
Structure of the DB

I am trying to structure a database for optimal use. But I have no idea how to make that happen. Here is what i will have A category which will have many products and a count for each on of those products For example Restaurants will be the category and the products will be the computer system, cash register and each one of these pro...

What type of database would be good to hold mp3 files

I'm doing a project that requires me to manipulate pieces of music. What type of database would be good for me to hold the songs. Thanks ...

How do I use a standard active record for some models when i am using the datafabric gem?

I am using the data-fabric gem, sharding between 2 machines. However, I would like to use the standard activerecord functions for some tables. Anyone has a similar experience achieving this? ...

How to model time representation in the schema

We currently store the hours, minutes part separately to capture time (e.g. 10.30, 14.30). Is this the best way to model time representation (supported databases are h2, mysql, postgres) ...

proper syntax for multiple values in a column in sqlite database browser

so i know this is a ridiculously silly question but im brand new to sql/sqlite and only 2 weeks into android programming.. but how to i enter multiple values into a single column in sqlite database browser? is there a proper syntax for it? ive got 2 columns.. groups and names and each group contains multiple names.. ie - group 1 = "john...

getting data from server and store in the iPhone

hey all, i want to develop an iPhone app where the app downloads data (say audio clips) from a specified server and stores it locally on the device. then the app should use the data stored in the device rather than stream it from the server. could anybody give me the guidelines as to how this can be done? tutorials and samples also appre...

can we say textfile is a database ?

can we say textfile is a database..... as we know that database is a collection of data and database allow easily retrive amd manipulation.... but these things we can also do with textfile...sothat my question is text file is a database or not... ...

convert sql query for different database

Is there a tool to convert form one sql query of one Database to another . > eg for sqite CREATE TABLE ConstantValues( Id int > AUTOINCREMENT primary key , > VariableName varchar(50) , Values > varchar(150) ) for sqlserver > CREATE TABLE ConstantValues( Id > INTEGER identity(1,1) primary key , > VariableName varcha...

MySQL Dynamic Query Challenge - Help please!!

Hello, I have this query: SELECT userlist.USERID, (case when (sum( CASE WHEN track.OFFER_ID = 221 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 1) then 1 else 0 end) offer_211 FROM userlist INNER JOIN track ON userlist.USERID = track.USERID group by userid This is the output: +------------+---------- | USERID | offer_211 | +-...

Best software (or other) solution for modeling existing complex MySQL schema

Hi Stack Overflow, What's a good solution for modeling an existing and very complicated MySQL schema. Preferably with the following features: completely visual drill down on click shows keys, indexes gives sample data per field* *as fields aren't always intuitively named Thanks! Emile ...

Oracle DB - how to display privs across schemas/owners?

Hi, I have a owner A and owner B in the DB. Each of them has its own schemas, etc. If I grant rights to an user from B (so he has e.g. access to some view under A), is there any way how to display privs like this? I mean, one user has some rights under each DB owner and its schematas. The reason for that is that I would need to be sure t...

Send mail by SQL server 2005

i am not getting this store procedure , can you tell where is it "master..xp_sendmail" i have send the mail when any insertion take place in particular table like "Emp" ...

Database Links - Oracle 10g and Ms Access 2007

I'm trying to create a link between oracle 10g and ms access 2007 but I don't know how to set parameters in my tnsnames.ora file to access my MS Access db. I've created new Data Source in ODBC Data Source Administrator with Microsoft Access Driver and selected my access db (.mdb). In the MS Access I can link between tables and I see da...

Are there any pitfalls with having multiple MySQL databases on 1 server node?

I want to prepare my database for sharding in the future. But right now I only need 1 node. What I'd like to do is to shard the database into virtual shards, say 12 shards, and put all of them onto the same server node for now. And when I need to scale out, I could just then get a 2nd server and move 6 of the 12 virtual shard onto the ...

java distributed database data sharing

I want applications to share certain database data. I want one application to retrieve and display certain table views of data produced by another application. Do you know of any open source technologies that I can use for such a distributed solution? ...

Read/Write File vs. Query Database

My website has a large number of readers every day. I wanted to track the traffic of each article. For each visitor, I added a unit on the counter. I'm confused between two solutions: Saved to a file on the server. Create the cron jobs to update them on the database. Save directly to database. Should I do now? ...

Modeling Group Membership in a Database

Hello, Just started designing a database which I have not done before. And am wondering the best way to handle group membership in the database. Say I have two tables. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Computers] ( [ComputerID] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Name] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, ); CREATE TA...

Find storedProcedure by name

Hello, Is there any way I can find in SQL Server Management studio StoredProcedure by name or by part of the name ? (on active database context) Thanks for help ...

how we delete a row from parent table when child table connected with paren table by forigen key.

hi all i am getting a problem while i attenpting to delete a row from parent table, actuall i have created 2 table custmer and account.i make cutomer id(primary key) in customer and customer id (forigen key ) in account.after created it i have filled data inside both table. at this point while i am trying to delete a row from first ta...

Changing ASP.NET Login Database

In my test enviroment I created a Login and used the ASP.NET Configuration in Visual Studio. It worked perfectly. But now after testing I imported an existing database to my sql-server and this database includes existing login tables(same structure). In my web-application I want to use these imported tables instead of those in my...