up through my Service layer, and my Birthdate property looks like this. <DisplayName("birthdate")> _ <RegularExpression("^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$", ErrorMessage:="Birthdate is not in the correct format.")> _ <DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode:=True, ConvertEmptyStringToNull:=True, DataFormatString...

Server-side validation of a REQUIRED String Property in MVC2 Entity Framework 4 does not work

I'm trying to get server-side validation of an Entity Framework String Property to work. Other server-side validation such as data type validation and required dateTime and numeric EF properties are working. This in VS 2010, .Net 4.0, MVC2 + Cloud, ADO.Net Entity Framework. The String Property I am having issues with is mapped to a SQ...

Validation with DataAnnotations in Silverlight getting a ResolutionFailedException.

I am trying to make a small proof of concept example that employs validation for my model, using the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace. What I am trying to do here, is make sure that user input is between a specified range, using the supplied [Range] attribute. I get a run-time exception that says Resolution of the depend...

ASP.NET MVC2 DataAnnotaion Validation within an updatepanel

I am currently working on a website using MVC2 and using ASP.NET Ajax to handle moving between pages. Everything is working fine except a page that has a form for the user to fill out that uses DataAnnotations for validation. This form falls within my UpdatePanel and won't conduct server or client side validation, both which I have worki...

Custom Data Annotations IsValid is never invoked. (ASP.NET MVC 2 .NET 4)

I have a custom Data Validation Attribute I've created to make sure the passwords a user inputs are the same, but IsValid is never invoked. Custom attribute: public class IsSameAsAttribute : ValidationAttribute { public String TargetProperty { get; set; } private readonly object _typeId = new object(); public IsSameAsAtt...

Data Annotations in MC2 - Issue with base class validation

I have an Entity Framework 4 model first layer, where I have a Product base class and then different classes that derive from the class. For each type of Product there is a Partial Class, and then each of the partial classes uses a buddy class for Data Annotations. [MetadataType(typeof(Product_Validation))] public partial class Product ...

localize default model validation in mvc 2

[Required] [DisplayName("my date")] public DateTime? DateReg { get; set; } so if the user is going to pass in an invalid datetime value he will get this message "The value '02.07.201022' is not valid for my date." how can I translate/localize this message ? ...

Generate columnheaders based on the DisplayName attribute?

When I generate a view from the List template I notice that the names of the columns are not based on the DisplayName() annotation. I know how to edit the code template but I have no idea how to retrieve the DisplayName attributes from the class properties. ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 and ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Validation: minimum value attribute

I'm decorated a ViewModel in my ASP.NET MVC 2 site with System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations validation attributes. For one of my fields, named Price, I want to validate that the value is not below some extent, in this case 0. I know that RangeAttribute exists for validation with a lower and an upper extent, but does something like a M...

ASP.NET MVC2, How to Add Metadata Attributes and Control the order of properties displayed in the View

In ASP.NET MVC2, I have two ViewModels with Parent-Child relationship as below. Parent ViewModel: public class PersonViewModel { [Required] public int ID{get;set;} [Required] [StringLength(50)] public string Name{get;set;} } Child ViewModel: public class EmployeeViewModel:PersonViewModel { [Required] [StringLength(50)] publ...

Implementing a class-level validation attribute that writes to a property inside the class

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site where I want to decorate my ViewModels with validation attributes. One of the things I want to validate is that the address that a user submits through a form is geocodable. For that, I have already created a custom ValidationAttribute and have applied to my StreetAddress property. This is all good, exce...

nhibernate.validator vs DataAnnotations

In my APS.NET MVC project Im using DataAnnotations for validations. I moved from L2S to NHibernate orm and in fact found that NHibernate has own validator (NHibernate.Validator) Is it make sense to move to NHibernate.Validator as well? for example DataAnnotations has [Required] attribute and NHibernate.Validator [NotEmpty, NotNull, No...

how do I use mvc data annotations in conjunction with auto generated linqtosql classes

I would like to be able to use DataAnnotations when working with my model, so for instance be able to write stuff like [DisplayName("Title")] [StringLength(256)] public string title { get; set; } I also want to be able to use the column with linq which has led me so far to adding table and column linq mapping annotations such as [C...

DataAnnotation attributes not working in Asp.Net MVC2

Hello, I am having trouble with the with mvc2. I am using the Entity Framework as my ORM. I have used the POCO Entity Generator to create POCO objects. I moved the generated objects to a separate project. I followed steps outlined here(Tutorial). This is my project structure Sports.Data - Entity Frmework and Data Access Sports.Entiti...

Intent of Data Annotations Model Binder

The article here mentions the use of Data Annotations Model Binder that is available here. Does anyone know what it's intent is? To do DA validation, I don't need a special Model binder in MVC 2.0 ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Model Validation (DataAnnotations) on Subobject

Does the ASP.NET MVC 2 model validation includes subobjects? I have an instance "Filter", from this class: public class Filter { [StringLength(5)] String Text { get; set; } } in my main object: public class MainObject { public Filter filter; } However, when I do TryValidateModel(mainObject) the validation still works o...

setting displayname data annotation dynamically in mvc

I have a database table with the following fields item_key, item_value, display_name, uihint I want to be able to specify in the database table which displaytemplate to use and also the displayname. <%= Html.EditorFor(p=>pageField.item_value, pageField.uihint) %> The UIHint is working, but I can't work out a way of setting the disp...

Why to use Foolproof validation in ASP.NET MVC 2 and DataAnnotations 4?

I understand that Foolproof validation extends DA and adds support for validation attributes as listed here However, most of the validations that are listed can be in theory be accomplished by writing custom validators. Why would I need to use this library? Thanks ...

How to add Custom logic for validation using mvc data annotations?

I have read this before about mvc validations but does not mention what i want to do,So have this view model - public class MyViewModel { [StringLength(200, MinimumLength = 2, ErrorMessage = "Invalid Name")] public string Name { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "*")] public DateTime StartDate...

Validate DateTime with DataAnnotation

Hi, I'm developing and app and i'm using data annotations to validate my Input model. In this model, I have one field of type DateTime, and I'd like to know how could I customize the message when the user set an date value invalid. My property in my model: [Required(ErrorMessage = "Informe sua data de nascimento.")] [MinAge(Ida...