
Database that consumes less disk space

I'm looking at solutions to store a massive quantity of information consuming the less possible disk space. The information structure is very simple and the queries will also be very simple. I've looked at solutions like Apache Cassandra and relations databases but couldn't find a comparison where disk usage is mentioned. Any ideas on ...

Does SQLite support transactions across multiple databases?

I've done some searching and also read the FAQ on the SQLite site, no luck finding an answer to my question. It could very well be that my database approach is flawed, but at the moment, I would like to store my data in multiple SQLite3 databases, so that means separate files. I am very worried about data corruption due to my applicati...

Encrypting an access database

Hi, I have MS Access database which is password protected, i want to encryption with 128-bit encryption. Any inputs? Thanks in advance, Karthick ...

primary key should always be unsigned?

since a primary key (identifier) wont be under 0, i guess it should always be unsigned? ...

CodeIgniter: Can't load database from within a model

Hello, I've written a new model for my CodeIgniter framework. I'm trying to load the database from within the constructor function, but I'm getting the following error: Severity: Notice Message: Undefined property: userdb::$load Filename: models/userdb.php Line Number: 7 Fatal error: Call to a member function database() on a non-ob...

zend_db and join

Hello, I am trying to understand how to use Zend_DB in my program but I have some problem. The class below (DatabaseService) work when I pass it a simple query. However, if I pass it it query with a join clause my page just hangs and not error is return. I cut and paste the qry in a query browesr and it is valid Any help would be gre...

The conceptual process of populating related tables in a database (MySql) from a CSV file

I'm new to relational databases and all the material I've read covered primary and foreign keys, normal forms, and joins but left out to populate the database once it's created. How do you import a CSV file so the fields match their related table? Say you were tying to build a beer database and had a CSV file with each line as a recor...

Database Table of Boolean Values

What's the best method of storing a large number of booleans in a database table? Should I create a column for each boolean value or is there a more optimal method? Employee Table IsHardWorking IsEfficient IsCrazy IsOverworked IsUnderpaid ...etc. ...

Database Storing long Text Strings

What's the best method to store long text string (> 5000 chars)? ...

How to construct this query? (Ordering by COUNT() and joining with users table)

users table: id-user-other columns scores table: id-user_id-score-other columns They're are more than one rows for each user, but there's only two scores you can have. (0 or 1, == win or loss). So I want to output all the users ordered by the number of wins, and all the users ordered by the numbers of losses. I know how to do this...

How to programmatically fill a database

Hi There, I currently have an iPhone app that reads data from an external XML file at start-up, and then writes this data to the database (it only reads/writes data that the user's app has not seen before, though) My concern is that there is going to be a back catalogue of data of several years, and that the first time the user runs th...

"select * into table" Will it work for inserting data into existing table

I am trying to insert data from one of my existing table into another existing table. Is it possible to insert data into any existing table using select * into query. I think it can be done using union but in that case i need to record all data of my existing table into temporary table, then drop that table and finally than apply union...

How to create database table in Google App Engine

How to create database table in Google App Engine ...

Resultset comparison utilities

Is there any good tool which can compare the resultset for 2 queries and highlight the difference. This could be particularly useful when the queries are re-written for performance tuning and we want to be sure that the query produces same result. I was using Quest SQL optimizer to compare original and re-written queries but the tool sto...

What is the way to go to fake my database layer in a unit test?

Hi, I have a question about unit testing. Say I have a controller with one create method which puts a new customer in the database: //code a bit shortened public actionresult Create(Formcollection formcollection){ client c = nwe client(); c.Name = formcollection["name"]; ClientService.Save(c); { Clientservice would call ...

Preg_match differences?

Hi, i want to ask, what is the meaning or difference between these two line? if( preg_match_all('/\#([א-תÀ-ÿ一-龥а-яa-z0-9\-_]{1,50})/iu', $message, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ) { if( preg_match_all('/\#([а-яa-z0-9\-_\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]{1,50})/iu', $message, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ) { and what does the number 3 mean in this l...

SQL count NULL cells

Dear All, I have the following problem. I have a table in a db, with many columns. I can do different kind of select queries, to show, for example, for each record that satisfies a condition: all cells from columns with names ending in _t0 all cells from columns with names ending in _t1 ... To get the column lists to form the querie...

How to bulk insert a CSV file into SQLite C#

I have seen similar questions (1, 2), but none of them discuss how to insert CSV files into SQLite. About the only thing I could think of doing is to use a CSVDataAdapter and fill the SQLiteDataSet, then use the SQLiteDataSet to update the tables in the database: The only DataAdapter for CSV files I found is not actually available: CSV...

SQL Server Database query help

Possible Duplicate: SQL Server Database query help Hi, I have a problem that I didn't manage to solve for a very long time, and I quite desperate. I have a Database (SQL Server) with table named 'ProcessData' and columns named 'Process_Name' (Data Type: nvarchar(50)), 'Start_At' (DataType: DateTime) and 'End_At' (Data Type...

Pay online service

Hellow, I have a database where you can select articles etc, users have an account, it's all in mysql and php (i guess you don't need that code). What i was wondering was how to write a script that allows users to pay online for the articles they selected? It doesn't need to be any code, just ideas / hints / tips / ... (that are doable ...