
Decimal rounding strategies in enterprise applications

Well, I am wondering about a thing with rounding decimals, and storing them in DB. Problem is like this: Let's say we have a customer and a invoice. The invoice has total price of $100.495 (due to some discount percentage which is not integer number), but it is shown as $100.50 (when rounded, just for print on invoice). It is stored ...

How to separate database entries and display them as individual records using PHP?

I used to have database entries separated by ampersands (&), but this was causing certain search issues so I decided to encapsulate my entries on both sides by $ and & symbols like: $this& But I am having trouble displaying all the entries of a cell as individual records. Before I used: $unsplitItems = $row['files']; $files = exp...

Python: Number of rows affected by cursor.execute("SELECT ...)

How can I access the number of rows affected by: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from result where server_state='2' AND name LIKE '"+digest+"_"+charset+"_%'") ...

An In-memory database solution with quickest real time replication

We have a 10 thousand row table that has just 2 columns, a primary key and a second column that keep state. The problem is that we need this state to be replicated across 3 physical locations in the US(about 2000 miles apart), in near real time or as fast as practically possible over a network. Any of the 3 locations can update the state...

Get data from database without refresh whole page

Hello everybody. My project is about a school admin I have a page called : createClass.php, where user inserts grade, profile etc. When he press "submit" page called createdClass.php is loading. Inside this page I have all code which insert data into database and also an "if" structure which says : "Class already exists" if in database i...

Which data type saves more space TINYTEXT or VARCHAR for variable data length in MySQL?

I need to store a data into MySQL. Its length is not fixed, it could be 255 or 2 characters long. Should I use TINYTEXT or VARCHAR in order to save space (speed is irrelevant)? ...

something about sql-dump

hi, guys, i know that sql dump is a series of insert sql statement which reflects all the records inside the database. but may i know what is it used for? why should we dump the database records? is every database supports dumping function? Any additional background information is welcomed! Thanks in advance! ...

merging two duplicate contacts/ColdFusion

having to do with data integrity - I maintain a coldfusion database at a small shop that keeps addresses of different contacts. These contacts sometimes contain notes in them. When you are merging two duplicate contacts, one may be created in 2002 and one in 2008. If the contact in 2002 has notes prior to 2008, my question would be does...

How to use sqlite database from inside MS Access ?

I would like to use a sqlite databse inside MS Access in order to use (transfer would be good enough) the content of sqlite database table in MS-Access. How can this be done in VBA ? EDIT: This "Application" is for a client and I can not make him install "extra software" than the one already installed (in this case MS-Access): Does...

Cakephp - detect if unable to connect to database and recover gracefully

I have a few sites built with Cakephp. If any of these sites lose their connection to the database for whatever reason it does not handle it well. Basically it renders itself inside itself trying to display an error over and over until the browser crashes. The rendering itself inside itself is caused by the use of requestAction from elem...

php - disconnecting and connecting to multiple databases

Hi, I want to be able to switch from the current db to multiple dbs though a loop: $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `linkedin` ORDER BY id", $CON ) or die( mysql_error() ); if( mysql_num_rows( $query ) != 0 ) { $last_update = time() / 60; while( $rows = mysql_fetch_array( $query ) ) { $contacts_db = "NNJN_" . $rows['e...

Backing Up Database from Remote Server to Local in VB.NET

Hi, I am making a VB.NET application that can download/backup the database that is currently on a remote server. I have Remote Server IP,Username,Password and Database name. I am also able to connect to it. But i don't know what to do after connecting to it. I don't know what all files are need to be backed up. ( i think database and ...

how to take a backup from server database ?

I have connected to local and server database from local SqlServer 2005. How to take a backup from server database ? Regards, kumar ...

Is it possible to install SQL Server 2000 on my PC?

Hi, I am pretty much new to using SQL Server 2000. I have been using only open source databases until this time. I want to know if there is any developer version of SQL Server 2000 available. It's for learning purposes only. Is it available free or do I need to pay for it? Thanks ...

sql Database to save different contact details for a message sending site

I am working for a project to create a database for saving different persons contact details in SQL. For example, X person saves 10 contacts, Y persons save 15 contacts, z persons save 20 contacts and so on. I cant create separate tables to save contacts of x,y,z and so on. But i just want to know the alternative method to do that. Is th...

How to write a subquery using DB

SELECT SUM( amount_disbursed ) disbusedamount, (select SUM( loaninstallmentpaid_amount ) FROM ourbank_loan_repayment) paidamount, SUM( amount_disbursed )- (select SUM( loaninstallmentpaid_amount ) FROM ourbank_loan_repayment) differenceamount FROM ourbank_loan_disbursement Any Help would be appreciated ...

store Current Date & time in MySql Using

I want to store the current date & time which can be get by System.DateTime.Now in but while storing in Mysql it gives Error of Invalid Time. ...

What is an Ontology (Database?) ?

I was just reading this article and it mentions that some organization had an Ontology as(?) their database(?) layer, and that the decision to do this was bad. Problem is I hadn't heard about this before, so I can't understand why it's bad. So I tried googling about databases and ontology, and came about quite a few pdfs from 2006 that ...

JTable and Database in Swing

I need to load database content into a JTable. Many times I search for help. Please anybody can refer a tutorial please, otherwise anybody can help me to do so. ...

Data store for capturing votes & aggregating them

I'm interested in using Node.js as a socket server for stream-based communication with tens of thousands of clients. Clients will be sending votes for particular pieces of content, and receiving near-realtime updates of aggregated vote tallies from the server. The datastore needs to support: Storing the votes Summarising the votes in ...