
Handle NHibernate Transaction Errors

Our application (which uses NHibernate and ASP.NET MVC), when put under stress tests throws a lot of NHibernate transaction errors. The major types are: Transaction not connected, or was disconnected Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was incorrect) Transaction (Process ID 177) was deadlocked on...

minimizing table deadlock in my scenario with oracle and innodb

Hi, I have 35 functions that update 1 to 3 tables, in a transaction. However, they don't just execute updates, but they do queries as well. Table 1 does row update only actions, and some queries. Table 2 does queries and row level updates to existing rows, and sometimes deletes and adds rows. Table 2 may have queries within the trans...

Mediawiki Database Error 1205

I just installed a fresh copy of mediawiki on I was all happy playing around with my wiki, filling up the place with information and suddently, when I created an article by the name of Gameplay_Mechanics, it all went dead. I got this error: A database query syntax error h...

Entity Framework deadlock problem

I'm having a strange problem with new Entity Framework for .NET 4 I have a SQL Server 2005 (EXPRESS) database and my service writes data to two tables using entity framework. Let's say tables are TableA and TableB. TableB has foreign key to TableA. In my program there are several threads that writes data in parallel. Each thread has its...

How do I SELECT an un-referenced row from a table and lock it?

Hi there, I have a table of chalets where a chalet is referenced by an account... CHALET ------ int ChaletId PK int Berth ACCOUNT ------- int AccountId PK int ChaletId FK The chalets start off un-referenced. When a user buys a chalet the code needs to find an unreferenced chalet and assign it to a newly created account. I think that...

What are locking, deadlocking issues in financial operations?

Subquestioning SQL - when should you use “with (nolock)” In one local financial institution I was rebuked by their programmers for expressing them my opinion that (their programmers' obsession with) (b)locking issues in their MS SQL Server 2005 database(s) did not make much sense to me. What are the possible issues with possible locki...

How to do a safe "SELECT FOR UPDATE" with a WHERE condition over multiple tables on a DB2?

Problem On a DB2 (version 9.5) the SQL statement SELECT o.Id FROM Table1 o, Table2 x WHERE [...] FOR UPDATE WITH RR gives me the error message SQLSTATE=42829 (The FOR UPDATE clause is not allowed because the table specified by the cursor cannot be modified). Additional info I need to specify WITH RR, because I'm running on isolatio...

NServiceBus Host that Subscribes to his own Published Messages

Used Version of NServiceBus: Question: Is it possible to configure a NServiceBus in such way that, it consumes (subcribes to) his own published messages? Answer: It seems possible, but in the following Configuration it gives me a Transaction deadlocked Exception while trying to insert Subscriptions into the SubscriptionSto...

SQL Server deadlock while inserting rows in a table

Hi, The topic of sql server deadlock has been discussed many times, however, I was unsure that even two simultaneous inserts on a table can end up in a deadlock situation. Scenario: While testing our application (SQL Server 2005 as backend, 3.5) we inserted records into a table simultaneously (simplified overview) and that resu...

Deadlock help needed please

I have a peculiar situation. I have tables that are constantly accessed by different parts of our code and thousands of clients and so we employed the use of transactions when doing simple updates and inserts on our tables. Problem is we keep getting deadlock errors. Anyone have any idea how I can alleviate this problem? ...