
android SQLite vs Flat Files

hi. im creating a game right now and im a bit stuck on how to implement storage of levels. i need to be able to download level files from the internet ota. im not so familiar with transferring files ota, but i have some experience with databases (mysql). what would be a better way of storing the game's level data? ...

MySql paging; "Showing result-set" of "total found" help

I need a formula for showing results on my classifieds website. I am now done with the paging of records, but this formula for showing results remains. I want it like this: Showing 1-50 of 123 found. Now what is the formula for this? I have these variables which should be enough I think: $results_per_page = 50; //results per p...

[BDE paradox] Read paradox DBF files and import in H2 database

Hi all, can i import DBF files (i think it is files of paradox database) into H2 database? I think a good solution is to write a small wrapper in java to read dbf data and save in h2 database, there is a jdbc driver to use paradox with java? Thank you. ...

Logic in the db for maintaining a points system relationship?

I'm making a little web based game and need to determine where to put logic that checks the integrity of some underlying data in the sql database. Each user keeps track of points assigned to him, and points are awarded by various tasks. I keep a record of each task transaction to make sure they're not repeated, and to keep track of th...

fastest way to upload an xls file into a database

I have an xls file with ~60 sheets of data. I would like to move them into a database (postgres) such that each sheet's data is stored in a different table. What is the fastest way of creating these tables? I don't care about naming or proper typing of columns. The columns could all be strings for that matter. I don't want to run 60 dif...

Removing Database References from an ASP.NET MVC Site

I'm building a very simple ASP.NET MVC site that doesn't require a database and doesn't have user accounts or any other special ASP.NET stuff. When I first created the site with the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 site template in Visual Studio, the web.config page was configured to automatically connect to SQL Server Express as a User Instance. Can I...

How do I delete in Django? (mysql transactions)

If you are familiar with Django, you know that they have a Authentication system with User model. Of course, I have many other tables that have a Foreign Key to this User model. If I want to delete this user, how do I architect a script (or through mysql itself) to delete every table that is related to this user? My only worry is that...

Fastest way to store/retrieve a dictionary - SQL, text file...?

Hi all, This is a really really super dumb question, so I apologise, but I'd be grateful for some advice. I've got a text file of words and word frequencies. It's very large - theoretically we're talking millions of rows. I just want to retrieve values from the file, and do it as quickly and efficiently as possible (for a web app, i...

How would you start automating my job?

At my new job, we sell imported stuff. In order to be able to sell said stuff, currently the following things need to happen for every incoming shipment: Invoice arrives, in the form of an email attachment, Excel spreadsheet Monkey opens invoice, copy-pastes the relevant part of three columns into the relevant parts of a spreadsheet te...

Getting the record ID just added with mysql prepared statements

I'm inserting a record using PDO and saving the result in $result which I use as a boolean $result = $addRecord->execute(); if ($result){ //add successful } else { //add unsuccessful } I'd like to also get the record id just added. In the table, each record has an auto_incremented field called id. I tried doing this $new_id =...

What's the fastest way to get CRUD over CGI on a database handle in Perl?

TL;DR: Want to write CGI::CRUD::Simple (a minimalist interface module for CGI::CRUD), but I want to check first if i overlooked a module that already does that. I usually work with applications that don't have the niceties of having frameworks and such already in place. However, a while ago i found myself in a situation where i was aski...

Syntax for "RETURNING" clause in Mysql PDO

I'm trying to add a record, and at the same time return the id of that record added. I read it's possible to do it with a RETURNING clause. $stmt->prepare("INSERT INTO tablename (field1, field2) VALUES (:value1, :value2) RETURNING id"); but the insertion fails when I add RETUR...

NoSQL: How to retrieve a 'house' based on lat & long?

I have a NoSQL system for storing real estate houses. One piece of information I have in my key-value store for each house is the longitude and latitude. If I wanted to retrieve all houses within a geo-lat/long box, like the SQL below: SELECT * from houses WHERE latitude IS BETWEEN xxx AND yyy AND longitude IS BETWEEN www AND zzz Q...

Storing apostrophes, exclamation marks, etc. in mysql database

I changed from latin1 to utf8. Although all sorts of text was displaying fine I noticed non-english characters were stored in the database as weird symbols. I spent a day trying to fix that and finally now non-english characters display as non-english characters in the database and display the same on the browser. However I noticed that ...

How can i discover that object is attached to specific Object Context?

if i have 2 objectContexts for the same model each one hold some objects.. How can i find that object is attached to specific Object Context? ...

DB Cursor fetching in Web Applications

I never understood this: in web development whe[n|re] does it make sense to fetch results one by one? I mean, why should I use PDOStatement->fetch*() when I can use PDOStatement->fetchAll()? ...

block write access to table from an application in mysql

Hello, We have a CMS plugin that writes statistics to 1 table, this creates performance issues on the entire platform. We decided to use another statistics plugin which can connect to a different database server (the first plugin couldn't!) however we need parts of the first plugin. I want to lock the statistics table to prevent misusa...

AMFPHP Database Sessions

I am using AMFPHP w/ a Flex application and am needing to start storing the user sessions in the database instead of the filesystem. I've tried utilizing the session save handler function but no matter what I do it still ends up storing the files on the filesystem. Any ideas? ...

What does ON [PRIMARY] mean?

I'm creating an SQL setup script and I'm using someone else's script as an example. Here's an example of the script: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[be_Categories]( [CategoryID] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_be_Categories_CategoryID] DEFAULT (newid()), [CategoryName...

What's the difference been NoSQL and a Column-Oriented database?

The more I read about NoSQL, the more it begins to sound like a column oriented database to me. What's the difference between NoSQL (e.g. CouchDB, Cassandra, MongoDB) and a column oriented database (e.g. Vertica, MonetDB)? ...