
Django db Table delete

With what command can i delete tables from a django db of a specific app/ only one table? I did find all sorts of things, but not how to get rid of a table. Also while I am at this. I create the models and hit syncdb and then I have the tables. If I want to update/add to those tables, do I run into problems? Thanks! ...

Storing Data in MySQL as JSON

I thought this was a n00b thing to do, and so i've never done it than i saw that FriendFeed did this and actually made their DB scale better and decreased latency. I'm curious if I should do this, and if so, what's the right way to do it? Basically, whats a good place to learn how to store everything in MySQL as a couchDB sort of DB. St...

Generic PHP MySQL connection class

Are there any great, lightweight MySQL connection classes out there for PHP that anyone recommends? I have written my own, and I do think it is pretty good but this seems like the sort of thing that many programmers better than me must have perfected long ago. I'm interested in finding something that I can slot in generically and use a...

DB abstraction library like codeigniter

Does any one know of a light weight DB abstraction library like the one codeigniter has. I had a look at Pear:MDB but its not what I am looking for. I am looking for chaining features. For eg: $this->db->get_where('table_name', 'condition')->row()->'column_name' ; This makes syntax very compact. TIA, NB : I am not at all looking fo...

How can I handle the time consuming SQL ?

We have a table with 6 million records, and then we have a SQL which need around 7 minutes to query the result. I think the SQL cannot be optimized any more. The query time causes our weblogic to throw the max stuck thread exception. Is there any recommendation for me to handle this problem ? Following is the query, but it's hard for ...

Running a Android App while the screen is black

Hi, I'm trying to run a android app while the screen is black, i used a service and i tryed to add also a WakeLock of the type "PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK". The service play a song and save data from the accelerometer to the db, but when i press the red phone button to make the screen black, it play the song but it don't save data to the db. Hav...

MySQL: InnoDB or MyISAM Engine ::: which is better for lot of selects?

I have a huge file (~26 MB) with around 200 columns & 30000 records. I want to import it into a database (InnoDB Engine). I wont't be updating or deleting records ever. ALthough I will be querying a lot of records from the table with high complexity in where clause. Which table engine should i prefer for faster query response? Will it re...

What is a good practice/tool for MSSQL database design and versioning?

We work with a small development team and a system engineer who deploys the software at certain times. At the moment we don't have any leading document for database changes. Changes are done in the staging database and added manually to production when the system engineer deploys a new release. We started to work with DBDesigner Fork t...

Size of a Database transaction - Number of records

Hi, I have to insert approximately 96,000 rows in a table based on certain calculations. The business requirements is to have this operation in a single transaction, i.e. either all the entries are made successful or none. I am using MySQL and I could see the operation takes much more time than expected.. I shut down the operation afte...

What is the use of a transaction log on a read-only database?

In Sql Server, I find that, when I mark a database as read only, its existing large transaction log remains. To fix this I have to set it back to writeable, then dbcc shrinkfile on the log file, then set it read-only again. What is the use of a transaction log if the database is read only? Is there a reason it doesn't just get deleted/f...

Creating logger in CouchDB?

I would like to create a logger using CouchDB. Basically, everytime someone accesses the file, I would like like to write to the database the username and time the file has been accessed. If this was MySQL, I would just add a row for every access correspond to the user. I am not sure what to do in CouchDB. Would I need to store each acce... mvc c# - problem with reading from sql server database

Hello all, I cant read any data from database, could you please look at my code and find a problem? cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT ImageData, " + " ContentTy...

Class Table Inheritance with a hierarchy

I have 3 data types with -- a) Common columns b) a hierarchy -- and would like to know how to design the database. Let's say at the top level, there is a Discussion. Within that, there are DiscussionMessages, Files and Comments. They all have fields in common (UserID, CreateDate, Text), but also have unique columns (FileName, ContentT...

best language platform for creating product comaparison site

hi i want to create product comparison site expecting good no of user hits (100 + concurrent users) i am from dot net background(LOB Application),i haven't done much research for good programming platform for such user oriented website with some user generated content , i have following options 1: c# Ajax 2: silver light 3: ph...

How can I map a different parent class in different projects to the same shared child class?

Summary: I have two projects using the same database relation. I would like to map the relation differently in each project, using the same child class but different parent classes. Detail: I have two projects, ADMIN and SERVICE. ADMIN allows the persisted object Promo to be configured. SERVICE will read Promo. We're using Spring...

Multiple request to a SQLite-based web page

Hi all, I develop web applications and I always used client/server databases (like MySQL) to store the application data. I would switch to an integrated DB engine like SQLite. I have a question. What happens if I have for example 1000 users visiting the web site and typing text in a textbox with suggestions (lots of request to the serv...

Automatically generate sql insert statement with dummy data

Possible Duplicate: Quickest way to fill SQL Table with Dummy Data I'm looking for a tool that will generate insert statement for an existing database filled with dummy data. This is meant to allow testing of the system. I'm thinking about something that reads the type of each field and generates data accordingly. If the fiel...

Query to group by maximum depth of PostgreSQL Ltree?

I want to query for all products with the name "Shania Twain", but I want group them only by the tree with the deepest nlevel. Assuming I have a table like the following with the name categories +---------------+---------------+---------------+ |id |name |tree | +---------------+---------------+---------...

How to order by multi relation table 's field?

Hi , I need to generate a list of receipts in rails which need to be ordered by item's order relationship field ( Models : Receipt Deposit PaymentMethodMetaType In Deposit Model: class Deposit < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :payment_method_meta_type has_many :receipts, :class_name=>"Receipt", ...

Import SQL database structure to the repository

What do you suggest as good ways to import database structure and commit database structure changes to the repository? Our current procedure is to export the structure into a text file then replace it the the existing text file in the repository. I find it tedious and time-consuming. Are there any utilities to do this? ...