
Putting SQLite data into ListActivity

I'm trying to create a list adapter that pulls in and displays data from a database. From what I can tell, it is pulling in the info, but it fails when I try to create the ListAdapter from the new Simple cursor adapter. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. SQLiteDatabase db = myDbHelper.getReadableDatabase(); String select = "Select Stat...

Good embedded database for Qt?

I am looking for good embedded database that i can use for application developed using Qt. The applications target desktop users from various sites of a single large company. The database should be able to store data separately at each site and the data shall be merged with other sites as and when it is required. ...

What is a data warehouse?

I was asked by a customer what the term "data warehouse" really means. I thought about ETL, details of the data model, differences to NoSQL, Clouds, 'normal' DBMS, MDM (Master Data Management) etc. but wasn't able to describe the term in a few words to him... (In fact I did some talking and left him unillumined.) How can "data warehou...

Problem while connecting to DataBase ASP.NET

I have a database in the same workspace, I've tried to connect to this DB using this codes : Dim CX As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=" & "./Learning.mdb") Dim CX As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=" & "~/Learning.mdb") Dim CX As O...

What is running optimize on a table doing to make such a huge difference?

Simple situation, two column table [ID, TEXT]. The Text column has 1-10 word phrases. 300,000 rows. Running the query: SELECT * FROM row WHERE text LIKE '%word%' ...took 0.1 seconds. Ok. So I created a 2nd column, the table now has: [ID, TEXT2, TEXT2] I made TEXT2 = TEXT (using an UPDATE table SET TEXT2 = TEXT] Then I run the q...

Liquibase, "Migration Failed: Java heap space" error when generateChangeLog with "data"

Hi all I am trying to create a baseline on one of my development database using liquibase, here's my environment - Database, -> Oralce 10g, with 500+ Tables with lots of configuration data, the oracle export dump file is about 70mb; - Java - Java 6 - Oracle JDBC Driver - ojdbc14.jar (downloaded from Oracle web site) - Command line execu...

How to create stored procedure using H2 database?

Has anyone tried to create stored procedures using the H2 database? ...

Caching and saving frequently updated data

I'm working on a .NET data logging application that needs to accept data from a large number of clients and store it in a database. The client sends a start event to the server and then sends heartbeat events, causing the last activity time of the data to be updated. I can't use an end event because the client app may be closed with no ...

NHibernate validator doing database lookup

Hi guys and girls. Im using NHibernate to map my database tables with my entities and NHibernate Validator to validate my entities. It works sweet when validating the properties of the entities, however, is it possible to make database lookup validation with NHibernate Validator? (Poor) Example: I have an Animal class and an AnimalType...

Getting the identity of the row I just inserted

I've got two tables that are linked with foreign keys. I need to do a few inserts on one table and then use the identity column values are part of my next batch of insert statements. This all has to be done through SQL. I've been reading about SCOPE_IDENTITY() but all the examples I'm seeing are using ASP/PHP/Whatever to do the substitu...

how to check for duplicate entries in database?

I need to apply a check so that a user cannot register using an email id which already exists in the database. ...

create stored procedure adding node in nested set in H2 database

I have a sql that will be use to add a node for nested set,this is my sql SELECT @myRight := rgt FROM nested_category WHERE name = 'TELEVISIONS'; UPDATE nested_category SET rgt = rgt + 2 WHERE rgt > @myRight; UPDATE nested_category SET lft = lft + 2 WHERE lft > @myRight; INSERT INTO nested_category(name, lft, rgt) VALUES('GAME CONSOLES...

rails: sharing information between 2 apps

I've got this medium-sized app that is starting to get too complex. I'm considering splitting it in two. But I'm uncertain about how would I share information between those. I've been able to make two big groups of models; One group deals with "pictures" and the other one deals with "sales data". Some utility models, such as the authen...

Spring or Struts web based tool to list content of database tables

Hi, Is there an open source web based tool preferably based on Spring(or struts) and Hibernate that will list the contents of a database table? I can write one but there are hundreds of tables so im wondering if i can use an existing open source tool that will list the contents of the table based on what i select. Basically all i wan...

Recommendations for Webbased Archive

Requirements for archival type software 1. Data/Image/possibly video.... upload/search/retrevial/edit from web. 2. Easily implemented user defined Custom Fields 3. Easy backup. 4. Low cost ... either opensource or very low cost I am a very novice programmer. My primary goal is to manage a collection and publish it to the web. Options ...

printing restaurant opening hours from a database table in human readable format using php

i have a table that lists the opening hours of restaurants. the columns are id, eateries_id, day_of_week, start_time, and end_time. each eatery is represented in the table multiple times because there is a separate entry for each day. see this previous question for more details:

select restaurant table entries within a certain distance from current location using php

i have a database table with a list of restaurants including their names, latitudes, and longitudes. i would like to select all the restaurants that are within a certain distance from my current location. the current location is determined in the php file (right now i'm just using a static lat & lng). i found code for calculating the dis...

mssql_connect in php does not exist

I've been struggling with this for a while now and I dont know what I'm missing. The error is "call to undefined function mssql_connect()" Having looked into it already I've done about everything I can. I moved the php.ini file to c:windows. In the ini I changed the extension_dir to "c:PHP\ext" and uncommented extension = php_mssql.dll. ...

How do you merge rows from 2 SQL tables without duplicating rows?

Hi, I guess this query is a little basic and I should know more about SQL but haven't done much with joins yet which I guess is the solution here. What I have is a table of people and a table of job roles they hold. A person can have multiple jobs and I wish to have one set of results with a row per person containing their details and...

Output values found in cursor to logcat? - Android

I'm trying to debug an issue myself. May post it later if I fail ;-) My logcat log states "android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 requested, with a size of 2" I would like to use log.v("desc", cursor) to show what the cursor returns. Is there a way to specify a value from it like cursor[0] ? ...