
Tool for filling a .Net Dataset with data

Is there a tool for filling a System.Data.Dataset with test data? ...

How can I delete a column of a Dataset?

How can I delete a column of a Dataset? Is there a method that will do this for me like this: rh.dsDetail = ds.Tables[0].Columns.Remove( Or maybe like this: rh.dsDetail = ds.Tables[0].Columns.Remove( ds.Tables[0].Columns[1],ds.Tables[0].Columns[2]) ...

Fastest way to loop and copy data from one DataSet to another DataSet

I have one DataSet that contain 2 relate DataTable (master and details). I want to copy data that match my filter (e.g. master data column A = "XXX") to another DataSet. Now I found that this process take a very very long time. (about one hour for 1k records) I want to know how to improve this processing time? Thanks, Ek ...

Perl: Programming Efficiency when computing correlation coefficients for a large set of data

EDIT: Link should work now, sorry for the trouble I have a text file that looks like this: Name, Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4, Test 5 Bob, 86, 83, 86, 80, 23 Alice, 38, 90, 100, 53, 32 Jill, 49, 53, 63, 43, 23. I am writing a program that given this text file, it will generate a Pearson's correlation coefficient table that looks li...

How do I reference a DataRow element by name in a DataSet retrieved from SQL?

So I am building some XML using a XmlWriter and a DataSet but when it comes time to loop through each DataRow in the DataSet I can't figure out how do reference like "userid" and such that come back from the stored procedure. In page code I see them doing it as Eval("userid") or whatever which I am using the same stored procedure, but I ...

Large dataset (SQL to C#), long load time fix

I have a site I'm building, it's an application that creates mail merges (more or less...) based on a couple of user preferences. It can generate Cartesian joins worth of data without a problem, but in comes the needs of enterprise to make life a bit more difficult... I have to build the application so that, after verifying zip codes ...

Convert XMLDocument to DataSet ASP.Net 1.1

I need to convert XMLDocument to DataSet in ASP.Net. I do not want To Save the XMLData to any physical location. ...

Minimizing the memory footprint of an ADO.NET DataSet?

Given a legacy system that is making heavy use of DataSets and little or no possibility of replacing these with business objects or other, more efficient data structures: Are there any techniques for reducing the memory footprint of a DataSet? I am thinking about things like setting initial capacity (when known), removing restrictions,...

ADO.Net databinding bug - BindingSource.EndEdit() changes current position

What is the correct order of processing an insert from a data-bound control using BindingSource, DataSet, and TableAdapter? This is causing me eternal confusion. I have a form that is used to add a new row. Before showing the form, I call: bindingSource.AddNew(); bindingSource.MoveLast(); Upon Save, I call: bindingSource.EndEdit();...

Exporting Dataset to Excel

Greetings all, I have the following bit of code that I have used in the past to export a DataSet generated from the Stored Procedure 'HISTORICAL_COSTS' to Excel. Dim c As Long = 1 For Each dc As DataColumn In Me.WOCostDataSet. & _ HISTORICAL_COSTS.Columns .Cells(1, c).Value = dc.ColumnName.ToString ...

Using Reflection and Collections to Illiterate a Object Rational Database

Hi All, Have C# question; I've been searching for a way to lets say dynamic created objects at runtime by iterating though them and there properties/methods. so far i've played with using Reflections and foreach to illiterate the class properties. This is to display all records in various tables on a Data Grid view. However one approac...

Can I rename a dataset in the VS 2005 properties window and have this refactor through my code?

Hi, I tried the above but when I attempted to rebuild I received errors as the compiler couldn't find the dataset by it's old name. I know it might be lazy, but I'm used to being able to rename an item in it's properties window and have the refactoring happen silently behind the scenes for me. Is there a way I can do the same thing w...

DataSet Select doesn't add up

I'm performing multiple Selects on a dataset. The total #records from all of these selects ought to match the total number of records in the dataset, but doesn't. (Total from all the selects is less.) I've read that .Net 1.1 Select had a bug w/ multiple AND conditions, but this is VS2005 & .Net 2.0. Here's the code: Note: Some row's cat...

DataTable to List<object>

How do I take a DataTable and convert it to a List? I've included some code below in both C# and VB.NET, the issue with both of these is that we create a new object to return the data, which is very costly. I need to return a reference to the object. The DataSetNoteProcsTableAdapters.up_GetNoteRow object does implement the INote inter...

.NET (C#) First item in excel omitted in results (DataSet, OleDB)

[Sample.xlsx] Column 0, Row 0 = "ItemA" Column 0, Row 1 = "ItemB" Column 0, Row 2 = "ItemC" Column 0, Row 3 = "ItemD" [Application] DataSet dsData = new DataSet(); string strConn = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=Sample.xlsx;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;'"; OleDbDataAdapter daGetExcel = new OleDbDataAdapter("SE...

DataRelation from a single query

Hi, i have the following piece of VB.NET code: Dim conn As New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(ConnectionString) conn.Open() Dim sql = "SELECT * FROM users" Dim com = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(sql, conn) Dim ds As New DataSet("dsUsers") Dim da As New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapte...

C# Next/Previous Button Logic

I have a Windows form app. I get data based on a row position in a DataTable. I have a TotalCount variable and a CurrentPos variable. The button next should get the next row and the button previous should get the previous. These buttons should be enabled/disabled when there is data available. My brain is much can you provide the logic ...

C# DataSet Index

Hello, I need to find records in a dataset that have certain values from more than 1 column. I cannot use the Find or Contains method since they require a primary key and my search values can be non-unique. Do DataSets have indexes (Much like a SQL table) that I can use to speed up my search? Right now I'm looping through the dataSet do...

return multiple result sets from ms access to

hey guys i want to fetch 3 tables in 1 single call from my ms access database, however i get an error when i am trying to do that when i change my sql query to just fetch 1 table, my code works fine can anyone let me know how to achieve this with ms access? because i have been doing this with sql server since ages without any p...

Datasets and XML in place of proper db: Not a good idea?

In continuation of: Thanks to everybody for answers to my earlier thread. However, could I ask the reason why everybody is not supporting this XML based approach? What exactly will be the problems? I can apply connstraints to dataset, and I can, I guess, also use tran...