
Flex/LCDS Server-to-data-source Paging

I’m trying to set up a server to data-source paged service. I’ve got everything set up so that I’m getting my assembler called and am returning values, but I’m not getting “paged” calls. Specifically: public Collection fill(List fillArgs, int begin, int rows) is always called with begin == -1 and rows == -1, instead of getting real ...

Where to get Flex - Java DS (Blaze) training material?

Hi all, I was wondering if any of you out there knows where I can get really good training material (videos, examples, etc) on Flex - Java Data Services (BlazeDS would be ideal) besides the ones offered directly by Adobe. I'm thinking on something like David Tucker's blog ...

Handle fault event in while background sync?

We are using objects that at times need to sync up with the server via the, The problem is in case of explicit method invocation over the dataservice object we are able to trap the fault events using the fault handlers. The problem arises when dataservice is sync'ing the object in background. In case of a fault event...

how do i use a dataservice to check if a row exists?

var svc = new LocationDataServiceContext(); var q = from c in svc.LocationTable where c.ID == int.Parse(location.ID) select c; if (q.ToArray().Length == 0) id there a neater way to do this? ...

how to limit access to a silverlight-enabled data service?

Hello all. We have a Silverlight app which we wrote which calls a Silverlight-enabled data service. The Silverlight app cannot require a login, as it is required to present data to the unauthenticated public. We have some schmoe who took the time to examine our Silverlight app, one way or another figure out what service it is calling, ...

How to add SOAP headers in Silverlight?

Hello all... I'm trying to secure a data service used by my Silverlight, and am looking at using a custom SOAP header obfuscated into the SL and HTTPSed. I've found any number of examples showing how to do this using IClientMessageInspector, IEndpointBehavior, and a few other things. Okay... it all looks straightforward enough. My pr...

How to pass a collection of Entities to .NET RIA Data Service?

Is it possible to pass a collection of objects to a RIA Data Service query? I have no issues sending an Entity, an Int or an array of primitive types, but as soon as i declare a method like this public void GetLessonsConflicts(Lesson[] lessons) { } i get a compilation error " Operation named 'GetLessonsConflicts' does not confo...

WCF Data Service / Surrogate Key

I want to build a WCF data service which should be used for CRUD operations on a database backend. In order to identify the related record of the object in the database I have to know it's primary key. I use surrogate keys in my database schema. Is it a good practice to pass the surrogate keys to the caller, so that it is possible to id...

Unable to properly reference a wcf dataservice

Hi, I'm having a couple of issues which may be related, or may not. I noticed that when I use Add Service Reference in Visual Studio to add a reference to my data service, the reference.cs it generates does not compile. It complains about a missing namespace. I can fix it up to compile, but this happens every time I update the refere...

Data Service and Linq DLL reverts to a different version after building

We are currently using an ASP.NET project that uses Data Services and Linq. Before when the project was newly created via Wizard/Template. The generated DLL in the bin folder has the version 3.0.40818.0 but each time I rebuild the versions of the DLL reverts back into version 2.0.31005.0. I tried checking the referenced assembly and it s...

How to return relationships in a custom un-typed dataservice provider

I have a custom .Net DataService and can't figure out how to return the data for relationships. The data base has 2 tables (Customer, Address). A Customer can have multiple addresses, but each address can only have on customer. I'm using Dictionary<string,object> as my data type. My question, for the following 2 urls how do i return t...

WCF Data Service and ChangeInterceptor

I would like to look at and modify the information submitted via the PUT verb inside a changeInterceptor. For instance I might want to scrub all values passed in before updating my dataSource. Or maybe I could call a Data Service via java script and not pass in all the current properties on the object rather complete there values on th...

Core Data and JSON question

I know this question has been possed before, but the explanation was a little unclear to me, my question is a little more general. I'm trying to conceptualize how one would periodically update data in an iPhone app, using a remote web service. In theory a portion of the data on the phone would be synced periodically (only when updated). ...

WCF Data Service SaveChanges problem

I've published wcf dataservice project to IIS7 with .NET 4 installed on that server. Everything worked fine, but when i called SaveChanges from client, service returned error: Server Error in '/' Application.Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. You might not have permiss...

OData - Data Service Simple Authentication

Hello, I would like to add simple authentication to Data Services, for now only to restrict access for particular applications by simple token. I don't need Domain Authentication or Forms authentication. I read a lot about authentication here:

Flex - sorting a datagrid column by the row's label

I'm creating a table that displays information from a MySQL database, I'm using foreignkeys all over the place to cross-reference data. Basically I have a datagrid with a column named 'system.' The system is an int that represents the id of an object in another table. I've used lableFunction to cross-reference the two and rename the co...

Is there a way to access Joomla 1.5 user variables (like user id) from a Flex 4 application using a PHP Data Service?

I have written a script (in two files) that correctly displays a Joomla user id, like this: //this is testy.php define( '_JEXEC', 1 ); define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(FILE)); define( 'DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' ); require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework.php' ); $main...