
Maintaining strict data confidentiality of clients

I am building car rental web-application software I recently encountered a concern from a possible client; that they don't want the software company to see their data in the database. They load their rates contracts etc which are confidential and don't want anyone apart from them have access to this data, including our dba or some devel...

Full Text Search - Select first lines

I have an application who saves some files in an sql database. I'm using Full text search for filtering on the documents, now i wonder if it's possible to select the first lines of a document? So i can make a sort of "google" page for my application ...

Visual Studio - Change datasource after initial database server is down?

Ok, so I've got this Visual Studio 2008 Project I was working with about a year ago perhaps. And this project had a datagrid that was linked to an external database running on a server off the internet. Now, this databinding was all done using Visual Studio 2008's built in features. But how can I now change the binding to a different se...

Codeigniter - How to make a file upload field non mandatory?

Hi, I have a form which has 5 file input fields, all works fine with my CRUD methods if the file field is not empty, however the client now wants to set some of the fields to be non mandatory. This is how I am trying to do it in my code, the problem I am encountering is declaring a null variable(to insert a blank value in the respectiv...

How to make my Android app update in time

Hey, Im trying something in android, that has to get the words sent in sms and print on the emulator screen. But the app doesnt update in time. I send a message. Ok. But when I open the app it doesnt print the words that I've sent. So i have to close the emulator and then open it again, and run the app, and the word is there. Id like ...

PHP Excel Format instead of form

Is there an API in PHP which allows the user to add records by just filling out an excel-like table instead of having to fill up a usual form-look page. After the user will fill in the fields, the record will auto save the record in the database. I want it to work just like ordinary form with post method in PHP. It will allow the user to...

why everyone wants NOSQL other than large-scale Oracle Clusters?

oracle has a good reputation for handling large-scale applications and it's also flexible to extend to cluster environment. Why everyone wants NOSQL? because nosql db is much cheaper? why not swith object-oriented db? ...

User-created database structure: non-relational or relational databases?

I want to have dynamic fields in my database records. For example: I want to build an application for users to create their own forms. A user could create the following forms: Personal profile: Full Name Street Job Phone Home Work Mobile Interests Interest 1 Interest 2 Interest 3 Work: First name Last name Work Department ...

Should referential integrity be enforced?

One of the reasons why referential integrity should not be enforced is performance. Because Db has to validate all updates against relationships, it just makes things slower but what are the other pros and cons of enforcing and not enforcing? Because relationships are maintained in the business logic layer anyway, it just makes them red...

Multidimensional databases and online analytical processing (OLAP) how it is related? How is this two related? How to know that we are dealing with this type of programme? ...

How do i insert data into 1 table from 2 other tables?

My 1st table would be port which has columns status,destination,ferry that i wish to insert My 2nd table would be users which has columns Username that i wish to insert How would i use insert statement and insert all these columns in table Booking? private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table user (_id intege...


I have MYOB (AccountingSoftware) Database which I can read using ODBC. Now I have dataset containing all tables of MYOB database. What is best way that I can convert this Dataset into SQL Database. Where all tables are created automatically and data inserted automatically. ...

Is it practical to maintain a remote database using scripts only

A current highly strict policy situation is making us consider updating a remote database server via scripts only - having no access via remote desktop connection or such. We will send the scripts and database owners will apply them.. There will be a dedicated dba on the other hand responsible for the maintenance of the databse. This d...

Database Surrogate Key Name: Product.ProductId vs Product.Id vs Product.Product_Id

Say you have a table named Product and it has an auto-number/identity column. Do you name it simply Id or do you name it ProductId or Product_Id? Please explain why. ...

Bug Reporting Web Service in .Net

Following up to my old question here: Where would a person start who wants to make a web service to allow a public desktop application to submit bug/crash data to a MS SQL Database without containing the database information. I created an app a while ago and...

iphone database problem

Iam making a tab-based application where in first tab i have a custom button. and in second tab i have a table view which loading database from sqlite. in that custom button selector i have called viewlo. whose body is like this: info *viewer=[[info alloc]init]; [[self navigationController] pushViewController:viewer animated:YES]; [...

how to query a blob data

I have a table like : ------------------------------ Test_Id Test_data (String) (blob) ------------------------------ I want a query to retrieve all the Test_Id's for a matching Test_data. To achieve something like : select * from test_table where Test_data = blobObject; How can we do above ?? ...

can database engine be included in eclipse plugin?

Hi, I am new to Eclipse plugin development. I am working to develop a plugin that needs to store large amount of data, as well as search and retrieve from them. I am wondering, if I can use a database for this having plugin dependency. Is there any database engine that comes as Eclipse plugin? I was looking at Apache Derby, but quite uns...

merge findManyToManyRowset to third join in $select argument

Hi, How can i use findManyToManyRowset API while join to another table for info table of $matchTable? I can't find any way to pass a select object with desire join configuration to findManyToManyRowset API! Use case Example: Users Table | Departments Table | Users_Department Table | User_Profiles I want to use findManyToManyRowset m...

Need advice for my Server part

Hey, I'm stuck on my server part. I thing it would be fine if I make an REST architecture but I'm not sure. My application is that an identitied user edit his name, age, hobbies...and I want to stock all the informations of all the users on my data server. Then, I could send the information of a user to another in a ListView with an ad...