
Is it reasonable to divide data into different tables, based on a column value?

If I have a large table with a column which has a rather limited range of values (e.g. < 100), is it reasonable to divide this table into several tables with names tied to that column value? E.g. a table like with columns: table "TimeStamps": [Id] [DeviceId] [MessageCounter] [SomeData] where [DeviceId] is the "limited range" column w...

SQL Buddy alternative for oracle

I'm looking for oracle admin tool like SQL Buddy (here). I just want to use the browser to test my querys. ...

How many database instances are too much with the ezcomponents database component?

Hi, I want to connect to about 9 databases and create an instance for everyone of them to aggregate my results in the queries. I am writing a metrics dashboard for my company that need to track results and performance over about 9 different databases with about 15mil+ records in each. Now the technical part is not hard. I know how to c...

How do we optimize oracle database ?

Hello, We have a Oracle 9i Database with 7 tables each with 15+ Million records. There is no relation between the table i.e. no foreign keys. Here is an example of one of the tables CREATE TABLE GSS.SHOWPD ( INSERVID VARCHAR2(7 CHAR) NOT NULL, CAGEPOS VARCHAR2(8 CHAR) DEFAULT NULL, DETA...

RoR: Creating an Object with string primary_key (associated error: Couldn't find Object_Id with ID=0)

I created a model that had a string primary_key. The Create action in Ruby on Rails gave me the following error: Couldn't find Theme with ID=0 My Theme table has no ID column, but a string column called name which is the primary key. After searching everywhere, I experimented myself with the Create action inside the theme_controller....

MySQL match existence of a term amongst comma seperated values using REGEXP

Hi There, I have a MySQL select statement dilemma that has thrown me off course a little. In a certain column I have a category term. This term could look something like 'category' or it could contain multiple CSV's like this: 'category, bank special'. I need to retrieve all rows containing the term 'bank special' in the comma separat...

find nearest Gps point to the user location form a list

hello to all. what i am trying to do: the user selects start and destination on a map and then from their coordinates i want to show the closest point location from a list of locations on map. i have a simple Sqlite database containing the longitude,latitude and name of the possible locations. i did some research and this is what i fou...

To check on NULL or 0

What is faster in SQL to check value for NULL or 0 I want to have the fastest way to check is value already in table. For example which is faster : IF ((SELECT ID FROM [SomeTable].[dbo].[BlockedSubscriberNumbers] WHERE VALUE = @myVal) is null ) BEGIN .... END ELSE BEGIN .... END or IF ((SELECT ID FROM [SomeTable].[dbo].[Bloc...

Are there any NoSQL DBMS's that can work with Visual Basic 6/.net? If there are then how do I make it happen?

I've tried working with OrientDB but it seems inserting to the database is not supported by the REST interface. Looking at Cassandra and MongoDB, they seem to be alright but I haven't seen any references to VB in their site. ...

Is there a free database or web service api for music information (albums, artists, tracks)?

I need to look up artist/album/track information for song titles. Is there a free database I could download or a open source web service/api I could use? ...

Are there any design patterns for bitemporal NoSQL databases?

I'm curious if anyone has implemented or even knows of any bitemporal databases built on NoSQL platforms (e.g., riak). ...

SQLite Crash on Inserting Items

I have three queries that I'm running through SQLite. These are what I'm running; the first is the table declaration and then the next 3 are the actual queries. Declaration: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items (busid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ipaddr TEXT, time TEXT DEFAULT (NOW()));" Queries: (Works) "INSERT INTO items (time, i...

What Database / Technology should be used to calculate unique visitors in time scope

I've got a problem with performance of my reporting database (tables have millions of records, 50+), when I want to calculate distinct on column that indicates a visitor uniqueness, let's say some hashkey. For example: I have these columns: hashkey, name, surname, visit_datetime, site, gender, etc... I need to get distinct in time spa...

Mysql Database design - checklist/quiz application

hello, I'm currently 'learning' codeigniter, php and mySql all at once as I try and create a "checklist" type of website, where visitors sign up, create a project and are asked a list of questions, where they must input certain fields I'm a little stuck on my mySQL DB-design... (completely stuck actually) what it comes down to is... ...

any standard approach for updating 50 web applications + database?

I am using VS 2k10 and have a 4 app with a sql server db behind it, and I have 50 deployments of it (50- databases, 50 web application deployments). Is there any recommended or standard tool in the industry used for updating mass web applications and databases all at once? ...

How best to store web application images in the filesystem

What is the best practise for storing a large number of files that are referenced in a database in the file system? We're currently moving from a system that stores around 14,000 files (around 6GB of images and documents) in a MySQL database. This is quickly becoming unmanageable. We currently plan to save the files by their database p...

Should I add total count in a the main relational table

I'm doing something different but this is an easier to understand example. Think of the votes here. I add these votes to a separate table and log information about them like by who, when and so on. Would you also add a field to the main table that simply counts the number of votes or is this bad practice. ...

Berkeley DB: how does it compare to MongoDB?

Recently, I've been digging into various types of DBs. I need to store & query “relational, hierarchical, graph, document” hybrid data. I'm looking for the best DB solution. I can't find much data about Berkeley DB. Most of the stuff on their website is written by the marketing dept. One of the PDFs makes it sound like it handles relati...

CSQL in memory database in Windows environment

CSQL is available for Linux. Is any has tried to install in Windows environment. ...

Which is the best open source In memory databse

There are so many open source In Memory database solutions available like CSQL, sqlLite. Which one is the best among them. Criteria Performance Small in size Easy to use Support to SQL language and Drivers for other programming languages. ...