
How to do database migration Rails3 + datamapper

I used dm-rails gem that allows datamapper to hook into rails-3 ,generated a scaffold and a migration file ,did rake db:migrate for database migration but nothing happens no error no migration, can any one suggest me how to run migrations with datamapper and rails-3. ...

A concatenate formula to create a list of all and any possible combinations of rows in excel (OSX 2008)

Hello, I have looked into every nook and simply cannot find the exit here, so if anybody can, please provide some insight.. (Mac OSX user - MS Excel 2008 (no VBA) I have a list of content categories (string) from different sources (index) and my task is to create a list for a mapping document that will concatenate (or not) each row fro...

Datamapper's hooks won't work

Can't understand why hooks don't work. I have the following model: class DirItem include DataMapper::Resource # property <name>, <type> property :id, Serial property :dir_cat_id, Integer, :required => true property :title, String, :required => true property :price, Integer, :default => 0 belongs_to :dir_cat has n, :dir...

Using the Data Mapper Pattern, Should the Entities (Domain Objects) know about the Mapper?

I'm working with Doctrine2 for the first time, but I think this question is generic enough to not be dependent on a specific ORM. Should the entities in a Data Mapper pattern be aware - and use - the Mapper? I have a few specific examples, but they all seem to boil down to the same general question. If I'm dealing with data from an ...

Rails3: Take controll over generated JSON (to_json with datamapper ORM)

From my Rails 3 app i want a JSON like this: {count:10, pictures:[ {id:1}, ... ] } I tried render( :json => { :count => 10, :pictures => @pictures.to_json(:only=>:id) } ) but in this case, my pictures get escaped ..."pictures":"[{\"id\":2653299}, .... In my old merb app i had the following simple line...

Undefined method auto_upgrade! when pushing Sinatra/DataMapper app to Heroku

Does anybody know the magic incantation required to get a Sinatra application that uses DataMapper up and running on Heroku's Bamboo stack? The Bamboo stack doesn't include any pre-installed system gems and no matter what combination of gems I try I keep getting this error: undefined method `auto_upgrade!' for DataMapper:Module (NoMetho...

Correct way to make a DataMapper association

I want to have a table of users. These users shall have n contacts and n messages.. My code is: ... class User include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial, :key => true property :nickname, String has n, :contacts has n, :messages end class Contact include DataMapper::Resource belongs_to :user property :id, Se...

Ruby Datamapper stored decimals displaying in scientific notation

I have a model, called delivery: property :id, Serial property :created_at, DateTime property :updated_at, DateTime property :price, BigDecimal, :precision => 10, :scale => 2 Delivery has a price, which when viewed in SQLite is values such as 5.49, 6.95, 4.95 When displaying this information in the output (coded in ...

FasterCSV importer to DataMapper model - No rows inserted

I have a model (called Test): property :id, Serial property :title, String, :length => 255, :required => true property :description, String, :length => 255, :required => true property :brand, String, :length => 255, :required => true property :link, String, :length => 255, :required => ...

Is Data Mapper a more modern trend than Active Record

I've come across a couple of ORMs that recently announced they are planning to move their implementation from Active Record to Data Mapper. My knowledge of this subject is very limited. So a question for those who know better, is Data Mapper newer than Active Record? Was it around when the Active Record movement started? How do the two r...

DataMapper fails to open database - sqlite3 - Apache, Passenger, Sinatra

I've got a Sinatra app which uses DataMapper to connect to an sqlite3 database. APP_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) DataMapper::setup(:default, "sqlite3://#{APP_ROOT}/db.sqlite3") If I rackup the app and connect it works fine, no errors, and the db is created. However if I run the app through Passenger I get the error ...

Trying to get an value from a DataMapper join table and association

I have 3 classes - Mix, MixClip, and Clip. class Mix include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial # <removed other code for brevity> has n, :mix_clips has n, :clips, :through => :mix_clips end class MixClip include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :order, Integer belongs_to :mix be...

Does anyone know of a tutorial for datamapper + sqlite3 with ruby?

I'm a newbie to programming & ruby (as well as datamapper & sqlite). I'm trying to figure out how to use all three but can't find any tutorials for beginners. Please let me know of tutorials or books. Thanks. ...

creating Models with sqlite3 + datamapper + ruby

How do you build a model with the following associations (i tried but couldn't get it to work): each Order has: a Customer, a SalesRep, many OrderLine that each has an item. I tried: when I do: Customer.all( => "%BLUE%") the output is :[] instead of: '[#<"Customer @id=1 @name="Dan Kubb">]' Whe...

Does any one have a complete sample ruby program (with sources) using sqlite3 + datamapper

I've been trying to figure out how to use the datamappings in a real ruby program. After I code all of my mappings, then what? How do I use it in a real program? If any one has a sample program that I can look through the codes, it would help me out tremendously. Thank you. ...

Datamapper validation errors with Sinatra

I'm trying to validate my Datamapper models and show the validation errors in my HAML template, I'm using Sinatra. I'm at loss how to save those errors into an instance variable and access them from my template. I've looked around for some documentation or tutorials explaining how to do something like this but I haven't been able to find...

How to tell if a table exists in DataMapper

This code is failing on the last line specifically due to the check for table_exists? How do I correctly do this in Datamapper? require 'sinatra' require 'DataMapper' DataMapper::setup(:default, "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/blog.db") class Post include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :title, String propert...

Rails 3: DataMapper instead of ActiveRecord

After all the hussle about Rails 3, can I, after all, painlessly use DataMapper without almost changing my ActiveRecord code so that I could run my Rails at GAE without any bother? ...

Looping through weeks of the year in Ruby (Sinatra)

Hello. I'm creating a very simple timeshare application using Sinatra and Datamapper. Every user in the application will have n reservations and for the time being each reservation runs from Monday to Sunday and there can only be one reservation per week. Now I will need a view with a textbox (and label) for each week of the year where ...

Validate uniqueness on combined fields in DataMapper

Hi. I want to be able to put entries in my database where the manufacturer will be represented multiple times but not the same combination of manufacturer and model. So "Sony(manufacturer), Tv(model)" is okay "Sony(manufacturer), OtherTv(model)" but the third entry "Sony(manufacturer), Tv(model)" is not okay since the combination of manu...