
How to use Data aware controls "correctly"?

Hi, I would like to ask experienced users, if you prefer to use data aware controls to add, insert, delete and edit data in DB or you favor to do it manualy. I developed some DB applications, in which for the sake of "user friendly policy" I run into complicated web of table events (afterinsert, afteredit, after... and beforeedit, be...

How to use Triggers for Logging History of database change in MySQL?

How to use Triggers for Logging History of database change in MySQL? If yes, then is it possible to create a sepearte db for trigger tables for tracking history of other Db tables?? ...

How to export Oracle statistics

Hi, I am writing some new SQL queries and want to check the query plans that the Oracle query optimiser would come up with in production. My development database doesn't have anything like the data volumes of the production database. How can I export database statistics from a production database and re-import them into a development...

Objective-C: Database support

How can I connect to an Oracle database and SQL Server 2005-2008 database with Objective-C? ...

IList<Item> Collection Class accessing database

Hi, I have a database with Users. Users have Items. These Items can change actively. How do you access the items in a collection type format? For the user, I fill all the user properties at the time of instantiation. If I load the user's items at the time of the instantiation, and the items change, they will have old data. I was think...

Combining data sets without losing observations in SAS

Hye guys, I know, another post another problem :D :(. I took a screenshot to easily explain my problem. As you can see I want to merge two tables (again), the Base & Analyst table. What I want to achieve is displayed in the right bottom corner table. I’m calculating the number of total analysts and f...

Is it possible to combine these 3 mySQL queries?

I know the $downloadfile - and I want the $user_id. By trial and error I found that this does what I want. But it's 3 separate queries and 3 while loops. I have a feeling there is a better way. And yes, I only have a very little idea about what I'm doing :) $result = pod_query("SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE guid LIKE '%/$downloadfile'")...

Translating functional dependencies into 3rd normal form

I have this problem decomposing a relation schema into a set of schemas that are in 3NF. I have this relation schema: R= (A, B, C, D, E, F) With the following set F of functional dependencies: A → ABCDEF B → C D → E Can anyone help me out? ...

OleDb database to DataSet and back in c#?

I'm writing a program that lets a user: Connect to an (arbitrary) database that the user specifies View all of the tables in that database in separate DataGridViews Edit them in the program, generate random data, and see the results Choose to commit those changes or revert So I discovered the DataSet class, which looks like it's capa...

Importing json data into MySQL?

Pretty much what the title says :) At the moment I'm using Python to turn the json data into a plain-text tab-separated file, and then mysqlimport to pull that into my MySQL tables. Anyone know a nicer / more direct way? ...

Does a version control database storage engine exist?

I was just wondering if a storage engine type existed that allowed you to do version control on row level contents. For instance, if I have a simple table with ID, name, value, and ID is the PK, I could see that row 354 started as (354, "zak", "test")v1 then was updated to be (354, "zak", "this is version 2 of the value")v2 , and could s...

Can Postgres do this? (Specifically without a function() construct)?

I have some oracle calls that I am porting. Today I came across this code which looks like "procedural" language, but is not declared in a function or anything... My question is: Can postgres handle this in this form? What form does this need to be in? DECLARE BEGIN IF :start_time IS NULL OR :start_date IS NULL OR :end...

Database Change Management - Setup for Initial Create Scripts, Subsequent Migration Scripts

I've got a database change management workflow in place. It's based on SQL scripts (so, it's not a managed code-based solution). The basic setup looks like this: Initial/ Generate Initial Schema.sql Generate Initial Required Data.sql Generate Initial Test Data.sql Migration 0001_MigrationScriptForChangeOne.sql 0...

synchronize ms access and mySQL in different host

Hi, Would like to ask is there any way to synchronize Ms Access and mySQL but are hosted in different hosting. If I update the Ms Access, the mySQL database in different Host is updated automatically. Thank you. ...

synchronization of postgres and mysql database server?

whats the best way to synchronize few tables of mysql server with postgreSQL server, currently people are executing scripts, which takes much time, is there any fast solution available from which we can map the tables and columns to synchronize the db server. ...

Non-Access or -base QBE tool?

I'm currently looking for a QBE tool that can execute queries on PostgreSQL or MySQL. OS doesn't really matter. Reason is that we've got to do QBE at school but I don't want to use neither Microsoft Access nor Base (lack of features). Any help would be appreciated. ...

How can I replicate an Oracle 11g database(data+structure) on my local machine for development?

I am working on a test server with an Oracle 11g installed. I was wondering if there is anyway I can replicate the database(environment + data) on my local Linux machine. I am using a CentOS 5.3 on Windows XP with SUN Virtual Box. On Windows I am using sqldeveloper client to connect to the 11g database. ...

What is the best database for my needs?

I am currently using MS SQL Server 2008 but I'm not sure it it is the best system for this particular task. I have a single table like so: PK_ptA PK_ptB DateInserted LookupColA LookupColB ... LookupColF DataCol (ntext) A common query is SELECT TOP(1000000) DataCol FROM table WHERE LookupColA=x AND LookupColD=y AND LookupColE=z ORD...

An example of advanced database search

Hi there, im looking for an example script. I saw one yesterday but for the life of me I can't find it again today. The task I have is to allow the user to search 1 database table via input controls on an aspx page where they can select and , or , equals to combine fields, generating the sql on the fly with concat/stringbuilder or sim...

ave releted to my project

I want to fetch data from two table buut i m realy confused. just i want recent two users in my site but problem is there that two users releted information stored in other table . I also used join query to fetch that data but proper result not get . ...