
Compare javascript dates.

I'm comparing dates with something like this: var dt = new Date(); dt.setDate("17"); dt.setMonth(06); dt.setYear("2009"); var date = new Date(); console.log("dt(%s) == date(%s) == (%s)", dt, date, (dt == date) ); if( now == dt ) { .... } The string values are dynamic of course. In the logs I see: dt(Fri Jul 17 2009 18...

Need help with a MySQL/PHP query involving date ranges

Essentially I need to retrieve some account information from the dbase table where they have a client of the client that has been passed via GET, and the account placement date (dateplaced) is between the start and end dates passed from calendar fields again via GET. The query below returns no rows. I have verified that the SELECT and F...

php mail() statments

Hello i am trying to get all the users infomation from the database and check the timestamp (fourteendays) and check it with the time now i got the time bit working but i can''t get it to send to all the when the time is > fourteendays $result1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts") or die (mysql_error()); while ($row1 = mysql_fet...

how to compare server time

work on Sql server 2000. i want to get the current server date and time then want to compare it with my table column EntryDate .How to? Declare @id datetime Select @id = DATEPART(hour,GETDATE()) SELECT [Name],[BirthDate],[Email] FROM Customers3 where BirthDate<=@id-1 AND BirthDate>=@id want to get on the range value like @id=10.I wa...

timeIntervalSinceDate problem

Hi guys - last resort this as I cannot for the life of me work it out! I am setting a date when my app is closed (using applicationWillTerminate) in user defaults NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSDate *timeClosed = [[NSDate alloc] init]; [defaults setObject: timeClosed forKey:@"svdTimeClosedApp"]; t...

SQL Date Compare by only using Date not Time

This was originally going to be a question about how to implement this because I was stuck at a certain part but I am now curious as to why this was happening in the first place. I needed to compare only the dates not the time which wouldn't have been a problem if the times didn't differ. The code below shows the query I was originally t...

How to optimize this query using better date comparsion in SQL?

Hello, I have problem with this query, complexity of this query is not good, i use this query from long time and now this database have many rows to get selecting by this method. All index'es is added propertly. I searching some other method to optimize this query by date comparsion because this is bottleneck in this solution. SELECT (...