
Will MongoDB/CouchDB support transactions?

From MongoDB's webpage I understand that they are not supporting transactions fully, if any. I wonder if they are ever going to support it in the future so that I can store financial information in them, instead of using a RDBMS for it. And how is it with CouchDB, do they support transactions? ...

Android server; login page

Hi all I need help with server and I'm new with it. Got a help from my friend but still can't work. I can't login. There is no error so called 'detected' when running the application. I can't login. Somehow the connection wasn't properly established. This is my java file open in eclipse; package log1.log2; import

What are prepared statements? How are they different from dynamic sql?

I did not see any duplicate questions but wondering if somebody can provide some good examples and specially best practices around these. ...

Could document-based databases be used instead of RDBMS throughout the application in the future?

The more I read/use non-sql databases, the more I love it. It's so for the OOP world and it's easy to use, like Rails for Frameworks. I know the disadvantages. The major concern seems to be the no-transaction and no-concurrency part. Am I correct? Are these the only features making it hard for developers to choose to use non-sql datab...

C# database wrapper design

Hi, I am designing a database wrapper for C#. Below are the two options I have: Option A: class DBWrapper:IDisposable { private SqlConnection sqlConn; public DBWrapper() { sqlConn = new SqlConnection("my connection string"); sqlConn.Open(); } public DataTable RunQuery(string Sql) ...

[python] need checking and padding sqlite database housekeeping and manipulate code

All, Update: based on google result and answer, I added more hints, still not finished. In using sqlite3 and during study of sqlalchemy, I found it is necessary to write below code for those housekeeping purpose for managing data, however, it may be a hard part for me to doing that in sqlalchemy then I turning back to sqlite3 module. ...

Is SQLite is suitable for personal database?

I've done some reading about SQLite. Can someone confirm if it is suitable for personal database which require a lot of calculation, analsis and graph? Currently I am working on Excel on 63 files sizing of 1.34GB. I will be creating a million row and maybe 45+ column depend on which table. ...

how to choose proper architecture for site similar tu

Hello, I've got an idea to launch couple of online adds websites similar to, where users could post their advertisements etc. How should such a solution be designed from technical point of view? what CMS to choose? What DB system to choose etc? Thanks in advance for your replies. ...

Flash connectivity with database

How can I establish connection of a Flash site with a database(i.e. MYSQLetc)? ...

Do i really need to hash passwords?

I am building a project, which has a pretty basic login system. There will NO REGISTRATION system available, the users will be added manually. Also i protected the databases data input gates very well. So after all, do i still need to hash and even salt the users passwords? And if your answer is yes, the next question is why? ...

How to localize MVC with database backed resources

I have read most of the literature Google and SO provides on this (correct me if I've missed something). What I am trying to do is to localize an MVC site using resources, I want the compiletime safety of strongly typed resource files (ResX) but the flexibility of the ASP.NET 2.0 Resource-Provider Model, or something similar to that. I ...

Newbie question on Hibernate... in context of Martin Fowler article.

Hi, In Domain Logic and SQL, Martin Fowler talks about 3 styles of interfacing with a database: Transaction Script Domain Model, and Logic in SQL What I'd like to know is: When employing Hibernate for persistence, which of the above 3 styles is typically used and/or encouraged? Is there any 4th style when using Hibernate? (In co...

Object oriented representation of multi-table query

Hi all, Suppose we have two related tables, for example one representing a person: PERSON name age ... current_status_id and one representing a status update at a specific time for this person: STATUS_HISTORY recorded_on status_id blood_pressure length ... I have built an application in PHP using Zend Framework, and tried to r...

How to activate PHP file in JavaScript function

Hello all, I am trying to write some information into my database when I activate a javascript function. I use PHP and MySQL. How can I open the .php file, execute it and return to .js file in order the function to continue its operation? Thanks in advance. ...

suggestions for a replicated datastore

I am looking for a simple key-value datastore which will automatically replicate itself on different machines. Unfortunately, a Distributed Hash Table will not work for me since I need the whole datastore to be available on all machines. I have looked at mnesia from the erlang world but talking to it from different languages is a pain. ...

Adding value to Time Stamp

Hi Guys, I am trying to create a script for quiz. I have stored current time stamp in mysql DB as quiz start time, and want to check after each quiz how much time is left. I have the idea that I will add 30 mins to saved time stamp and subtract this value from current time. That will be the time left. But I don't know the exact way of...

Help me unserstand this XML key/value declaration from the WebDAV specs

See this example from RFC2518: <D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:"> <D:response> <D:href>;/D:href&gt; <D:propstat> <D:prop xmlns:R=""&gt; <R:bigbox> <R:BoxType>Box type A</R:BoxType> ...

PHP-ORACLE: take the autogenerated ID after an insert

i have a Oracle Express 10g database, i have a table with an autogenerated id, i whold like to know how can i know it in php after an insert. ...

creating and working with a large 2 dimensional dataset in android

ok i have an sql database (we'll call it DATABASE1) that receives inputs of names from the user and they can input as many as they want.. what i need to do now is hard code a database or spreadsheet or matrix or something (we will call it DATASET1) that DATABASE1 can work with.. however the thing is is that DATASET1 is comprised of names...

Could someone explain SQLiteOpenHelper getType

I'm trying to implement a database in my application. I'm following a tutorial about writing my own ContentProvider, but I'm confused about SQLiteOpenHelper::getType. We're supposed to write it and, essentially, write a switch that returns the MIME type corresponding to the type of data we're dealing with. I don't fully understand it....