
Most efficient way to iterate through entire datastore and set a default value to a modified schema?

I have an existing schema: class Example (db.Model) : row_num = db.IntegerProperty(required=True) updated = db.IntegerProperty() ... ... I have now updated this to : class Example (db.Model) : row_num = db.IntegerProperty(required=True) updated = db.IntegerProperty(default=0) ... ... However, there are over 2 million entiti...

Ext.form.ComboBox: Use template for displayField

Is there any way to apply a template to the selected value of a ComboBox? I'm using a template to display the drop down values of the ComboBox, but as soon as i select one, the plain value from the datastore is shown. { id: 'requestStatusCombo', hiddenName: 'requestStatus', tpl: '<tpl for="."><div c...

App Engine - Datastore - Indexing

This is a general App Engine data store indexing question. The data store automatically build indexes that can be used for simple single property queries (queries that do not involve composite keys). Does the overhead in generating this index vary on the underlying data type of the entity's property ? Essentially my question boils do...

Appengine datastore not updating multiple records

votergroup = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Voter WHERE lastname = :1", 'AGEE') for voter in votergroup: = '[email protected]' db.put(votergroup) The above code doesn't seem to be updating the records as it shows in the appengine documentation. I also tried using a query object to no avail. I kn...

suggestions for a replicated datastore

I am looking for a simple key-value datastore which will automatically replicate itself on different machines. Unfortunately, a Distributed Hash Table will not work for me since I need the whole datastore to be available on all machines. I have looked at mnesia from the erlang world but talking to it from different languages is a pain. ...

Migrate data from MySQL to Google App Engine (Python) Data Store

Hey, I have a legacy website created in PHP and MySQL. I wish to migrate this onto Google App Engine (Python). Has anybody done this before? Any examples, tips, resources, tools you'd like to share? I believe I will have to use "bulkloader" introduced in the GAE docs. Still haven't figured out how to get started. I have two tasks: ...

GWT JDO relatioships problem - child of an object from datastore is null

Hi, I encounter problems while trying to implement GWT JDO features. Let's say there is a Data object that contains an Item object. In the datastore this would create a one-to-one relationship. The problem is that when I try to get the object from the datastore, the 'item' field is always null. Of course I put the object to the datas...

Ext JS Problem with MultiGroupingStore/MultiGoupingView user extensions

Hello all, I am facing an issue with the MultiGroupingView extension that is used to get more than one level of grouping on grid data...I am using the version posted on this thread. the thing is, whenever i move the mouse over any row on the resulting grid, this error occurs on FireBug: gs[i].id.split("gp-")[1] is undefined Line 4...

How to shallow copy app engine model instance to create new instance?

I want to implement a simple VersionedModel base model class for my app engine app. I'm looking for a pattern that does not involve explicitly choosing fields to copy. I am trying out something like this, but it is to hacky for my taste and did not test it in the production environment yet. class VersionedModel(BaseModel): is_histo...

Fetch a random entity from the datastore

Pretty simple, in my AppEngine application, I have over 1 million entities of one kind, what is the best way to pick one at random? ...

Google App Engine RemoteApiServlet/remote_api handler errors

Recently, i have come across an error (quite frequently) with the RemoteApiServlet as well as the remote_api handler. While bulk loading large amounts of data using the Bulk Loader, i start seeing random HTTP 500 errors, with the following details (in the log file): Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your...

Where can I find examples on creating a custum TreeGrid and datastore in Dojo 1.5?

Hello stackers, I would like to create a dojo grid with expandable/collapsible rows. Each page will have 25 collapsed rows, but each collapsed row can contain any number of items (for example, 100 items). TreeGrid looks like a good option, but the default layout of TreeGrid is not what I need - the current 1.5 implementations show a '...

Is there a good utility / 3rd party library to manage the AppEngine datastore?

I have been developing an app using appengine. We are likely to be storing a lot of records in the datastore but I find the admin functionality you are given to manage this data lacking. As an example, there are no good ways to bulk delete a bunch of data - you have to write a class of your own to do this. Before I start down the path...

Non Relational Database , Key Value or flat table

My application needs configurable columns , and titles of these columns get configured in the begining, If relation database I would have created generic columns in table like CodeA, CodeB etc for this need because it helps queering on these columns (Code A = 11 ) it also helps in displaying the values (if that columns stores code and v...

App Engine: Datastore quota reached, thou data ≈ 200 MB -- ?

Hi. I've written an app that scans the internet and saves some data it retrieves from there. After a while the percentage of Datastore quota (Total stored data) jumped from 7% to 99%. I stopped my robot, but the figure raised to 100% after some time. The Datastore stats, though, says that the total volume of data stored in the datastore ...

Enforcing Unique Constraint in GAE

I am trying out Google App Engine Java, however the absence of a unique constraint is making things difficult. I have been through this post and this blog suggests a method to implement something similar. My background is in MySQL.Moving to datastore without a unique constraint makes me jittery because I never had to worry about duplicat...

Can a GQL query execute an order by over two or more kinds?

I have two entity kinds in my python GAE app - both with similar attributes - and I'd like to query both lists and order the result according to an attribute common to both kinds. So something along the lines of: db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Video1, Video2 ORDER BY views DESC").fetch(1000) Can I do this in GQL directly? ...

Appengine - Can a user import Yaml or Json file to update datastore with new values?

Imagine this scenario: I made a small application in Python for Google App Engine for general use. Users can login to my app, update their profile, change address and change the picture among many other things. A user can export the models to PDF, YAML and JSON, save the file on his computer. You can download any available format...

Why get a DeadlineExceededException in MakePersistentAll from app engine data store?

Folks -- I am getting the following exception and can't explain why. The number of objects to persist are usually small (<10), but I get a DeadlineExceededException intermittently when using makepersistentall from the persistencemanager. The http request code also handles other queries into the datastore prior to the makepersistentall ...