
Datamapper Clone Record w/ New ID

class Item include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :title, String end item = => 'Title 1') # :id => 1 item_clone = Item.first(:id => 1).clone This does "clone" the object as described but how can this be done so it applies a different ID once the record is saved, e.g...

MySQL Query problem in CodeIgniter

So I'm using the following: $r = new Record(); $r->select('ip, count(*) as ipcount'); $r->group_by('ip'); $r->order_by('ipcount', 'desc'); $r->limit(5); $r->get(); foreach($r->all as $record) { echo($record->ip." "); echo($record->ipcount." <br />"); } Standard: SELECT `ip`, count...

Test my forms for proper query escaping

CodeIgniter claims do sanitize POST variables. I'm also using DataMapper which I believe also does it's own thing. I would like to double check to make sure it's doing what it's supposed to be doing. How can I do this? I'd like to test this without destroying anything, would typing random escaped characters work? What should I see enter...

How does Active Record pattern go a long with a Unit of Work pattern

I'm working on extending a framework currently implementing an Active Record pattern. The implementations provides a store/save method on the ActiveRecord class. I guess much of this implementation would be the responsibility of the unit of work implementation, like figuring out when and what object relations to save and so on? How doe...

Can a Simple Model just Extend Zend_Db_Row (essentially Active Record)?

I know Domain Models and Data Mappers are the OOP snob's choice (using 'snob' in a complementary way, as Martin Fowler calls himself one) - however, even Fowler says in POEAA that "Active Record is a good choice for domain logic that isn't too complex..." I have a simple product and invoice domain model, not too many tables/objects...

Beginning with Datamapper, Association question

I'm just diving into Datamapper (and Sinatra) and have a question about associations. Below are some models I have. This is what I want to implemented. I'm having an issue with Workoutitems and Workout. Workout will be managed separately, but Workoutitems has a single workout associated with each row. Workout - just a list of types...

Using an ORM with a database that has no defined relationships?

Consider a database(MSSQL 2005) that consists of 100+ tables which have primary keys defined to a certain degree. There are 'relationships' between tables, however these are not enforced with foreign key constraints. Consider the following simplified example of typical types of tables I am dealing with. The are clear relations between t...

Datamapper In Memory Database

It is easy to setup Datamapper with a Sqlite3 in memory database with: DataMapper.setup :default, 'sqlite3::memory:'. However, when testing, I'd like to destroy the whole in memory database after each test, instead of invoking automigrate! as a shortcut on dropping everything. Is it possible? Or is it enough to set the default repositor...

how do I migrate Datamapper on appengine

I've changed my model from class Place include DataMapper::Resource has n, :trails property :id, Serial property :name, String, :length => 140 property :tag, String, :required => true timestamps :at end to class Place include DataMapper::Resource has n, :trails property...

Migrate existing ROR app to GAE

I have managed to run a basic rails app1 on App Engine using: So, on my basic app2, I install CE, which works fine on local machine. ( But, when I follow the same steps on my actual app2, where community_engine plugin is installed and all the gems are frozen, the app engine installer sc...

DataMapper: using auto_migrate! with many-to-many dependencies?

Hi, I'm trying to migrate my app from MySql to Postgresql, using Rails3-pre and the latest DataMapper. I have several models which are related through many-to-many relationships using :through => Resource, which means that DataMapper creates a join table with foreign keys for both models. I can't auto_migrate! these changes, because I...

ruby/datamapper: Refactor class methods to module

Hello, i've the following code and tried the whole day to refactor the class methods to a sperate module to share the functionality with all of my model classes. Code ( class Merchant include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial [...] class << self ...

Postgres error with Sinatra/Haml/DataMapper on Heroku

I'm trying to move a simple Sinatra app over to Heroku. Migration of the Ruby app code and existing MySQL database using Taps went smoothly, but I'm getting the following Postgres error: PostgresError - ERROR: operator does not exist: text = integer LINE 1: ...d_at", "post_id" FROM "comments" WHERE ("post_id" IN (4, 17,... ...

Heroku: Postgres type operator error after migrating DB from MySQL

This is a follow-up to a question I'd asked earlier which phrased this as more of a programming problem than a database problem. I believe the problem has been isolated to the storage of the ID column in Heroku's Postgres database after run...

PHP ORM's, multiple tables and efficiency

Let's say I have a data mapper function that aggregates multiple tables and generates an object instance from that data. The mapper has a typical save() method which delegates to update/insert. When the mapper executes save - ideally it isolates object fields that have been modified, thus preventing the code from blanket bombing the da...

Getting datamapper to ignore 'type' when querying the database

I've got a single table inheritance structure in my application whereby Admins and Mods extends a User class. The table uses a discriminator value so each record has a type of either "admin" or "mod" When it comes to finding a user (on login) I'd like to write the following: current_user = User.find(params[:email => email]) However, ...

Set date format in ruby model (sinatra/datamapper)

Hi, I have a ruby model that contains a date attribue which I'd like to be able to pass in as a parameter in the format dd/MM/yyyy. However, my sqlite3 db stores the data in yyyy-MM-dd format so when a date like 20/10/2010 gets passed in, it will not be read to the database. I am using the Sinatra framework and using haml for the mark...

CodeIgniter model debugging errors

I am new to CodeIgniter, and I need a way to get more meaningful error messages. Specifically I am having trouble with some model relationships, but the error is vague. I am willing to try/install anything since I dont know how to fix this relationship. Is there a way to specify how verbose an error message is? Also, this could be relat...

Ruby Datamapper foreign key problem

I am beginner to datamapper and I am having trouble resolving the following problem. I am trying to create two tables with 1 to many relationship. Table 1: with a composite key of (A, B, C) Table 2: with a composite key of (A, B, C, D) With A, B, C foreign key constraint to Table 1. A, B, C, D make a composite key for table 2. T...

DataMapper import primary key

I'm running an import script which imports a CSV dump of a database into a local sqlite database using DataMapper. My models look like this: class Staff include DataMapper::Resource property :staff_id, String, :key => true property :full_name, String end class Project include DataMapper::Resource property :pro...