
Change find method in database search so that it isn't case sensitive in Rails app

Hello, I am learning Rails and have created a work-in-progress app that does one-word searches on a database of shortcut keys for various programs ( The search method in the Shortcut model is the following: def search_condition = "%" + search + "%" find(:all, :cond...

google app engine persistent globals

Hi, I'm looking for a way to keep the equivalent of persistent global variables in app engine (python). What I'm doing is creating a global kind that I initialize once (i.e. when I reset all my database objects when I'm testing). I have things in there like global counters, or the next id to assign certain kinds I create. Is this a de...

Is Google's App Engine suited for transaction based systems

I am building a web application that is currently PHP with MySQL. There is payment on the website so the db tables are InnoDB with transactions. Can this type of application be implemented in Google's App Engine. ...

Do all databases use the USE statement to switch databases?

MySQL uses the USE database_name to change the active database. Does that work on all databases? EDIT: By databases I mean DBMS. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. ...

Update an sqlite database schema with sqlalchemy and elixir

I've created a python application which uses elixir/sqlalchemy to store data. The second release of the software requires any files created in the previous version to be updated in order to add/delete tables and columns. My question is: how can I achieve this? I'm aware of sqlalchemy-migrate, but I must say I find it confusing. It doesn...

Visual Studio DataSet Designer Refresh Tables

In visual studio datasource designer is there any way to refresh a table and its relations/foreign key constraints while keeping the custom queries? The way I am doing it at the moment is removing the table and adding it again. This adds all the relations and refreshes all fields. Also if I change a fields data type, is there a way to ...

Architecture of a secure application that encrypts data in the database.

I need to design an application that protects some data in a database against root attack. It means, that even if the aggressor takes control over the machine where data is stored or machine with the application server, he can't read some business critical data from the database. This is a customer's requirement. I'm going to encrypt dat...

Preventing concurrent data modification in Web based app

Hi, I am building a web app in Silverlight which allows users to view and edit a database. In order to prevent multiple users from editing the same data, I was thinking of implementing a lock and key mechanism, so that other users are made to wait when one particular user is editing the data. Is there any way in which we can have variabl...

No tables found

Hi, After installing phpMyAdmin on a server I logged in with the username and pw of an existing db. But now I can see just the name of that db that already exists (and "information schema" db), but I can't see the tables inside the existing table. I do see the tables inside "information schema". Did I forget something while installing p...

How can I 'expire' a change password unique code in a database record?

Hi, I want to implement a forgot password function in my java web application. I want to implement it like this: User enters their account email address and presses 'forgot password' button App generates a unique code of characters and numbers and sends a link with that as a parameter to the user's email address User clicks the link a...

Oracle Replication/Synchronization Across 3 Instances

I have 3 Oracle database instances with the same data and scheme that I want to keep in sync, the instances are geographically separated by large distances and will have reads and writes both locally and from over the WAN. Is there anything built in to Oracle for doing this? The synchronization doesn't need to be done in real-time, it ca...

select for update with ruby oci8

how do I do a 'select for update' and then 'update' the row using ruby oci8. I have two fields counter1 and counter2 in a table which has only 1 record. I want to select the values from this table and then increment them by locking the row using select for update. thanks. ...

is there a database that can easily digest hierarchical data besides XML?

It is very difficult for me to design the database because it requires a lot of recursion. I really can't use XML because it is just not practical for scalability and the amount of data I need to store. Do you guys know of a database that can be used to store hierarchical data? ...

Muti-Schema Privileges for a Table Trigger in an Oracle Database

I'm trying to write a table trigger which queries another table that is outside the schema where the trigger will reside. Is this possible? It seems like I have no problem querying tables in my schema but I get: Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist when trying trying to query tables outside my schema. EDIT My apologies f...

How to automatically check out a database file in a source controlled web application ?

Hello, I am working on an ASP.NET web application, we are a small team (4 students) and we do not have access to a dedicated server to host the database instance. So for this web application we decided just to put the database file in the App_Data folder. The problem is that our project is source controled on TFS, so every time you ope...

What design considerations should one take to receive text and multiple attachments via web?

I am developing a web application to accept a bunch of text and attachments (1 or more) via email, web and other methods. I am planning to build a single interface, mostly a web service to accept this content. What design considerations should I make? I am building the app using ASP.NET MVC 2. Should the attachments be saved to disk ...

how to download update from iphone app to replace old sqlite database

hi i use sqlite database on my iphone app and i need to update this database from the internet from my server how i can download the new database and delete the old database and recopy the new database to document directory ...

python django automated data addition

I have a script which reads data from a csv file. I need to store the data into a database which has already been created as $ python syncdb so, that automated data entry is possible in an easier manner, as available in the django shell. ...

Connecting to embedded FireBird database from C# app issue

Hi, guys. I seem to have an issue with connecting to an embedded FireBird database from a sample C# app. Here's what I've got. static void Main(string[] args) { //Some constant parameters used to form up the connection string... #region constant literals const String User = "SYSDBA"; const String ...

Should I use integer primary IDs?

For example, I always generate an auto-increment field for the users table, but I also specify a UNIQUE index on their usernames. There are situations that I first need to get the userId for a given username and then execute the desired query, or use a JOIN in the desired query. It's 2 trips to the database or a JOIN vs. a varchar inde...