
2 databases, vs 1 ?!?

I have a database of all countries and cities, I would like to use ajax to use it to give suggesstions in the country cities fields in forms, I have a lot of tables in my db related to the inner workings of the site. Is it ok if I put this in a different database (just this world map database)? I rather put it in a different db so it's m...

SQL 2008 Express (R2): Creating an UPDATE trigger to update a table on another server?

Hi there, I am just trying to think through a process I need where I have: One SQL 2008 express database on a webserver - takes orders into an orders table Another SQL 2008 express database on another webserver acting as a backend system to process the orders etc The idea being that the webserver database can be left to do what it d...

How can I access Oracle from Python?

How can I access Oracle from Python? I have downloaded a cx_Oracle mis but Python can't import the library. I get the following error import cx_Oracle Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in import cx_Oracle ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. I will be grateful for any help ...

Microsoft dBase driver Windows 7 ODBC data administrator

Hi I'm on windows 7 trying to set up with ODBC data source administrator a dBase DSN connection. We have this on the servers and I'm trying to replicate on my local machine to test but I can't find the Microsoft dBase driver that we use on my machine. Does anyone know how to get this on Windows 7? ...

how can i dynamically change the connection string

I am using and SQL server 2005 I have a project with database classes which are generated from database objects. That is I add a dataset to the project and drag and drop a database object onto it. The problem with this is that I have to give a connectionstring which is stored in the code. This is ok while developing the applicati...

How do I connect to the DB?

Ok I creating an application that needs to query records from my remote database. I am logged into phpmyadmin and I need to connect to this from my new PHP application. I have the cpanel access and the phpmyadmin tab. Is there something i can do to get the info needed to do this $connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS,true);...

Using the Add Connection dialogue in a winforms application.

Is there any way or object in the .Net Framework to help me show the "Add Connection" dialogue from my C# code? I'm trying to develop my custom Code Generator for MVC and I need the application to be able to connect to different types of databases like SQL Server, SQLite and SQL CE. I've done a 30 minutes search already, with no results...

I'm building an app that requires Data Integration with customer's database

I'm in the process of designing an application that would tie into the database for multiple e-commerce stores. I have the general business logic down but the problem is, I have no idea on the most painfree and effective way to do the data integration. I know how to access my own databases, but this is something I always just left to m...

Generic PHP MySQL connection class

Are there any great, lightweight MySQL connection classes out there for PHP that anyone recommends? I have written my own, and I do think it is pretty good but this seems like the sort of thing that many programmers better than me must have perfected long ago. I'm interested in finding something that I can slot in generically and use a...

How to make Mysql .Net connector 6.3.3Beta to work in VS Web Express 2010?

I have VS Web Express 2010 installed. I have just installed Mysql .Net connector. I have taken version 6.3.3 as it was advised in [this thread][1]. However I have no option to add a connection to Mysql in VS 2010 Express database explorer. Have anybody such a problem? [1]: ·

ADO Connection to Firebird stays connected.

Hi I've noticed that ADO Connections to our FireBird 2.1 Server stays open. The connections are initiated from an Intraweb Application in the UserSession Unit. I use ADOConnection.Connected := False; but that does not seem to close the connection. I've also tried ADOConnection.Close;. Is there a way to ensure that an ADO Connection i...

Multiple result sets returned from php ODBC query?

I'm running the following query in a PHP ODBC connection to a MSSQL sever: DECLARE @weekStart SMALLDATETIME; SET @weekStart = DATEADD(d,0, DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE())); -- weekStart = TODAY @ 00:00:00 -- per SET @weekStart = DATEADD(d, 1-DATEPART(dw, GETDATE(...

Define connection pool size in iis 7 (not by connection string)

So our connection string is constructed from app settings rather than stored as an actual connection string. Stupid I know, was done years before I was here. Question is, can I do something in the web.config or in IIS itself to define the processes default connection pool from a configuration standpoint so I don't have to change the cod...

Problem with pg_connect on localhost

I've a server with postgresql installed on the postgres user. When I do: su - postgres [entering the password] psql I can then execute queries on the database, that works fine. However, from my php script (running on my own account): $dbconnection = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=XXXXXXX "); (password ...

ASP - Oracle DB connection problem

dim sql set con = server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection") set rs_editorcolumn = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") set rs = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") mydsn =Application.Value ("dsn") con.Open (mydsn) This is my code.. It is working in another machine where it is deployed In my machine. ...

how to support many sql queries on a web at the same time?

The question is: if I have a webpage hosted somewhere. The backend environment is LAMP supported. For example: whenever a user opens a new page, it will create a new mysql connection to the MySQL database server and do a corresponding query. We all know that MySQL has a max_connection limit (100 for version <5.1 as default). Of course...

Qt, MySQL server has gone away

Here my code snippet:; qDebug()<<query.lastError(); qlonglong res=query.value(0).toLongLong(); qDebug()<<query.lastError(); and the corresponding log I have: Debug: QSqlError(2006, "QMYSQL: Unable to execute query", "MySQL server has gone away") Warning: QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record Debug: QSqlErro...

is it necessary to use db:migrate for working

Is it necessary to use db:migrate? I have existing database, i want to write ROR classes for this and synchronize with DB. How can I do this? ...

How can I connect to ORACLE DB through ssh tunnel chain (double tunnel, server in company network) ?

Hi, I have SSH access to 'public' server, which is also the gateway to company network. There is another server in the network, where local ORACLE server is running (There is no access from outside of this server, only localhost DB connections are accepted). And of course, I have another SSH access to this server. Is there any way to j...

In a Multi threaded application all threads acquire connection to database .Is this expected or some problem ????

I am using NService and NHibernate for my Application. As for NServicebus we define number of threads in configuration file. As per the worker's number of threads it works in multithreaded environment. Sometime when all threads are in use and threads acquires connection with database ,it does not allow application to...