
MySql Connector prepared statement only transfers 64 bytes

I am using the MySql Connector C++ to store a JPEG image from a file into the database. I am using the prepared statement. After execution of the prepared statement, only the first 64 bytes of the file are copied into the database. My research of examples show that no iteration is necessary and the examples assume that the prepared ...

Return ActiveRecord query as variable, not hash?

I am doing an ActiveRecord find on a model as such @foo = MyModel.find(:all, :select => 'year') As you can see, I only need the year column from this, so my ideal output would be ["2008", "2009", "2010"] Instead, though, I get an a hash of the models, with each one containing the year, as such: [#<MyModel year: "2008">, #<MyModel ...

sql multiple insert on one table, while looping/iterating over another table?

Hi Guys, I have two table "TempStore" and "Store" with the same column called "Items". There is data in "TempStore" table which I need to move over to "Store" table which requires few modifications. I need to iterate over "TempStore" data (i.e. items) and insert into Store... More specifically: How can I iterate over TempStore (in sq...

Using mysql slow queries log with PHP

I enabled logging slow queries and set the minimum time to 0. I know that the logging is enabled because the startup of mysqld is being logged. But, when I access my website's php pages using my browser and cause queries to run, no queries are being logged. Is there something special I need to do to make this work with php? Thanks in...

Tricky SQL for a smart search

I am using a form through a PHP CMS system, that defines custom fields and such. One of the custom fields allows for an input field which does a smart search. What this means is that when you start typing, it shows the records that match, quite similar to google suggest. The smartsearch input field relies on a stored mysql search, and ...

Storing time values in a database and getting the difference between two time fields

I am working on an application the stores time values in a database e.g Expected time of Arrival and actual time of arrival. What is the best way of storing these fields in a database? What SQL query can I use to obtain the time difference between the two fields? ...

Queries in MS Access 2003, help using a NESTED SELECT

If I have three queries and rows from the queries are not all alike. How can I write an SQL statement that will combine all three queries and all their rows of data into one final query?? The query I'm using currently leaves some of the rows off, I'm assuming because the rows are not all equal, and from my understanding Access does not ...

Generating reports, such as income/loss etc

I have 2 tables, purchases and sales with each having a date field and a cost field. I want to generate reports of a few different types, for example I want to show profit and loss over each month or year, or to show how often a particular item sold for a given arbitrary time period ( probably based on user input) Is it terribly comple...

Sending huge vector to a Database in R

Good afternoon, After computing a rather large vector (a bit shorter than 2^20 elements), I have to store the result in a database. The script takes about 4 hours to execute with a simple code such as : #Do the processing myVector<-processData(myData) #Sends every thing to the database lapply(myVector,sendToDB) What do you think is ...

Will this (normalised) database structure permit me to search by tags as I intend?

Hello, I am trying to set up a normalised MySQL database containing the three following tables. The first table contains a list of items which can be described by various tags. The third table contains the various tags used to describe the items in the first table. The middle table relates the other two tables to each other. In each...

How to get rows count of rowset in OLE DB

How is possible to get rows count of rowset in OLE DB? I have filled RowSet using CCommand and CAccessor and now I dont know how to get rows count. I can go through all rows using MoveNext() but it does not seem efective. Thanks ...

More complicated Sequel selections

There is a simple database in Sequel: DB = Sequel.sqlite DB.create_table :items do primary_key :id DateTime :date String :name end items = DB[:items] items.insert(:name => 'abc', :date => items.insert(:name => 'ghi', :date => items.insert(:name => 'def', :date => The question: is...

SQL Query with Multiple Like Clauses

I would like to create a SQL query, which does the following.. - I have a few parameters, for instance like "John","Smith" - Now I have a articles tables with a content column, which I would like to be searched - Now, How can I find out the rows in the articles table, which has the any one of those values("John","Smith") I cannot use...

how to combine 2 different table ?

Hey all how to combine 2 different tables where they contain the same fields but different data, example Cash_Expenses { exp_date exp_cat_id exp_amount exp_remark } Cheque_Espenses { exp_date exp_cat_id exp_cheque_NO exp_amount exp_remark } exp_cat { cat_id Cat_name } now what i am trying to do is that i want to combine those t...

how to split a field when using union?

Hey all, I am using this query using UNION, where both fields that contains the amount are combined into one table, and i wanted to split them into 2 fields, first for cash and other for cheque SELECT exp_cat.cat_name, SUM(exp_cheque.exp_amount) AS Cheque FROM exp_cat INNER JOIN exp_cheque ON exp_cat.ID = exp_cheque.exp_cat_id GROUP BY...

How to Use Variables in Access SQL Queries

Hi I'm working on a project which requires I use a large number of columns in my Access SQL queries. A typical query contains several fields such as the one below: SELECT ([Score1]+[Score2]+[Score3])*.5 AS [Scores], [Subject] FROM [ScoresTable] WHERE ([Score1]+[Score2]+[Score3])*.5 > 500 Is there any way to assign the value of ([Score...

Random Scheduling

I have the following table in my database: tbl1 PK ClientID ScheduleDay Time1Start Time1Stop Time2Start Time2Stop Time3Start Time3Stop Status Here is some sample data ID ClientID ScheduleDay Time1Start Time1Stop Time2Start Time2Stop Time3Start Time3Stop -- -------- ----------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- -...

Complex SQL query :: display data inline from multiply tables

Hi i have a proble in finding solution. I have 3 tables: Customer customer_id customer_name Relation subscription_id customer_id Subscriptions One customer can have relation with many subscriptions and i want to display data like so: customer_id, customer_name, subscription_first, subscription_second, subscription_n ...all i...

Generic Information Schema for multiple database..

I need to get the db table informations like columns detail, pk/uk/check/fk constraints etc. for popular databases (Oracle, MySql, MSSql , DB2 etc). I know each database provide some way or other to retreive the schema information. Does somebody know the generic way to collect the schema information from different databases (Some sort of...

Insertion without duplication in MySQL

I'm fetching data from a text file or log periodically and it gets inserted in the database every time fetched. Is there a way in MySQL that the insert is only done when the log files are updated or I have to do it using the programming language ? I mean Is there a type of insert that when It sees a duplicate primary key, It doesn't give...