
Read data or import data

I'm writing small program. Program use data from other software. That other software keep data in Sysbase SQL db. To keep my data I'm using SQLite. ATM it looks like that: I read data from SysbaseSQL (id, art_id, name, ...) and then I write data to sqlite (id, art_id, amount). When I show data, I read from Sysbase (id, art_id, name, ..) ...

iPhone Core data - Not constant path between entities

Hi everyone, I have an entity which has relationships with other entities. Let say we have: user->menu->meal My problem is that some of the users don't have a menu. So when I try to check: == rice I get an error (path not found...)! Thank you for your help! ...

what is purpose of database scheme

What is the purpose of database scheme? Where can I find more information about this? It's not table, it's not database, what is it? ...

easy object persistence strategy - hibernate?

Hi! I'm doing a Java software-project at my university that mainly is about storing data-sets (management of software tests). The first thing I thought of was a simple SQL DB, however the necessary DB scheme is not available for now (let's say the project is stupid but there's no choice). Is a persistency framework like Hibernate able...

Install Sybase SQL Anywhere 11 as service

we are using Sybase SQL Anywhere 11. I am using command line to install/init database, dbinit -dba %username%,%pwd% -p 4k %dbLocation%, and start database server, dbsrv11 %dbLocation%, in a batch file. What I really want is install my database as Windows service and can be start/running automatically when machine get reboot. But I want ...

SQL query duration is longer for smaller dataset?

I received reports that a my report generating application was not working. After my initial investigation, I found that the SQL transaction was timing out. I'm mystified as to why the query for a smaller selection of items would take so much longer to return results. Quick query (averages 4 seconds to return): SELECT * FROM Payroll WH...

How it is better to organise a large database of addresses?

How it is better to organise a large database of addresses? It is need to create mysql database of addresses. How it is better for organising? I have two variants: 1) cuontries id|name 1 |Russia cities id|name 1 |Moscow 2 |Saratov villages id|name streets id|name 1 |Lenin st. places id|name |country_id|city_id|village_id...

Microsoft Database project requires Visual studio 2010 premium or higher? Are there any open source free ones?

Hello, I need to know wether or not to buy the VS 2010 premium or not. I have the Visual StudioTeam System 2008 Database Edition working on my own version of vs 2008 team suite. My coworkers only have VS2008 professional. We are moving to VS2010 now. We do not have MSDN licenses for our company right now. We are looking to buy just the V...

Can database Schemas help improve performance?

I have a normalized Database. And i have like 150 Clients that connect to this database and use it as an application. I am wondering if Schemas would make the queries run any faster. Simply because I ran a query on a stripped down database and it ran fast and i ran it on my live database and it was much slower. Also If i implemented...

iPhone - database reading method and memory leaks

Hi, in my application, a RSS reader, I get memory leaks that I can't fix because I can't understand from where they come from. Here is the code pointed out by Instruments. -(void) readArticlesFromDatabase { [self setDatabaseInfo]; sqlite3 *database; articles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; if(sqlite3_open([databasePath UTF8String]...

What is the best way to do testing database (MYSQL spesific)

Right now i'm on testing something in a database. It's a wordpress database. i have to write and delete and do other operation on it. As you know it, it has indexing mechanism that will always make every new post inherit the next highest possible ID. Please consider that this database is a copying of used database. it has been written b...

Opening a password encrypted access database using DAO VB.NET

I create a database like this: Sub Main() Dim wrkDefault As Workspace Dim dbE As DBEngine Dim dbs As Database 'Get default Workspace. dbE = New DBEngine wrkDefault = dbE.Workspaces(0) 'Set the database filename Dim DBFilename As String DBFilename = "c:\mydb.mdb" ...

Easiest way to make copy SQL Server DB to test DB?

What is the easiest way to take a SQL Server database and make a test copy of it? I have looked through some existing topics but not sure if there is an easier way. I have database publisher. I want to be able to keep both database on the same server, potentially. Update: I used the Microsoft SQL Server Publishing Wizard to script to f...

correlated query /subquery VS join query

can we always convert a usual subquery/correlated subquery to join type query? ...

Call to DataSource.getConnection not returning the expected connection.

I have the following code: Hashtable env1 = new Hashtable(); env1.put(javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"");"Executed step 1"); env1.put(javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://");"Executed step 2");...

how to effectively modify index

Hej everyone, problem : I am looking for right way to convert an index from clustered to non-clustered Description : I have a table as below in sybase db: dbo.UserLog ------------------------ Id | UserId |time | .... ------------------------ This is hash partitioned using UserId. Currently it has 2 indexes UserId : non-clustered...

Which MySql line is faster:

I have a classified_id variable which matches one document in a MySql table. I am currently fetching the information about that one record like this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE table.classified_id = $classified_id I wonder if there is a faster approach, for example like this: SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE table.classified_id = $cla...

How does load balancing work with multiple server with multiple DBs

I guess what im looking for is a description on how this all works together. I'm used to setting up one server with maybe another server to handel the DB. My question is how does the load balancer work where do all the script(php,python) files go? If i make a change to one i have to rsync them to all the server that the balancer refers...

B+ tree node sizing

I'm planning on writing a simple key/value store with a file architecture similar to CouchDB, i.e. an append-only b+tree. I've read everything I can find on B+trees and also everything I can find on CouchDB's internals, but I haven't had time to work my way through the source code (being in a very different language makes it a special p...

question about MySQL database migration

Hi there: If I have a MySQL database with several tables on a live server, now I would like to migrate this database to another server. Of course, the migration I mean here involves some database tables, for example: add some new columns to several tables, add some new tables etc.. Now, the only method I can think of is to use some...