
Query a Lookup Table in Excel or Access

I've got a mental block about what I'm sure is a common scenario: I have some data in a csv file that I need to do some very basic reporting from. The data is essentially a table with Resources as column headings and People as row headings, the rest of the table consists of Y/N flag, "Y" if the person has access to the resource, "N" if...

Database Design - How do I setup an FK relationship to 1 of 2 tables??

What is the best way to maintain a unique ID field across multiple database tables? My database contains both businesses and people, and both entities need to have a unique ID field associated with it. In addition, there are other tables (for example Addresses) which can reference either a business or a person using their ID as a foreig...

SSIS Creating Two Columns of Data in Flat File?

I'm having a strange problem with SSIS. I'm exporting some data from a database into a flat file. It comes out all fine - except that rather than displaying the data like this: ID FirstName LastName Age It comes out like this: ID FirstName LastName Age ID1 FirstName1 LastName1 Age1 Now, its not repeating the same da...

Java - JDBC driver and MySQL database connection issues

Ok - I found the driver version that goes with the database.. however now I get the following. Got an exception! Communications link failure due to underlying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** MESSAGE: Connection timed out: connect STACKTRACE: Conne...

IN vs OR in the SQL WHERE Clause

Hi, When dealing with big databases, which performs better, IN or OR in the SQL Where-clause? Is there any difference about the way they are executed? ...

ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource

Hi, I have a series of scripts running in parallel as a nohup on an AIX server hosting oracle 10g. These scripts are written by somebody else and are meant to be executed concurrently. All the scripts are performing updates on a table. I am getting the error, ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource As I g...

How to fill database at deploytime ?

I am developing a java web-site. It fetches data from I have to fetch data using its API and want to fill database in a session. But, I need this process occur at deploy time. Means, at first time when I deploy web, it would fill whole database and then at every session period of time it fills data automatica...

Is it bad to not use normalised tables in this database?

I recently learned about normalisation in my informatics class and I'm developing a multiplayer game using SQLite as backend database at the moment. Some information on it: The simplified structure looks a bit like the following: player_id | level | exp | money | inventory --------------------------------------------------------- ...

ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified

Hi, I killed a script that was in the middle of updating a table. Now when I rerun the script I am getting, ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified I presume the table is locked?. How do I unlock the table?. Thanks in advance. ...

How do i change column type in Heroku?

I am trying to rake the db:migrations into my heorku instance and I get an error. The FAQ described my error as below: Cannot change column type Example: PGError: ERROR: column “verified_at” cannot be cast to type “date” Cause: PostgreSQL doesn’t know how to cast all the rows in that table to the specified type. Mo...

How to integrate a custom form and add/edit/delete on wordpress

hello all i want to create a custom form with some fields that i could add/edit/delete on database how integrate my form with wordpress? do you know a website ,that have a tutorial about this process ? thanks ...

Querying and making dumps of production databases

I have some large MySQL production tables that I need to dump so that I can run some analyses in Hadoop. What best practices I should know about making dumps and queries of production databases? Do I need to worry about affecting production performance if I'm just making dumps/reads (and no writes)? ...

Database migrations with Qt4 (schema changes)

From Ruby on Rails I've learned about a comfortable and very manageable way to do database migrations. How would one handle such cases in Qt4? It does not need to be that elaborated as Rails' solution. I'd be fine with running SQL and code snippets to go up or down the version list of my data. I googled a little bit but there seems to ...

phonegap: easiest way to store data / phonegap reference

I'm looking for the following info: Full phonegap reference (couldn't find it on their site) Whats the easiest way to implement a database within phonegap? ...

Informix: What's the best mode to perform "disk" operations and why?

Hello everybody! I'm doing some work with Informix IDS. I have to create some dbspaces, sbspaces, etc. Which mode is better to make this changes? Quiescent, or Single-user? Why? Thanks a lot! ...

How do I use the ASP.NET grid view to instert new records?

Using the ASP.NET grid view. It displays 3 columns with 1 row for each, displaying an integer saved in the database. I would like to have a text input one for each column, so the user can add a new row of integers to the database. (The table only displays the last row updated, that part seems to be working OK) Here is the code I have th...

How to use multilanguage database schema with ORM?

Good day! I'm searching for the best way to implement multilanguage database schema, the approach I use is the same as here: (one table with language neutral data and one for all translation). It seems to be good and clean and doesn't limi...

Reading/writing data to server, ftp, or website

Hi, I'm writing an app that will periodically send information out to a remote server, and then get relevant information about other users from that server back to the local database. What's the best way to handle sending out this info (i.e.: XML or binary) and writing it to the remote server. Also, how can I assure that, when 500+ u...

How do I execute an INSERT using SqlCommand?

I have another class that creates the connection (see refined class half way down page) and I believe it connects or at lest I do not hit any of the exceptions in run time. I would now like to insert data into my database but nothing is updated. I am trying to follow this example but it is for reading. I did run "querystring" on the...

Is there a mature way to interface Erlang and PostgreSQL or MySQL?

I have searched the internet for drivers to connect to either database and all the projects I have seen have either been dead for a long time, look incomplete, or don't have good enough documentation to be usable without reading all the source. Has anyone used Erlang to talk to either MySQL or PostgreSQL before and what sort of package ...