
Datagridview to Clipboard with formatting

For a VB.Net application needing to output the data to clipboard, with formatting, I am in need of some help. For now, I am exporting data from the clipboard using MainView.ClipboardCopyMode = Windows.Forms.DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableAlwaysIncludeHeaderText System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(MainView.GetClipboardConte...

Relation Of KeyDown Event With Datagridview's RowHeaderVisible

Software I use: C#, VS-2005. I have a populated combobox in datagridview. I have noticed that when the datagridview property RowHeaderVisible is set to false then no keydown event is fired on editing control. But when I set RowHeaderVisible to true, the keydown event works fine. So, I know that the RowHeaderVisible property set to true...

Not fill datagridview

I'm a fill datagridview When it opens the second form the value displayed will not Why? My code: // in form1 private bool Method1() { using (var form2 = new frmMain()) { form2.RaiseLoadEvent(EventArgs.Empty); } return (true); } private void frm1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Method1(); this.Dia...

Assign a datasourceid to a datagridview and add select parameters

Hi, I have a datagridview which I assign an objectdatasource to bind data. My selectmethod has a parameter which is assigned at gridview_databinding. The code does not work as expected, using the debugger, it keeps firing the gridview_databinding event and entering the databind method in what seems like an infinite loop. Please help me f...

DataGridView CurrentCell Value is {} instead of 0

I have a datagridview and want to put 0 in a textboxcolumn. I punch in 0 but then some other routines fail because of an typeconversion exception. The column type of the underlying datasource is float. Yet this.CurrentCell.Value = {} this.CurrentCell.FormattedValue="0%"; this.CurrentCell.Value.ToString() = "0"; For any other numeric...

Windows Forms: DataGridView Binding Question

I have a Winform DataGridView, which has a number of predefined columns. Now I have an array of objects (the object structure conforms to the defined gridview columns) and I want to bind the gridview to this array (with gridview.datasource = array) The problem is now, that I get several new columns in the grid after the predefined colum...

How to know whether the user is scrolling the datagridview

Hi Experts, I wish to know whether a user is scrolling the DataGridView. While the user is scrolling the DataGridView I wish to suspend a running thread and resume this thread as soon as the user stops scrolling. Any help will be deeply appreciated from heart. Thanks a lot :) Update : For my work regarding this,code is here :- http...

Windows Forms: Progress Bar in a DataGridView column

How can I show progressbars in the cells of a winforms datagridview column? ...

Binding DB2 (iSeries) DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP columns to a WinForms DataGridView

I am trying to pull the contents of an AS/400 file back to a data-bound .NET WinForms DataGridView (VS 2010). The query itself is no problem, and I am able to bind everything using the DataSource property of the grid. Data comes back with no issues. The problem I am having is that all date/time fields come back as string literals, mak... 2010 - IndexOutOfRange from datagridview when refreshing dataset

I have a datagridview on a form that is bound to a table in a dataset from another class. I use a data adapter to .Fill a table in that dataset and the grid displays the data fine. Works fine. On my form I have a textbox the user can type in that will will pass a parameter to the storedprocedure used to fill this table. So on startu...

How to prevent Datagridview CellValidating firing twice?

I am validating user input in the CellValidating event of a DataGridView control and when the user inputs an illegal value, I show a messagebox. The problem is that the CellValidating event fires twice and hence the messagebox appears twice. I tried experimenting with various things and it appears to happen only when the messagebox is ...

binding to datagridview in C#?

Hello I have a problem with my datagridview that is binding to an access table(access 2007), I can retrieve data from the database, but when I wan to store data I cant, even no code is generated, I just want that the user fill some rows in the datagridview and store them in the table of the database, please help me I am new to C# ple...

Checking each row of datagrid view and then displaying error message linked to each row under the hyperlink button on the data grid view

Hi, Stage1 My web portal checks if there is a csv file selected and then uploads a csv file through file upload option saving i tonto a tempdatabase on sql Server and displays the data on the grid view. The grid view contain fixed 29 columns with a hyperlink named (view) and a check field. Stage 2 & 3 What I want is, once the file ...

DataGridView BeginEdit when form opens

I have a datagridview on a form, and I want a specific cell in the first row to be in edit mode when the form opens and when the selection changes. The DataGridView selectmode is set to "FullRowSelect" and in the selection change event I have the following code: if (dgvReconList.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { dgvReconList.CurrentCell = ...

DataGridView sample binding issue

I need to add a variable pair list in a form (Name-Value). I decided to set it in a datagridview, and use simple binging to manage it (.NET 2): public class EventParameter { private string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } private string value; public strin...

'DataGridView' VS 'DataGrid' when Convert to 'DataSet' ?

Hello. I bound excel data with DataGridView controller successfully. Then I try to save the DataGridView contents to xml file. I want to implement as belwo, but throw exception. How can I fix it using DataGridView? (VS2008 used) // I tried to implement using this style.But throw exception. DataSet ds = (DataSet)(dataGridView1.DataSou...

Color datagridview rows without freezing C#

Hello. I have a datagridview with 5000 entries. And I want to color the rows based on some values. Here's how I do it: foreach (DataGridViewRow row in rows) { var handlingStage = (ESourceHandlingStage)row.Cells["HandlingStage"].Value; switch (handlingStage) { case ESourceHandlingStage.NotStart...

DataGridView first column,first row, is selected on Load, I don't want this..

So basically the very first column in the first row is always selected, I can't figure out a way to have it so the gridview has no selected cells. Any help? ...

Custom formated string does not display 0

I have a data table bound to a data grid view, one of the columns is a list of int32s. What I would like is to have the column display the number with the word minutes after it. I used the cell style builder and in the format i put # Minutes, this works great however rows that have a 0 value does not display anything in the # placeholder...

problem updating data in a datagridview through a query update in access database 2007?

Hello Other time I need your help, I am developing an app in C# using an Access database(2007), the problem I think is the query updtate, I have searched over internet but nothing works, I have a datagridview and It has 3 columns the user needs to puts data to the last 2 columns(5 rows), I already do it but when I fill the columns in ...