
Mysql slow query: JOIN + multiple WHERES + ORDER BY

Hello all, long time lurker, first question! I am struggling to optimize this query, which selects the lowest priced items that match the chosen filters: SELECT product_info.*, MIN(product_all.sale_price) as sale_price, product_all.buy_link FROM product_info NATURAL JOIN (SELECT * FROM product_all WHERE = '2010-09-30')...

management role and user in a application

hello i wana work on a windows forms application that several users can work with different roles, for example 3 roles ,that "A role" only to access some parts of the program and cannot see and access it and "B role" can acess to entire of application, but some parts are just right to access and view, "C role" full access to all parts ...

Suggestions for a database with good support for set operations

I'm looking for a database with good support for set operations (more specifically: unions). What I want is something that can store sets of short strings and calculate the union of such sets. For example, I want to add A, B, and C to a set, then D, and A to another and then get the cardinality of the union of those sets (4), but scale...

Nosql DB for undirected graphs?

I want to store a graph of millions of nodes where each node links to another in an undirected manner (point A to B, automatically B points to A). I have examined Neo4j, OrientDB as possible solutions but they seem to be oriented in directed graphs, and Neo4j not being free for >1 million nodes is not a solution for me. Can you help me...

How to start with database ?

Hi all, i have just started using visual studio 2008.I am working on c#. I want to add SQL database particularly LOCAL database (.sdf) to my project and want to use queries which will save data in database and fetch some data from database and which will display and will perform different function. So, if any body can give me any sma...

Can we update primary key values of a table?

Can we update primary key values of a table? ...

Flagging possible identical users in an account management system

Hi, I am working on a possible architecture for an abuse detection mechanism on an account management system. What I want is to detect possible duplicate users based on certain correlating fields within a table. To make the problem simplistic, lets say I have a USER table with the following fields: Name Nationality Current Address Logi...

Can I drop one of these indexes in Wordpress?

Hi guys, i'm currently exceeding the maximum server queries per hour with my blog on my host, and when that happens they shut my account down, rendering it useless. I keep exceeding the maximum amount of queries which is 75,000 but I don't think I should be considering the amount of visitors I have at the moment, plus I'm using Super C...

How to get list of all objects? - PostgreSQL

Hi folks, I need a list of the objects included in the db: tables, sequences, etc... Getting the list of tables was the only thing I was able to find out. Any ideas for what I could use in order to obtain everything? ...

LINQ to sql insert data c#

I have created one function whose purpose is to add data to database (I'm using linq to sql) This is the code I have written public static void Add(string Name, int Quantitty) { DataDataContext Database = new DataDataContext(); tests test = new tests(); test.Name = Name; test.Quantity = (short)Q...

Service for storing user/password and other information

Hello there, I'm wondering if is there any service on the web that allows you to create a section and then store for that section usernames/password and other information you might like such as first name, last name, email, and other custom informations.. then you would be able to validate this information on an external website via REST...

Strange MySQL Issues

So I setup a table using mysql query browser, and now i'm trying to fill it up. But no matter what I do, it says "created account succesfully", but nothing ever gets added to the database! The code I have is below: ` if($connection) { $out = "<p>Please wait while we process ...

SQL Server to MySql conversion - schema vs. database question

All, We are evaluating MySql as a lower cost alternative to SQL server for our smaller clients in a shared hosting environment. I am still foggy on how we would migrate some of the particulars such as table/scalar value functions, sql jobs, etc, but I will post specifics in another thread. I do, however, have a fundamental question ab...

i want a Dos batch file which can display which databases are running

Hi Guys i have installed Sql Server 2008, Oracle 10I and DB2, i want a Dos batch file which can display which databases are running. Thanks ...

MySQL Table Structure

Could I get some opinions on this MySQL table structure please? Is the amount of varchar fields bad? Are there better alternatives? The kind of data should be fairly self-explanatory. CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `active` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'1', `email` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `passw...

Oracle (?) DB dump file

I have a legacy DB dump file which starts off something like this: ^C^@&D EXPORT:V07.03.04 DHISTO RTABLES 8192 0 ^@ Mon Jan 11 09:02:31 2010 TABLE "ABCD" CREATE TABLE "ABCD" ("TIME" DATE, "ELEMENT" CHAR(16), .... From the "EXPORT:V07.03.04", and from the data I do have, I am assuming this is an Oracle DB dump (v7). Which tools do I...

drupal what is vid in node_revision

hi , am exploring drupal 6.15 , am going to do the DB migration ,plain db to drupal db , what is vid field in node_revision table in drupal cms , i thing vid not an vocabulary id, but plz clear it ...

db access via interactive tags map

I want to create an interactive tags map, kinda like 'visual thesaurus' (, and use it as an a access portal to my DB (display tagged data in a separate area), what do you think would be the best technology to use? I need something that would be SEO friendly of course, easy to use (user wise), and easy to ...

Query MySQL database with timestamp

I have a timestamp field [SubmissionDate], which defaults to current_timestamp, and i was wondering how do i query my database in such a fashion that for example i get only shown all entries submitted on a certain year and month? Something like: SELECT * FROM DNA_entrys WHERE `SubmissionDate`.month = February AND `SubmissionDate`.year =...

GWT RPC Testing DB connection

Hi, I'm using GWT RPC to connect to server side. On server side I've to connect to MySQL database, from which I get data I need. My question is which is best practice when I want to test my application, because I haven't deployed it yet on Tomcat app server, and it seems I cant test it, if it is not deployed. When I test it in developme...