
Usage of IN Clause in a Database query

I have written query, I wanted to know the effect of usage of IN clause in Query. Query I Select * from khatapayment_track Where Property_ID IN (Select Property_id from khata_header where DIV_ID=2) Query II Select * from khatapayment_track KPT, khata_header KH Where kh.Property_id=KPT.Property_id and KH.DIV_Id=2 I would like to know ...

To use, or not to use, session_set_save_handler?

I'm playing around with creating a user login system in php. I have been studying this article ( as a way of approaching this. In the above article, the author uses a combination of $_SESSION and his own custom database table for storing user info. However... I have also come across numerous articles t...

db indexes application - best practice

When developing large systems (hundreds of tables) Do you create the indexes (and to lesser extend the other constraints in the DB) when you create the entities (tables), or wait for the system to be running (may be private Beta) to decide where to put the indexes? ...

What open source DB is best suited to a dimensional datawarehouse?

What open source DB is best suited to host a dimensional data-warehouse? ...

JDBC url with database containing spaces

I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server database using JDBC, the database I'm trying to connecto to contains a space, and unfortunately I have no control over the name, so I can't change it. The code I'm using is: String jdbcString = "jdbc:sqlserver://" + hostname + ":" + port + ";databaseName=Database Name"; try { connection...

How do you sync a data-base from a test server to production server

If you have a test server, and a production server. How do you sync the database? Do you add the data in the test server first, just like you code in the test server? How is that generally handled? ...

sql multiple insert on one table, while looping/iterating over another table?

Hi Guys, I have two table "TempStore" and "Store" with the same column called "Items". There is data in "TempStore" table which I need to move over to "Store" table which requires few modifications. I need to iterate over "TempStore" data (i.e. items) and insert into Store... More specifically: How can I iterate over TempStore (in sq...

SQL Select Count(person_id) > 3 From...

Can someone convert this english to SQL I have tried several things but no luck. SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(person_id) > 3 THEN person_id end FROM table I am trying to only get the person_id(s) that occur > 3 times in the table. ...

Three-tier (non-web) database application in Java - what APIs / technologies are appropriate?

I'm currently in the research phase for a (very) small database application. It's for a local charity which only has 3 or 4 client machines which will be running the system - however in order to move some extraneous logic away from the clients, I'm leaning toward using a three-tier architecture (there is data that is constantly read-th...

Entity Framework 4 - Update database schema from model. Without wiping the table data.

Hello, I'm working on a new project where I have the luxury of working from a Model to Database approach using Entity Framework 4. The project I'm working on is taking an agile approach where different phases will be rolled out over time. Will the Model First approach work in my case? I noticed when you "Generate Database from Model"...

Querying a database or a datatable for duplicate records in one column

On MS access, how to get the "ID" of the records having duplicate content on the "myData" column ? something like : ---------------------- ------------------------ ID | myData | | ID | myData | ---------------------- ------------------------ ...

A quick SQL query to generate example data

I need to populate a currently empty table with a hundred or so fake records to simulate logins over the past two years to test my code with. The login table schema looks like: CREATE TABLE `Logins` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `User_ID` int(11) NOT NULL, `Date_Login` datetime NOT NULL, `Location` enum('site','admin'...

How to disable the database on Rails 3 for a webservice-based application

I am making an application that does not, as of now, require a database. So I want to disable it! I am making this with Rails 3beta4 with Postgres 8.4.x. In order to serve up a view, Rails 3 seems to need the database specified in database.yml to exist--why? I never checked this with Rails 2.3, but it seems silly that it should need to...

Can I use a database value right after I insert it?

Can I insert something into a MySQL database using PHP and then immediately make a call to access that, or is the insert asynchronous (in which case the possibility exists that the database has not finished inserting the value before I query it)? ...

Is it possible to store javascript in a database?

Hi, I have an idea for a web application where a user can submit Javascript code that can then be served up to other users. I'm wondering what's the best way of going about this. Is it possible to store the Javascript in a database and then serve it up to users as they request it? I would also like to be able to attach metadata to eac...

how to use enum in mysql database

i use enum in the table of mysql database how can i get all stuff where his type = a , b,c simply if i use varchar then i can use SELECT * FROM stuff WHERE type IN ("a","b","c") but in enum case it is not worked. how can i get all stuff where type = a , b , c note:type is used as enum not char or varchar. ...

Enforce SQL Server to drop a database

When I'm using Management Studio Express to drop a database there is an checkbox "Close existing connections." which close open database and enforce it to drop. How can i drop a database programmatic by closing open connections and check it's ever exists before? ...

Varchar to UniVarchar: What are the tradeoffs?

We need to tranfer our database which has a current encoding of utf 8 to an iso 1 database server. As not to do any more cleaning of data I am thinking of converting varchar to univarchar. So in this way unicode encoding can be preserved in the iso 1 database server. Aside from the size(1byte for varchar vs 2 for univarchar) what are th...

What is the most solid option for BLOB storage?

Hi, I have to develope something to hold blob's. I have a various options but have a hard time choosing. What is needed is for the user to upload documents in the form of images mostly. I need to make it secure. I would like some speed though it's not a prerequisite. The size of the uploaded images/documents will "probably" not be too m...

SQLite concurrency issue a deal breaker?

I am looking at databases for a home project (ASP.NET MVC) which I might host eventually. After reading a similar question here on Stack Overflow I have decided to go with MySQL. However, the easy of use & deployment of SQLite is tempting, and I would like to confirm my reasons before I write it off completely. My goal is to maintain u...