
Application passwords and SQLite security

I have been searching on google for information regarding application passwords and SQLite security for some time, and nothing that I have found has really answered my questions. Here is what I am trying to figure out: 1) My application is going to have an optional password activity that will be called when the application is first ope...

Are there any PHP Frameworks (e.g. CodeIgniter) that support database connections on a per user account basis for use in a Multi-tenant database?

I'm looking into developing a multi-tenant SaaS application, and I found several sites that describe a solid way to separate the data using tenantIDs and updateable views. e.g. This blog post It all hinges on the ability to have your user accounts authenticated from a master users table and then having their respective database connecti...

Adding a second table in a database

Hi everyone. This is my first post! I hope you can help me out! :-) I used the code provided by the NotePadExample from the developers doc to create a database. Now I want to add a second table to store different data. I can add notes without a problem, and the notes table is created in a similar way as my routes table is. I simply "co...

structured vs. unstructured data in db

the question is one of design. i'm gathering a big chunk of performance data with lots of key-value pairs. pretty much everything in /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/meminfo/, /proc/loadavg, plus a bunch of other stuff, from several hundred hosts. right now, i just need to display the latest chunk of data in my UI. i will probably end up doing some ...

Objective-C : Iphone Programming Reset a database (TableView)

Hi, i created a Navigation Controller application sample using core data but the thing is i don't know how to use core data and i need to create a button in the navigation bar to reset the entire tableview.. it is possible? If you want some code just create a new project in xcode and you will have it all. ...

Database frontend for multiple db engines

Hey Stackoverflow, Yeah it's spring and a lot of things happens to me... Also changing some software things at my computer, because suddenly everything seems to be boring after starting my laptop. I even changed my wallpaper!!! Besides I'm looking for a new database frontend and after using google with several queries I didn't find t...

Algorithms for finding a numerical record in a list of ordered numbers

I have a list of incomplete ordered numbers. I want to find a particular number with as few steps as possible. Are there any improvements on this algorithm, I assume you can count the set size without difficulty - it will be stored and updated every time a new item is added. Your object is to get your cursor over the value x The first...

Bulk Insert multiple records and get identity for all using ADO.NET

I want to batch insert multiple records in sql server database using ADO.NET command/sqldataadapter and get identity value generated for all the rows in a single database trip. What are my options? ...

Delete ONE SPECIFIC table of a database - leave the rest intact

Hi, I have a database where I store two different kinds of data. One table is for favorite routes, the other stores the retrieved routes from a server. I can retrieve the routes etc just fine. But after retrieving the first Route, pressing back or HOME, and then retrieving another route, the routes table is filled with all the old route...

How to store MySQL query results in another Table?

How to store results from following query into another table. Considering there is an appropriate table already created. SELECT labels.label,shortabstracts.ShortAbstract,images.LinkToImage,types.Type FROM ner.images,ner.labels,ner.shortabstracts,ner.types WHERE labels.Resource=images.Resource AND labels.Resource=shortabstracts.Reso...

How Many .NET DataSources should I have?

I'm fairly new to database programming in .NET. If I want to call several existing queries from the same database for different tasks, should I have one DataSource per database, per database connection, or per query? ...

Why do most database developers dislike Agile as a project management methodology?

To me "Agile" methodology is a common-sense oriented approach and one that should likely be adopted for most software projects. I find that while a lot of Middle Tier Developers and Front End developers find it a very sensible project delivery model, plenty of Database developers (and good ones) seem to be totally against it. They are ve...

New to Android: openOrCreateDatabase(): where does the sqlite file go?

When I call myDB = this.openOrCreateDatabase("DatabaseName", MODE_PRIVATE, null); Where does the database file get created? I can't find it anywhere. o_O ...

How do database servers decide which order to return rows without any "order by" statements?

Kind of a whimsical question, always something I've wondered about and I figure knowing why it does what it does might deepen my understanding a bit. Let's say I do "SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TableName". In short timeframes, the same 10 rows come back, so it doesn't seem random. They weren't the first or last created. In my massive sample si...

A step-up from TiddlyWiki that is still 100% portable?

TiddlyWiki is a great idea, brilliantly implemented. I'm using it as a portable personal "knowledge manager," and these are the prize virtues: It travels on my USB flash memory stick and runs on any computer, regardless of operating system No software installation is needed on the computer (TiddlyWiki merely uses the Internet browser)...

How to use multiple database adapter to query involving tables from different databases?

I've 2 databases, which are set up as mentioned here. How can I write a SQL query which involves database_1.table_1 and database_2.table_1 ? E.g. consider this query $sql = "SELECT distinct, FROM database_1.users, database_2.sales WHERE database_2.sales.user_id = database_1.use...

What are some useful SQL statements / usage patterns that should be known by all developers who may touch the Back end side of the project?

What are some useful SQL statements that should be known by all developers who may touch the Back end side of the project? (Update: just like in algorithm, we know there are sorting problems, shuffling problems, and we know some solutions to them. This question is aiming at the same thing). For example, one I can think of are: Get...

How to Connect to a Mysql database using PHP?

<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Connected to MySQL<br />"; ?> This is the code I am using to check if I am able to connect to Mysql. I am having problem connecting using this code. Should I change localhost to the name of the website? I tried ("","login username", "pass...

Is it possble to create an index on index ?

This is a multipart Indes question: Is there a way one can create index on index? Why would one wish to to so? And if so, are ther any examples? ...

Clustered Index

Which type of index(clustered/non clustrered) should be used for Insert/Update/Delete statement in SQL Server. I know it creates an additional overhead but is it better in performance as comparison to non clustered index? Also which index should be use for Select statements in SQL Server? ...