
How can i find a control in the footer template of a data repeater

ASPX : Code <asp:repeater id="repeater" runat="server"> <headerTemplate></headerTemplate> <itemtemplate></itemtemplate> <footerTemplate> <asp:literal id=findme runate=server> </footerTeplate> </asp:repeater> What i am looking for is source code to be able to find the control within the footer of a data repeater. Im...

Disable controls on certain items in DataRepeater control

I'm using the DataRepeater control from the Visual Basic Power Pack in my C# Winforms application. The control is unbound, operating in VirtualMode. I'm displaying multiple items in this control. Depending on certain criteria, I want to disable a button in the control. I've tried the following in the _DrawItem event of the data repea... How do I bind dataset to DataRepeater?

I am looking for a example of how to bind a dataset/datatable to data repeater and have the data elements bound to the columns of the dataset/datatable? Thanks ...

Using Repeater for an updateable form

I have a list of parameter names for which I want a user to type in some values, so I do this: <div> <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="rptTemplateParams" EnableViewState="true"> <HeaderTemplate> <ul> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <li> <asp:Label runat="server"><%#Container.DataItem%></asp:La...

Add Data to DataRepeater Control in winform

hi. Visual Studio 2008 service pack 1 comes with Visual Basic Powerpack and has DataRepeatr control. i want to know that how I can add data in this control. i have in memory data. the examples i found on net are about binding DataSet to DataRepeater by fetching data from database. i want to bind in memory data. how to do this. ...

What is the best way to display comments in ASP.NET ?

I'm developing a social network using Microsoft Technologies. I want to make a Wall similar to the one in Facebbok. What is the best way to do it and display comments ? Repeaters ? I'm using classic ASP.NET not MVC ...

How to Conditionally determine Number of Data Items of a Nested Repeater Control!

Hi friends, I can use nested repeater to show my grouped data on a page (according to this: In my case I have Category-Products structure and want to show each category and its products under it. But here are my problems: How can I limit number of products showing under each category. I want to determine for exampl...

insert dynamic text "google ads" on a repeter

I want to insert Google ads on a repeater on the 3rd iteration. I'm trying to figure out how to do this, here is what I have. Thanks for your help <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" > <HeaderTemplate> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <div class="Pl"> ...

How do I do conditional logic within an ASP.NET DataRepeater control?

I'm binding my DataRepeater control to a table that has many columns. I'd like to only display a subset of those, depending on what is populated. How/where should I do my contitional tests within a dataRepeater? This is the code within my itemtemplate: <% if (0= (DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "first").ToString().Length)) { ...

How to Update DataRepeater Bound Datasource without flicker

Hi, I have a list bound to a datarepeater which contains data being scrapped off a web site. Because the scrapping process could take some time, I binding the list to the datarepeater at the outset so the user can start seeing the results. As I add entities to the list, I'm calling: bindingSource.CurrencyControl.Refresh(); This is cau...

ASP.NET Vertical Grid control or Datalist Header template

I'm using a datalist Control to display data in columns and repeat horizontally. I'd like to know if there is a way to create a "header" field that does not repeat for each record, instead it only displays on the left as in the image below. Alternatively, does someone know of a 3rd party "Vertical Grid" control that provides this func... repeater control for displaying images and associated names

Hi, I want to implement an image gallery in I am using sql server 2008, visual studio 2010 and .NET 4.0. I have made a webpage and now want to display 6 images as thumbnails (and their names just below the thumbnails) at the center of the page. The format of the display is something like this: img1 img2 img3 `<name...

Unbound Data Repeater Scroll Issue

Hi, I Dragged a DataRepeater into my form. Added a TextBox to the DataRepeaterItem. Added A button to the form. Wrote these 2 Lines of Code : Private Sub Button1_Click(..) Handles Button1.Click DataRepeater1.VirtualMode = True DataRepeater1.AddNew() End Sub Run Project Press Add Button in the textBox Write "1" Press Add Butto...