
Drupal 6: listing in custom-node.tpl.php what fields are available to use for the current node?

Hi friends, I'm a drupal newbie... Is there any way to list in my custom-node.tpl.php what fields are available to use for my current node? for example, at View, when I write print var_export($data,TRUE); to php customfield, it gives me a list of available fields. is there any equality func. for using in any node.tpl.php? Appreca...

How to use concatenation '||' with distinct clause of SELECT query?

Hi, I get a missing expression error when I try, SELECT 'label1:'||distinct col1 from tab1; Is there a way to get around this error? Thanks in advance. Edit: The entire query is: SELECT 'label1:'||distinct col1 from tab1 order by col1; ...

How can I develop a database for users to access via a browser

Years ago (pre-web) I used to be a Fortran developer (yes it was a very long time ago!) but these days I run a small non-IT business. I would like to develop a database application for my clients to access via a browser (or maybe down the line via a mobile phone). I haven't done any programming for a while apart from some VB macros in Mi...

Update database schema at runtime with Entity Framework

I'm developing an application with EF4.0. Between the releases the database schema can change (e.g. column added, table added...). Is there a way to commit these changes to the customers database when they run the new release? I'm thinking of an function similar to CreateDatabase(). ...

django uml database

hello, Is there any possibility to export the Django database into some kind of a UML tool, so that i can see graphically see the relations between tables (or even between classes) ? thanks! ...

Is C++ OTL SQL database library using parameterized queries under the hood, or string concat?

I've been looking at the OTL library for C++ database access. I'm unsure of whether the query I pass in is converted to a parameterized query for the underlying database, or if it's basically just concatenating all the arguments into one big string and passing the query to the database that way. I see that the query you pass in to it c...

How to save an expression datacolumn to the database?

I have a datagridview on a form with multiple columns. Three of the columns are expression columns. One column is subtracted from the second and the result is displayed in the third. Everything works great but when I hit the save button and save to the database, all the columns are saved to the database except the three columns used in t...

Cassandra Transaction with ZooKeeper - Does this work?

I am trying to implement a transaction system for Cassandra with the help of ZooKeeper. Since I don't think I have enough experience in database implementation, I would like to know if my idea would work in principle, or is there any major flaw. Here is the high level description of the steps: identify all the rows(keys) and columns t...

How to get all rows that contain characters others than [a-zA-Z] in MySQL

I would like to ask if there is a possible way to select all rows from a table where the content of a column (varchar(255)) may contain characters others than standard english (a-zA-Z) or characters from different languages like Greek, French. For example if the table contains the following data: -- ID, Address -- | 1, "Test1" | | ...

UTF-8 tuple storage using lowest common technological denominator, append-only

What's the most low-tech but reliable way of storing tuples of UTF-8 strings on disk? Storage should be append-only for reliability. As part of a document storage system I'm experimenting with I have to store UTF-8 tuple data on disk. Obviously, for a full-blown implementation, I want to use something like Amazon S3, Project Voldemort, ...

Entity Framework database connection question

We are using .Net Entity Framework to do our database related work. Our database is Sybase SQL Anywhere. using (AndeDBEntities db = new AndeDBEntities(decryptConnStr())) { } We use a lots of above statements to access database. My questions are do we need to close the connection each time after the access is done and how to do that? ...

Optimize Database - Repair

I'm trying to speed up my site and found this site:, which gave the following recommendation: Just like the hard disks the wordpress database also gets fragmented. So optimizing the wordpress database too can speed up your site. For optimiz...

Change DB link Names Dynamically in a Select

Good Morning everyone.. I have several DB links defined and would like to be able to dynamically change which link I want to use depending on the a user input. Is there a way? Example: select * from parts@dblink I am looking for a way to use a variable and have users input the link pointing to a particular database. Is this possible?...

django, multiple databases, configuration issue: "Error importing database router"

Hi there, I've followed these instructions to set up Django with multiple databases. It's working as intended in my local dev environment (win7), however, when I upload the project to my live server (webfaction), I get ImproperlyConfigured: Error importing database router MyCustomRouter: "No module named" From the Dj...

A tool that can detect redundant database tables

I'd like to find a tool that can detect redundant/unused tables and stored procedures in a sybase database. The DB is accessed from a Java application which uses JDBC to access both the tables and the stored procs. There are neraly 400 tables and a similar number of stored procedures. Any suggestions? ...

Is it possible to retrieve a raw query from Oracle OCI library?

I am looking to retrieve the raw query bytes from an Oracle statement and copy them directly into a POD C structure. The reason for this is due to legacy code that must be ported to using Oracle from Informix. I'll illustrate what I basically need below. I have been looking into using the Oracle Template Library (OTL) but I have been una...

SQL stored proc - help me write this one, please!

Hi Guys, Could you please help me with this one: In one of my scripts I am inserting some data in to some table "Item". One of the columns in the "Item" table is "ItemNumber". I want to be able to call some function (most probably a Stored proc) where it would return me a numeric number which I can use for the ItemNumber. I CAN NOT ...

Re-Invent a better wheel or make ado with available RDBMS-based app development products?

My first experience developing DBMS-based apps was with IMS, using COBOL calls to DLI. Later on, I worked with several other products, on a smaller scale, such as: DBASE, INFORMIX 3.3/SQL and ORACLE on DOS, UNIX-XENIX and VAX/VMS platforms. When I was a product planner for AT&T-IS Labs, I had the opportunity to eval several RDBMS-based a...

Search specific wordpress MU tables MySQL

I have a blog built that is grabbing information from another set of tables in the MU Database. I need to now be able to also search that database. Does anyone have that MySQL query needed to make a clean search? ...

SQL stored proc - help me write this one, please! (part 2)

I have the following table with the value 501 in it.. CREATE TABLE _Numbers( Number numeric(20,0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) INSERT INTO _Numbers VALUES(501) How can I write a stored proc on this which returns me 501 and increments Number to next in sequence (i.e. 502)? I would like this behaviour repeated every time the stored proc i...