
What are provenly scalable data persistence solutions for consumer profiles?

Consumer profiles with analytical scores [ConsumerID, 1..n demographical variables, 1...n analytical scores e.g. "likely to churn" "likely to buy an item > 100$ in worth" etc.] have to be possible to query fast if they are to be used in customizing web-sites, consumer communications etc. Well. If you have: Large number of consumers La...

Tags php improving database speed and user experience

How did stackOverFlow, excuse me if it wasn't the first implementation of this system. Decide what its initial tags where? I want to provide users with the best experience on my site and am implementing a tags system. I don't care about search engines or any of that. I just care about my users. Does any one have any advice about thing...

Database Formatting for Album Tracks

I would like to store album's track names in a single field in a database. The number of tracks are arbitrary for each album. Each album is one record in the table. Each track must be linked to a specific URL which also should be stored in the database somewhere. Is it possible to do this by storing them in a single field, or is a rel...

Data Modeling of Entity with Attributes

I'm storing some very basic information "data sources" coming into my application. These data sources can be in the form of a document (e.g. PDF, etc.), audio (e.g. MP3, etc.) or video (e.g. AVI, etc.). Say, for example, I am only interested in the filename of the data source. Thus, I have the following table: DataSource Id (PK) Filenam...

Which fieldtype is best for storing PRICE values?

Hi there I am wondering whats the best "price field" in SQL Server for a shoplike structure? Looking at this overview: We have data types called money, smallmoney, then we have decimal/numeric and lastly float and real Name, memory/disk-usage and value ranges: M...

Stock management of assemblies and its sub parts (relationships)

I have to track the stock of individual parts and kits (assemblies) and can't find a satisfactory way of doing this. Sample bogus and hyper simplified database: Table prod: prodID 1 prodName Flux capacitor prodCost 900 prodPrice 1350 (900*1.5) prodStock 3 - prodID 2 prodName Mr Fusion prodCost 300 prodPrice 600 (300*2) prodStock 2 - ...

filtering wav files and playing them

hi - i am trying to get a database together for a community radio station. i am a newbie at this but would like to be able to display only wav files from a directoy (can get all files using dirlistbox but cant work out how to filter them down). then would like to able to highlight a file from the list, hit a button and play it. thanks fo...

Maintaining integrity of Core Data Entities with many incoming one-to-many relationships

Hi all. I have a Core Data store which contains a number of MediaItem entities that describe, well, media items. I also have NewsItems, which have one-to-many relationships to a number of MediaItems. So far so good. However, I also have PlayerItems and GalleryItems which also have one-to-many relationships to MediaItems. So MediaItems a...

Database design query

Hi, I've designed a database structure where data is collected about cars over a period of time, for research purposes. The owner of the car enters a large amount of related data each month about the car, it's performance etc. However, I now have to handle situations where ownership of the car is transferred (possibly more than once), a...

Repeating group or not

Is SName in the following table considered a repeating group? link text Each of the subject listed in the SName field is in a separate cell. As far as I know a repeating group is when a cell contains more than one value. Therefore I am not sure since the subjects are in separate cells. ...

Database table structure for user settings

Hi guys! I need to add a table to store user settings. For the first time users will have about 10 different settings, but I'm sure there will be more. What scalable structure of database table to store user settings would you suggest? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! ...

Compressing a database to a single file?

Hi all. In my contact manager program I have been storing information by reading and writing comma delimited files for each individual contact, and storing notes in a file for each note, and I'm wondering how I could go about shrinking them all into one file effectively. I have attempted using data entry tools in the visual studio toolbo...

What is the best way to store categorical references in SQL tables?

I'm wanting to store a wide array of categorical data in MySQL database tables. Let's say that for instance I want to to information on "widgets" and want to categorize attributes in certain ways, i.e. shape category. For instance, the widgets could be classified as: round, square, triangular, spherical, etc. Should these categories be ...

Database Memory :: MySql Innodb how much storage memory allocation for empty field vs not empty field - varchar or text

Hi, I new in database, and dont know how and when mysql allocate memory space. In MySql Innodb how much storage memory allocation for empty field (no string inserted) vs not empty field? Other form of my question: When memory allocated space In MySql Innodb for varchar/text field in time of table creation or when data inserted ins...

Can a binary tree or tree be always represented in a Database as 1 table and self-referencing?

I didn't feel this rule before, but it seems that a binary tree or any tree (each node can have many children but children cannot point back to any parent), then this data structure can be represented as 1 table in a database, with each row having an ID for itself and a parentID that points back to the parent node. That is in fact the...

data structure book recommendation

Hi, Are there books you know that covers data structure? how data should be properly structured (eg, in array or database). thanks! ...

a software which transfers erd to database tables automatically

i have drawn an er diagram for a database projecta dn i need a software which transfers this drawing to tables. would you pleaseintroduce me a good software which helps me to do this? ...

Finding changes in MongoDB database

I'm designing a MongoDB database that works with a script that periodically polls a resource and gets back a response which is stored in the database. Right now my database has one collection with four fields , id, name, timestamp and data. I need to be able to find out which names had changes in the data field between script runs, an...

How do I query table data only for the current user's ID (VWD 3.5) ?

I'm using the Details View control of VWD 2008 I have a users database table. One of the columns contain the "uniqueidentifier" user's profile ID, created by VWD (from the automatic profiles table). From my table, I would like to select only the data pertaining to the logged in user. How do I get the current unique user ...

Get group key from bridge table

I'm developing an ETL process, and need a bridge table for a one-to-many relationship between a fact table and a dimension table (MySQL database). There is a limited number of combinations (some thousands), so I want to re-use group keys from the bridge table to to limit the size. Any group of dimensions belonging to a fact row will con...