
Would a built-in multi-threading capability for SQL be desireable?

For example: Being able to start displaying or manipulating rows as they are being returned by a query while the query has not finished searching the table?.. and I don't mean using the FIRST ROWS directive to hint the engine, I mean transparently, without having to add addtional logic. A feature like this would be useful for queries whi...

Database responsibility

Hello everybody. I'm starting with Databases. I've been playing around with MySQL and Informix, but never had a real life project. What is the real responsibility of a Database? Should we add Store procedures and functions to de Database or just let it to be a data repository with no logic? ...

How can i get Created date of a column in SQL server Table ?

I use the following query to get information about columns of a SQL Table : SELECT * from information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 'userpersonalinformation' but I can't find any data about creation date for each column ... Is there any way to get creation date of a column in a table ? ...

How to avoid cursor in sql server? also want to avoid while loop

Hi All, I have two tables in my database, 1st one contains a couple of sentences, like 'I like apples and bananas', 2nd one contains key word, like 'apple' & 'orange'. I want to create a sql statements or usp to list all the colomns in the 1st table with the keywords in the 2nd one. How can I achieve that without using cursors? Would a...

How do i change query of MS Access 97 file using MS Access 2007

Hi guys, I am adding a small feature in a program that uses access 97 db. The change is to add a one single field in a table A. There is one query which selects certain fields from that table. Now I need to add the field in that query too. I have added the field using DDL SQL statment from query builder screen. But now I need to add t...

Can you shorten the following query?

Possible Duplicate: Multiple OR Clauses in MySQL Can you think of a shorter way to write this query: SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 1 OR id = 2 OR id = 5 OR (etc...) ...

SQlite & c#, unable to connect database error.

SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=/data/bakkal.db3;"); conn.Open(); conn.Close(); I am new at programming so maybe the problem is a very dumb one, sorry for that. I am trying to connect my project with a database which exists in the directory listed above. But the project gives an error at "conn.Open();" line wh...

Pass reference to another activity - Android

Hello! I am very new to android, so I am experimenting with the tutorial code. In particular, the notepad. If you look here:, at Step 5 they are putting values so that it can be used by NoteEdit. I would like to pass a reference of NotesDbAdapter into NoteEdit ...

How to parse e-mail into database?

Hello. Still sometime I'm desperately searching for some community of developers which is dealing with the parsing of incoming email and storing its structure in the database. Quoting Mail2db developers: Different from traditional mail archive, the Mail2db engine can convert email into real database records stored within a RDM...

Keeping an application database agnostic (ADO.NET vs encapsulating DB logic)

We are making a fairly serious application that needs to remain agnostic to the DB a client wants to use. Initially we plan on supporting MySQL, Oracle & SQL Server. The tables & views are simple as are the queries (no real fancy SQL), therefore the question: Use native DB drivers (MySQLDbConnection etc.) and encapsulate the logic of e...

A naming convention for the column intended exclusively for ordering

Say, we have a set of records that should be ordered with a non-trivial ordering method, e. g. natural sort or just in some specific sequence, defined by a user. We have to introduce a special column intended just for ordering. Is there a more or less common convention for naming such columns? What names do you use? ...

If I added a Service Based database to my solution, what do I do when I publish the application?

I've added a service based database to my solution. So, it's working on my system and everything is dandy. However this program will have to run on many many machines all independant to each other (meaning they don't connect or even know they exists) I'm selling the application to different people all over my country. What exactly do I...

How do you measure the number of open database connections

I am trying to determine if I have a database connection leak. So I need to see the number of open connections. I have some simple test code that creates a leak: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLExpress;UID=sa;PWD=fjg^%k...

What's is the maximum variables the sql "in" statement can handle

As said above For instance WHERE In(var 1,var 2,var 3, ..., var 5609,) Any limits before it slows the machine down ? ...

How much time NHibernate takes to close database connection as it is reaching Max connection pool size

Even after successful transaction.Application connection with the database persist How much time application takes to release database connection?????? Hi , I am using Spring.Data.NHibernate12 on my database application connection with database is not getting released. Underneath given is Dataconfiguration.xml <?xml versio...

SQL to return field with non-numeric characters removed in MySQL

I have a MySQL table containing phone numbers that may be formatted in many different ways. For instance: (999) 999-9999 999-999-9999 999.999.9999 999 999 9999 +1 999 999 9999 9999999999 019999999999 etc. The field is stored as a string. All I want to do is return the field with anything non-numeric removed. What SQL could be used to...

Automating table normalization

I have a table with this structure (simplified): artID: 1 artName: TNT ArtBrand: ACME ... And I want to normalize it making a separate table for the brand (it will have additional data about every brand) So I want to end up with this article table: artID: 1 artName: TNT brandID: 1 ... brand table brandID: 1 brandName: ACME brandI...

What are best ways to implement a single functionality to store data in different databases based on configuration?

Hi all, I want to implement a sample in java that reads a configuration from some config file and, based on that, when user interacts with the page the application will store some data on either MySql or Oracle according to the configuration parameters. How can we implement this sample in most efficient and smart way? ...

Can we create table for wordpress?

Hi, I am very new to wordress. I have a appointment form. While submitting a form i need to save those information from the form to the database. I created a table of my own lets say wp_appointment and saved the information to this table. Now what i want to know is that is this a good way to do so or is there any solution to this. And...

Database error-kohana framework

I am getting a a page not found error every time i connect to the database. On the page of the database i have to login twice, but how can i solve this problem ? Because i think the problem is that i have to login twice. ...