
Datagrid Binding Question.

I am new at this. I am trying to populate a datagrid from a table source. My code is attempting to do two things. First it populates a dataGrid with columns from a table. Then it adds a column called "SELECT" at the end of the grid. This select is CheckBox. However, when I execute this code, it adds the "SELECT" column twice. I want to s...

flex datagrid columns drag

I have a data grid where users can drag columns and reposition them. But there is a strange requirement that some columns should not be draged to the left of some other column. eg, assume the columns are : name, price , start date, end date, The end date should not be dragged and placed before the start date. i.e. The user can have ...

setting value in a datagrid

Any idea how to set value at a cell level in a data grid I used the following private function dataPanel(rowindex:Number, Var1:Number, Var1Name:String, Var2:Number, Var2Name:String, Var3:Number, Var3Name:String, Var4:Number, Var4Name:String): void { trace("rowindex ", rowindex) if (rowindex==0) { co...

WPF Datagrid with variable number of columns AND change background color depending on value

Hi, I'm trying to make a grid that represent bookings over a month(excel style). For this I have used the WPF Datagrid and defined my column in C# code: for (int i = 0; i < noOfDaysInMonth; i++) { DataGridTextColumn tmpColumn = new DataGridTextColumn { Header = (i + 1).ToString(), Binding =...

Windows mobile datagrid binding

I am trying to bind a Generic List collection of type string to dataGrid instance and always the data grid displays column titled with length and list the length of each element not the elemnt it self I am developing Device Application (smartphone application ) using Windows mobile SDK Professional edition and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 prof...

How can I render this data, into a Grid, in an ASP.NET MVC view?

Hi folks, I want to copy StackOverflow's TAG's page, where they have a list of Tags (or whatever) and display them into a few columns, with the first column being the first 10 records, the second column being record 11->20 .. etc. and of course I have my data already paged. I'm not sure what this type of view is called? is this a grid...

Selecting Datagrid Row when Right mouse button is Pressed

How can i select the WPF datagrid row when i click the right mouse button. I need to show the context menu in the datagrid but i am able to generate the context menu but selected row i not changing. How can i solve this issue. ...

DataGrid , TextBox - binding and instant updates

Hi, My app. contains the window in the picture: The ItemsSource of the DataGrid is set to _editList ( declared as IList < Vendor > _editList;). The data grid is set to Read Only. The Vendor Name text box has the binding set as : Text="{Binding ElementName=dataGridVendors, Path=SelectedItem.Name, Mode=TwoWay}" This works wel...

MVVM How to Design a ViewModel for a Datagrid which columns are chosen by user

So when i have a Datagrid which i want to fill with data from my Database. I normally design a ViewModel with the Data i wanted to display. But how do i create an ViewModel for my Datagrid when i dont know before which data it will display in it ? So when i allow the user of my application to specify the Columns from the database table ...

WPF datagrid binding : add new item

Hi, I have the following window in my app: The list is declared as : IList < Vendor > _editList; and the datagrid is populated via : dataGridVendors.ItemsSource = _editList; The "New" button creates a new Vendor and adds the vendor the _editList. Vendor vendor = new Vendor(); _editList.Add(vendor); Unfortunately.... the new ven...

How to access ItemsSource property of a DataGrid defined in UserControl from main xaml file ?

I have declared a DataGrid in UserControl. Now I have included the UserControl in my main xaml file. I am trying to set the ItemsSource property of DataGrid from main.xaml; but I am getting an error "The property ItemsSource doesnot exist in the namespace". I am able to set the other properties like Background,Foreground, etc. My Us...

What event handler can i use to capture new values that have been changed in a flex datagrid.

I have an editable grid and would like to update values based on the edited cell and i am doing this in the itemEditEndHandler such that when they finish editing a cell i update other cells that are dependent on it. the only problem is in the itemEditEndHandler the new value has not registered yet. If i try and get the value of the cell ...

Autogenerating columns from empty results in Silverlight

I'm doing some rapid prototyping and is trying to mock out an admin interface for a website and went with WCF RIA Services. I'm able to expose and consume the domain services from server to client, but I'm struggling with getting columns autogenerated in the datagrid when the result of the query on the server holds no data. <riaControl...

WPF DataGriod has RowEditEnding but no RowEditEnded

Hi, I've bound an ObservableCollection to a DataGrid. When I change values in the DataGrid, the RowEditEnding event is raised. But the e.Row.Item is the object before editing, so you don't see the new values. I understand that because of the EditEnding. In Silverlight you have an EditEnded event, how can I get the object with the new va...

Silverlight 4 DataGrid - Allow user to add new row

One of the new features of the SL4 September 2010 release allows users to add new rows to a DataGrid (see ). I'm having trouble finding documentation on how to make that happen - are there any samples out there? ...

XCeed and the DataGridVirtualizingQueryableCollectionView

With a large set of tables in a SQL database, I've implemented the DataGridVirtualizingCollectionView to 'lazy load' where needed into the WPF front end using XCeeds DataGrid for WPF. This works quite well, but I notice that this class doesn't implement any kind of filtering mechanism. Looking at the documentation here it appears that t...

WPF ValidationRule not firing when value is null.

I'm having a problem with validation rules not firing when the initial value that they are bound to is null. For example I have this DataGridTextColumn that is in a DataGrid that has CanUserAddRows set to true. <DataGridTextColumn Header="Supplier Ref" Width="*"> <DataGridTextColumn.Binding> <Binding Path="SupplierRef" Mode="TwoWay...

Get selected row item in DataGrid WPF

Hi, I have a DataGrid, binded to Database table, I need to get content of selected row in DataGrid, for example, I want to show in MessageBox content of selected row. Example of DataGrid: ID Name Domain 464 Alex Math 646 Jim Biology So if I select second row, my MessageBox has to show something like: «646 Jim Biology». Thanks. ...

WPF DataTemplateColumn access DataTemplate and set ItemsSource

I know its strange what I am doing but I want this to work. I am going wrong somehwere I feel. I have a DataTemplate defined in my resources as follows : <UserControl.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="../ParameterEditorResourceDictionary.xaml"><...

Apply LayoutTransform to DataGridTextColumn

I've got a DataGrid containing some DataGridTextColumn and would like to apply a simple LayoutTransform to the cells, but not the header. Problem is, DataGridTextColumn does not offer LayoutTransform. I was able to apply LayoutTransformation to a DataGridTemplateColumn, but I lost a whole lot of functional and was unable to build it ba...