
Binding multiple OnTaskChanged.AfterProperties to one Workflow field.

Hi, I'm creating a State Workflow for WSS and have several tasks that get created throughout it. I wanted to bind all of the OnTaskChanged.AfterProperties to the one Workflow Field so that I can define one rule, to check the status of the task that changed, and re-use that rule wherever I have an OnTaskChanged event. I can't see any pr...

ASP.NET GridView.DataBind not refreshing the GridView

To start I am using a MultiView control to step users through searching. The first page in the MultiView is just a search box with a button to preform the search. The second page has the GridView, but I would like to keep the search box and button for the user to search again if they didn't find the user they were looking for. When yo...

DataGridView auto size columns without showing the grid

I need to get DataGridView column sizes without showing the the grid (for printing). I'm using data binding through DataSource (using BindingSource doesn't seem to work too). For whatever reason I get wrong column sizes. If I show the grid in a form first, everything is fine. If I try to get column sizes after setting no DataSource and ...

Property being changed in CurrentItemChanged event

Is it possible to find out what property is changing while handling the CurrentItemChange event? ...

WPF Bind to class member in code behind

Pretty simple question, but can't seem to find a complete answer on here... I need to databind in xaml to a property of a class member in codebehind. <Window x:Class="Main"> <customcontrol Name="View" IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=RecordProp, Path=IsViewChecked}" /> ... Where the code behind looks like: class Main { ....

Why is there a databind() for a gridview?

Why is there a need to explicitly call GridView.DataBind() to render the gridview. Why wouldn't it render by itself automatically like how it happens in Window Forms? ...

How to use databind records in inline if statements.

Hi everyone, here is my problem: I've got a repeater on my (VB): <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Question_Number") %>' /> <%#Eval("Question_Desc")%> Now what I want to do is, check a value that I haven't used called "Question_Type" whic...

How do I find the associated the field and table bound to a control in C#?

I'm generating some code from a form object using reflection. I want to iterate through all the controls on the form and output the field and table that each control is bound to. Right now, I am able to output the databound field for a control: if ((control is Label) || (control is TextBox)) { if (control.DataBindings["Text"] != nu...

C# WPF DataBind boolean

I have been using this website to learn a lot about C# for a while, but this is my first time posting a question. I look forward to hearing back from some of the seasoned C# veterans! I have been working on a C# 4.0 WPF project and need to figure out how to databind a boolean value. I have a reference to my Application.Current object ...

Databind listbox

I'm pretty new to asp net 2.0 programming and I was wondering how can I add an "all" item to a listbox, so I can filter my results by a specific criteria ( from a database ) or display all the results. Thanks in advance ...

how to extend wpf combo box to bind data?

i need to bind a collection of objects to a combo box which i can use in different forms. so i want create a custom control which binds the collection to the combo box? how t do it by extending combo box? also how can i define the ItemData template? ...

Databinding in inner .ascx control and FormView

Hello colleagues, I have ascx control inside FormView. What I would like is use syntax Bind inside ascx. Here is my page: <asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" ID="ods" TypeName="MyDS" SelectMethod="Get" UpdateMethod="Update" DataObjectTypeName="Ent"> </asp:ObjectDataSource> <asp:FormView runat="server" DefaultMode="Edit" ID...

How to Use Accordian Control in GridView

I have one GridView. i want to add Accordion in it. at run time in accordion header i want the detail of Category and in Content of that accordion i want detail of subcategory (related to Category) so suggest me what i should do ...

wpf c# databinding on object

Hello, say I have this control: public partial class bloc999 : UserControl { bloc999Data mainBlock = new bloc999Data(); public bloc999() { InitializeComponent(); mainBlock.txtContents = "100"; base.DataContext = mainBlock; } } in the xaml: <TextBox Margin="74,116,106,0" Name="txtContents" Text="{Binding Path=txtConte...

Winform ListView databind

Hi, I have a Listview that uses databind. I set the DataSource property to a binding source. All works fine. The problem is that I need to have a column that is not databinded and contains only buttons that have the same handler for click event. To accomplish this I tried to add a subitem that is a button for each ListViewItem after Ini...

Binding a WPF ComboBox to a different ItemsSource within a ListBox DataTemplate

I have a ListBox that contains a textbox and a combobox in its datatemplate: <ListBox Height="147" Margin="158,29,170,0" Name="PitcherListBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding SomeCollectionOfObjects}" Background="Black"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Hori...

Presenting collection of structures of strings in grid or similar in WPF - Example? Ideas?

Hi, I have a collection of structures. The structure is just some strings. Example public struct ReportLine { public string Name; public string Address; public string Phone; ...// about 10 other strings } I can't change this part. What I want to do is display it in a simple grid or simlar in WPF. My only requirements are:...

How to bind to observable collection in code-behind from xaml

Hi how can i bind to this observablecollection (Mainpage.xaml.cs) public ObservableCollection tabs = new ObservableCollection(); in xaml? I've tried (Mainpage.xaml) But without any luck ...

Can we bind dynamic data (dataset or list) to a control in WPF

Hi, I have a user control...and the base page(s) which uses this user control has a dataset which will be used by the user control. My dataset is can have different number of columns depending upon which page my usercontrol is implemented. Is there any control in wpf which i can use to bind this dataset (without kn...

Can i bind an the datasource Index in a repeater/grid

Hi All, I have a repeater.. and in my repeater i have a link that fires some JS. I would like to pass the itemIndex of the datasource in the JS. Is there some way to do this without using OnItemBound or OnItemCreated?? like.. <a href="#" onclick="dosomestuff(<%# this.item.index %>); return false;">Add Stuff</a> i know the syntax i...