
How to compare two tables column by column in oracle

I have two similar tables in oracle in two different databases. For example : my table name is EMPLOYEE and primary key is employee id. The same table with same columns(say 50 columns are is avlbl in two databases and two databases are linked. I want to compare these two tables column by column and find out which records are not matchi...

Enforcing Referential Integrity with Triggers Instead of Foreign Keys

I'm building a new database for a web-based application and find that I am frequently having to decide between flexibility of the model and meaningful foreign keys to enforce referential integrity. There are a couple of aspects of the design that lead me towards writing triggers to do what FKs would normally do: Parts of the model use...

Build Management, Complex Data Movement, and Deployment with TFS and SQL Server

I'm part of a small team that want to move to using TFS for source control and build management for a SQL Server 2008 database. For our product, it is possible to have customers that are running different versions of the product/database. One issue I need to resolve is how to manage complex upgrade-scripts for situations beyond the norma...

How to add new record to table in Ms Access by form?

I made form by wizard, but when I run this, first I have in fields first record from table, and I can edit this record, but I don't want to have this. I want to have blank field and when I click add button i can add new record, not edit.... ...

Performance question about Genrating Html Files from database

Hi, I have a web portal on Cricket News India. I have built my own customised CMS to update the news in the website. My questions are Since the data is in the database, will it be a good practice to genarate the html pages out and save it in our server. Advantages that I observe, next time if a user comes server gets the generated h...

What techniques are suitable for a windows database application where the database is available via http

I'm starting a database application. The application should connect over http to a mysql database. The application should display the database records table-like. Some dialogs are necessary (reflects a database-record). I'm thinking of a dialog-based MFC application with some functions available via menu and which connects via SOAP to th...

Calculate distance between Zip Codes... AND users.

This is more of a challenge question than something I urgently need, so don't spend all day on it guys. I built a dating site (long gone) back in 2000 or so, and one of the challenges was calculating the distance between users so we could present your "matches" within an X mile radius. To just state the problem, given the following dat...

best place/ book to learn sql .pl/sql database programming?

I am not new to programming, but when it comes to databases, my concepts are messed up. I would like to know how to program in databases.. I am not sure which book to refer to ..and also I have to consolidate my concepts in databases. Any resource with good images, on joins, normalization would be of great help Is there any resource/ bo...

Hibernate timeout problem with servlets

I have a Tomcat servlet that incorporates hibernate. It works fine normally. When the servlet starts I initialize hibernate and create a session factory. I then use this session factory to generate sessions when performing various database transactions. So far so good. My problem comes after a long period of inactivity on the s...

matching words in database conceptual definitions

I need to match the given words with their suitable meaning. Please help me as these words are very confusing to me.from " Unique identifier" to " Create-object operation", please find their meaning from a list given below. Problem 1 For each of the terms in the left-hand column below, select the term in the righthand column that best ...

data model, many2many with many2one relationship

Hey, I have two types of accounts (customer and provider), I chose the single-table strategy for persistence. Customer creates Orders (one2many) and provider bids on the orders in auction style (many2many relationship, because he can bid on many orders as well as other providers). My question is, is it possible to have these relationship...

is oops is the solution to improve php security?

now we are working in one that project we choosed HTML5 and CSS3 designed. but still we have confuse on server side scripting, whether php,ruby,python,scala,and more and more..our requirements is nothing but SERVER SCRIPTING LANGUAGE:our server side scripting language is secure and more helpfull(ease of development,security...

Is category nesting as a "string chain" a bad idea?

Thinking of building a nested category "system" using "chained strings" for lack of a better term. Here's the plan: A category slug could be something like "shopping-clothing-womans". This would correlate to a 3 deep category: Shopping > Clothing > Woman's. An object in the database would have a category field, containing the slug. Let...

PL/SQL Vs T-SQL and Database Jobs

So Im really wanting to do Database working as a job when I graduate. I've Gotten Books/CD's. Video Tutorials/Learning (Nuggets) and everything. I've had prior experience with MySQL for a Databases class and I absolutely LOVED it. Anyways I know there are 2 types, Database Admins and Database Devs. I assume the Admins manage them where...

How To Print A Single Record from a Microsoft Access Form into a Report

Hello! i'm very new to Access and VB, and im about to print a specific record.. but im getting an error with this code: Private Sub printEksternAVR_Click() DoCmd.OpenReport [Report_AVR Ekstern], acViewPreview, , [Report_AVR Ekstern].Rapport_nr = Forms!Form_AVR End Sub My reports name is AVR Ekstern, and the prime key is Rapport nr...

Sybase: what device names does a database use?

Hi there, Does anyone know how I can query the database to find what devices a database uses? There is the sysdatabases table and the sysdevices table but I don't know how to link them Anyone know? ...

export to doc/other writeable file / force to print out empty report?

Is there any way to "force" my report to print out the "layout" even if the fields are empty. I have one report, which is always there. and 8-9 sup-reports which not always will be filled, but I want them to be shown anyway because they will be send out to a customer and filled, and then send back? is there any easy way of doing so? (and...

How to implement "autoincrement" on Google AppEngine

I have to label something in a "strong monotone increasing" fashion. Be it Invoice Numbers, sipping label numbers or the like. A number MUST NOT BE used twice Every number SHOULD BE used when exactly all smaller numbers have been used (no holes). Fancy way of saying: I need to count 1,2,3,4 ... The number Space I have available are t...

mysql join question, joining newest record in a one to many relationship.

Hi all, I have a simple (hopefully) SQL question for you, any help would be much, much appreciated :). I have two tables which I would like to join. One Is Users, lets say it's called users One is a kind of history of that user, lets say its called users_history. The relationship of these two is a one users to many users_history rel...

I need to store & query "relational, hierarchical, graph, document" hybrid data. I'm looking for the best DB solution.

I am working on what is currently a pet project. Soon it will be going into mainstream production. My biggest barrier is the data storage. The bulk of the data is "document" with specific indexes that would span across several types of data. So a single collection with indexing would work just fine. I know MongoDB, Caché, and M will ha...