
Updating a mySQL column

Hi guys, I would like to update a mySQL column, basically I would like to get a specific user in the DB, and then add the number I have to the number in the DB column. So say for instance user 12345 has 55 points, and I wanna add 25 points to his score, how would I go about updating the points column to reflect 80? Thanx in advance! ...

How would you reconcile a number of subtly different databases into a single "dev template"?

We have a fairly straight-forward client server system - Windows app pointing to a database (SQL Server or Oracle). A separate database is set up for each customer and the customers are given several licenses of the Windows application to install on their computers. Over the years, small customizations and fixes have been applied to on...

Using variables (database requests) in the

Hi, I'm new to Rack and try to get my head around it running Ruby on Rails 3.0.0.beta4. I'm starting a Rack app in the file but would like to use a variable there that is stored in my database. Is it even possible to get a database value back before the application is loaded or am I missing the point completely? I'm using th...

Getting Record Count from Iphone DB

hey guys this is my code for retrieving data from Sqlite3 data base queryStatementNS = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select Propertytbl.stree_no,Propertytbl.street_name,Propertytbl.suburb,Propertytbl.pcode,(select count(pid) from Propconpertbl where pid = ), (select count(pid) from PropFeedtbl where pid = ...

Two-way sync between iPhone application and web application

I have a web application that relies on a MySQL database, for which I am thinking of building an iPhone app. This app would allow users to browse/insert/update/delete data on their account on the web application. The easiest way would be to build the iPhone app simply as an interface for the web app, ie each operation requires to be con...

Best Approach to Processing SQL Data problem

I have a Data intensive problem which requires a lot of massaging and data manipulation and I'm putting this out there to see if anyone has an idea as to how to approach it. In simplest form. I have a lot of tables which can be joined together to give me a price listing for dentists and how much each charges for a procedure. so we hav...

Change VS created dataset's source database at runtime

Hi, This question and answers discuss the theory as well as methods to achieve the desired result so I don't wish to re-hash those suggestions. I'm trying to make sure there isn't an easy solution in my instance before I rewrite all my tableadapters. What I do have is a relatively mature and complex project utilising many datasets all ...

Error with android DBAdapter class

Hi, here is the error from the logcat of my program. 06-24 01:35:04.213: INFO/ActivityManager(587): Starting activity: Intent { comp={one.two/one.two.Arrival} } 06-24 01:35:04.521: ERROR/DBDroid(1048): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: port: , while compiling: SELECT KEY_STATUS, KEY_ID, KEY_ARRIVAL, KEY_DESTINATIO...

IDS an over-kill for a single-user app?

I have the following dilema: My clients (mom-n-pop pawnshops) have been using my mgmt. system, developed with ISQL, for over 20 years. Throughout these two decades, I have customized the app to each clients desire, or when changes in Laws/Regulations have required it. Most clients are single-user sites. Some have multiple stores, but hav...

How to make a single user app to a multiuser app?

A few years ago I created a simple app to track my daily status. Nothing fancy, you just add a row, it sticks in the date, I would put start time, end time and what I did. Everyone laughed but I kept at it for 3 years. Now the boss sees how 'organized' I am (it's just a long spreadsheet view) and wants me to extend the app for the rest o...

When to use an Embedded Database

Hey everyone, I am writing an application, which parses a large file, generates a large amount of data and do some complex visualization with it. Since all this data can't be kept in memory, I did some research and I'm starting to consider embedded databases as a temporary container for this data. My question is: is this a traditional ...

Replace IN with EXISTS or COUNT. How to do it. What is missing here ?

I am using IN keyword in the query in the middle of a section. Since I am using nested query and want to replace In with Exists due to performance issues that my seniors have told me might arise. Am I missing some column, what you are looking for in this query. This query contain some aliases for readibility. How can I remove it. S...

SQL Server 2008 maximum size on FAT32

Hi all, I am running WinXP with a FAT32 file system. Does FAT32's max. file size limit of 4GB apply on the max. database size I can have? (I have SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition, I know the free editions restrict DB size to 4GB, having nothing to do with the file system) Thanks for any info ...

What are the typical potential security risks developers should account for?

This is a broad question in search of a decent broad answer, but I am really curious about which key issues professional developers must account for in terms of security. How do you make your website more hacker-proof? How do you ensure the security of your companies' databases? I'm a real noob with security issues but I am keen to hea...

querying for user's ranking in one-to-many tables

I am trying to write a query to find the score rank of a user's games. I need it to take in a user id and then return that user's relative ranking to other user's scores. There is a user and a game table. The game table has a userId field with a one-to-many relationship. Sample table: users: id freebee 1 10 2...

what the difference between a lock and a latch in the context of concurrent access to a database

I am trying to understand a paper on concurrent B-tree, in which the author mentioned latch vs lock, and how latches do not need a "Lock Manager". I have been trying to figure out what are differences between those two for two days. Google resulting in: "locks assure logical consistency of data. They are implemented via a lock table, ...

Creating migration scripts from the legacy model to the current one (being under development)

Originally, the model (including tables, views, packages, etc.) was built from the DML scripts (generated by TOAD). The scripts look like: DROP TABLE TABLESPACE.TABLENAME CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; CREATE TABLE TABLESPACE.TABLENAME ... Over time the model has changed - I've added new columns to the tables, altered some vews, added new metho...

Python: get escaped SQL string

When I have a cursor, I know I can safely execute a query as follows: cur.execute("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE = %s", (important_variable,)) Is there any way to just get the string safely without executing the query? For example, if important_variable is a string, like "foo 'bar' \"baz", I'd want the appropriately escaped one: "S...

How to combine data from different columns from different databases from different vendors into one table?

Hello, Say i have a table named tbl1 in mysql :- bookid int name varchar(20) price int categoryid int And then i have a 2nd table, tbl2 in Oracle :- pubid int name varchar(20) addr varchar(50) I want to combine these two into MS Sql Server 2008 named tbl3 whose structure should be :- bookid int name varchar(20) price int pubid in...

One database, multiple customers

Hi all, I'm currently coding a product which will have only one database but will host many clients by using a global identifier of a customer_id. This is all very good. However, let's say we have a table called Ticket. Idea has a primary key. When a user adds a ticket, the ticket will correspond to the customer via a foreign key etc....