
Good practices for multiple language data in Core Data

Hi, i need a multilingual coredata db in my iphone app. I could create different database for each language but i hope that in iphone sdk exist an automatically way to manage data in different language core data like for resources and string. Someone have some hints? ...

Would it make sense to use Git for this project?

We have a project where 99% of the code is PL/SQL, including the front end (Oracle forms). All 10 developers use the same DB instance for developement. The project is big (thousands of DB objects) so there is rarely any contention and any that exist is serialized by locking objects in Subversion before making any changes to them in DB (t...

Create a set column with database migration in rails

Hello. I need to add a new column to my users table in the database. I want the type of the column to be set. The column represents the users gender. There should be two options to the set. One form Male "m" and the other for Female "f". But i havent found any doccumentation for adding a column with the set type. How can i do this? ...

HTML5 database storage (SQL lite) - few questions

Hy there, I can't find enough beginner resources on the web about HTML5 database storage usage examples (CRUD) I'm opening(creating) my DB like this: var db; $(document).ready(function() { try { if (!window.openDatabase) { alert('Not Supported -> Please try with a WebKit Browser'); } else { ...

Combining multiple rows into one row, Oracle

Hi. I'm working with a database which is created in Oracle and used in a GIS-software through SDE. One of my colleuges is going to make some statistics out of this database and I'm not capable of finding a reasonable SQL-query for getting the data. I have two tables, one with registrations and one with registrationdetails. It's a one to...

How can I insert row in table when one field is get updated?

Hi All, I have requirement like, suppose I have a 'property' table which has 'ListingKey' field and I want to do entry in another table say 'property_history' table whenever 'ListingKey' field is update. How it is possible with mysql ? should I use trigger then how can I use it? Please Help me, Thanks, :Jimit ...

alternative to sql server 2005

Hi, I got used to the xml support and recursive common table expressions of sql server 2005. I am just wondering whether any free dbs like mysql support these requirements nowadays? Thanks. Christian ...

Is it good practice to have foreign keys in a datawarehouse (relationships)?

I think the question is clear enough. Some of the columns in my datawarehouse table could have a relationship to a primary key. But is it good practice? It is denormalized, so it should never be deleted again (data in datawarehouse). Hope question is somewhat clear enough. ...

Drop Down list null value not working for selected text c#?

Hi guys, Basically I have a drop down list which is populated with text and values depending on a selected index of a radio button list. The code is as follows: protected void RBLGender_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DDLTrous.Items.Clear(); DDLShoes.Items.Clear(); if (RBLGender.SelectedVa...

Automatically generating shape data for database diagram in visio 2007

I'm using Visio 2007 to create an ER diagram for an SQL server database. I've used The reverse engineer function to import the data from SQL server to Visio. Once a page is created, it is saved as a web page. Visio's Web diagrams have functionality to allow users to display the shape data by ctrl clicking on a shape in the diagram. I w...

e-commerce product data/metadata schemas

Trying to figure out how is product data/metadata schema designed. For example, how does an e-commerce site enter a product spec. Does it copy and paste from mfg spec sheet, enters it in their own fields or something else? Here is an example, looking at the D3000 Nikon DSLR Manufacturer:

Constant Push of SQL Server data to MySQL

Is there a way I can have a constant update of my SQL Server data going to a MySQL database? ...

Oracle vocabulary, what is the mysql/SQL Server equivalent of a database

Hi, I need some help with vocabulary, I don't use Oracle that often but I am familiar with MySQL and SQL Server. I have an application I need to upgrade and migrate, and part of the procedure to do that involves exporting to an XML file, allowing the installer to create new database tables, then import to the new database tables from ...

(self,left outer,right outer,full outer) join - real world examples

can you tell me simple real-world examples for (self,left outer,right outer,full outer) join? ...

Real-time SQLite and PostgreSQL bi-directional synchronization using python

Is there any python library that can keep a client-side SQLite database in sync with a server-side PostgreSQL database? There are solutions for Java, such as Daffodil or SymmetricDS. Is there something similar for python? ...

Using both a message queue and database.

I will be developing a system that will involve a data acquisition server where each acquisition will fill a row. I also need to have the ability to inform the user application of when new data has been acquired. From what I have read, it's not a good idea to use a database as a message queue and vice versa, but I was wondering if I co...

How to save content uploaded by user?

I am planning to start a site in which the content is generated by the users. What is the best method to save the data submitted by user? Is the method of saving the data in phpmyadmin database a good idea considering that the data submitted by users is large similar to a blog post. Btw I'm good in working with php and mysql but I'm no...

iPhone - Create non-persistent entities in core data

Hi everyone, I would like to use entity objects but not store them... I read that I could create them like this: myElement = (Element *)[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Element" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext]; And right after that remove them: [managedObjectContext deleteObject:myElement]; then ...

Copy Selective Data from Database to Invoice, Based on Certain Criteria

For starters, here is an example of a microsoft excel database I am working with: Month/Address/Name/Description/Amount January/123 Street/Fred/Painting/100 January/456 Avenue/Scott/Flooring/400 January/789 Road/Scott/Plumbing/100 February/123 Street/Fred/Flooring/600 February/246 Lane/Fred/Electrical/300 March/789 Road/Scott/Drywall/15...

How can I get a iterable resultset from the database using pdo, instead of a large array?

I'm using PDO inside a database abstraction library function query that I've made. I'm using fetchAll(), which if you have a lot of results, is supposed to get memory intensive, so I want to provide an argument to toggle between a fetchAll associative array and a pdo result set that can be iterated over with foreach and requires less me...