
How often to run getWritableDatabase() and getReadableDatabase()?

I'm writing a Service, a Content Provider, and multiple apps. The Service writes new data to the Content Provider's SQLite database every 5 minutes or so plus at user input, and is intended to run pretty much forever in the background. The app, when running, will display data pulled from the Content Provider, and will be refreshed whenev...

Inserting Newline from XML to Database

I am trying to parse this xml document in which a newline is required for certain fields and must be inserted into the database with the newline. But I've been running into problems. 1)First Problem: \n Character The first problem I had was using the \n like below. <javascript>jquery_ui.js\nshadowbox_modal.js\nuser_profile.js\ntableso...

Two Tables Serving as one Model in Rails

Is is possible in rails to setup on model which is dependant on a join from two tables? This would mean that for the the model record to be found/updated/destroyed there would need to be both records in both database tables linked together in a join. The model would just be all the columns of both tables wrapped together which may then b...

SQL - First row inserted every day for the past X days

A tough SQL question (I'm using postgres by the way). I need the first row inserted every day for the past X days. one of my columns is a timestamp, which i hold the time inserted, and another column is the row id. If it's not possible to get the first row inserted every day, i at least need a unique one; a single row for every day fo...

Which is best and easy way to program and show many-to-many relationship in database

I have two quantities Cat A , CatB Now the items in Cat A can belong to many items in CatB. and CatB will also have many Items from Cat A. I thinking of having Table1 for Cat A , Table2 for CatB and Table C for relation ship. with PK-A , PK-B Is that correct. How should i make my form in html so that user can select multiple val...

Best XML Based Database

I had been assigned to develop a system on where we would get a XML from multiple sources (millions of xml) and put them in some database like and judging from the xml i would receive, there wont be any concrete structure even if they are from the same source. With this reason i think i cannot suggest RDMS and currently looking at NoSQL ...

C# DateTime Class and Datetime in database

Hello . I have the following problem. I have an object with some DateTime properties , and a Table in database that I store all that objects , in Sql server I want to store the DateTime properties in some columns of DateTime Datatype, but the format of datetime in sql server is different from the DateTime class in c# and I got an sql ex...

Automatic incremental SQL Script generation for incremental, nightly builds when using Team Build in TFS 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 ?

hi all, hope that everybody here is OK. We are using VS 2008 as development tool, TFS 2008 as version control as well as build automation. Some of our developer use dbpro for databases changes and some use SQL Server management studio. I am trying to automate build for Web Application built using C# and VB.Net. Our scenario is such tha...

What is an unbounded query?

Is it a query without a 'WHERE param=value' statement? Apologies for the simplicity of this one... ...

Wordpress Database SQL query help needed

Hi, I've written a PHP script to access the latest item from the wordpress database, which it does. But I need to use it twice, once for the latest item from a specific category, and another from a differerent category... But right now I cannot figure out how to put the query together. The post has a post_parent, which in another tabl...

Access Desktop Machine Database from window Mobile

hi All, Is it possible to access SQL server database(located on desktop) from Window Mobile 5 or 6. I know we can access the Desktop database using the Web service. but I don't want to use this approach Please suggest ...

I need a comprehensive database with all cities in the world, and their population (if known). Anyone know where i can find one?

I need a comprehensive database with all cities in the world, and their population (if known). Anyone know where i can purchase one? thanks ...

YAGNI and database creation scripts

Right now, I have code which creates the database (just a few CREATE queries on a SQLite database) in my main database access class. This seems unnecessary as I have no intention of ever using the code. I would just need it if something went wrong and I needed to recreate the database. Should I... Leave things as they are, even though ...

What are the disadvantages of VistaDB

I am looking into using a lightweight serverless database engine like SQLite, Firebird, or VistaDB in an upcoming project. Someone asked about What are the advantages of VistaDB. I would like to know what are the disadvantages of using VistaDB versus other technology? UPDATE: VistaDB out of business (the real disadvantage) I have jus...

Alternative databases to use when putting IIS Logs into a database using LogParser

We have run some scripts that use LogParser to dump our IIS logs into a SQL Server database. We can then query this to get simple stats on hits, usage etc. It's also good when linking it to error log databases and performance counter database to compare usage with errors, etc. Having implemented this for just one system and for the las...

Search sort by parameter match count in the query? PostgreSQL

I am working on a search query in PostgreSQL, and one of the things I do is sort my query results by the number of parameters matched. I have no clue how this can be done. Does anyone have a suggestion or solution? Table brand color type engine Ford Blue 4-door V8 Maserati Blue 2-door V12 Saturn G...

Multiple has_manys of the same model

I have these models: Person has_many :messages_form_person, :foreign_key => :from_user_id, :class_name => :messages has_many :messages_to_person, :foreign_key => :to_user_id, :class_name => :messages Message belongs_to :to_person, :foreign_key => :to_user_id, :class_name => :person belongs_to :from_person, :foreign_key => ...

Example complex XML file?

I would like to test something and for it I need a complex XML file of decent size(few hundred kilobytes at least). Does anyone know where I can get such a file? Everything I've seen on the internet is short and simple examples. By "complex" I mean I also want some form of relationships and nesting between elements of the file. ...

Can't save data in database help!

I have an widnows form aplication and i can't save the data from aplication(textboxes) in the database (ms access). The stored data is seen in the aplication, but if i open the database it's not there... so if i open the database and restart the form aplication i don't see the before inserted data . string conString = "Provider=Micro...

How do I save tabular data in rails?

I'm writing and app to let the production people estimate costs for building some products, they want to be able to give the product's base data (name of the product, client, etc) plus make the recipe for it (which materials are needed in order to build it) in the same page, and I was wondering how do I save tabular data in my rails co...