
dynamically add multiple jquery ui datepickers to page

Hello, I have a form that initially loads with one date picker from the jquery-ui. A user can then click on add to add more dates. These new date fields should append to the DOM, but apparently don't. I know I need or should use .live() or .bind() but I am having some trouble on the best way to do this. Below is the code I have. Thank...

jquery ui datepicker next and previous year

On the standard jquery.ui.datepicker widget there's only a next and previous button for selecting a month. If I enable year, it will be displayed in a select box. What would be a good way to implement two buttons on both sides of the calendar? One for selecting next month and one for selecting next year, displayed next to each other on...

Can't select day 8 and 9 in datepicker plugin for Symfony (sfFormExtraPlugin)

Hi, I am currently using the JQuery plugin Datepicker in my Symfony project with the sfFormExtraPlugin. Everything is working fine but there is a seems to be a strange bug in the plugin. If I select 8 or 9 in any month the day is not selected in the form. The month and year work correctly but the day is not selected. The plugin works co...

grails - how to make filter recognize values from datePicker using Grails Calendar Plugin?

I was using regular datePicker from grails but I decided it was easier to use a textField with a calendar next to it and I was recommended to use Grails-UI. My problem is that now, when I click to apply the filters, they do not work. Somehow they are not being recognized. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code for the...

datepicker in php

Hi all, I am using the jquery datepicker and I formated my date as "yy-mm-dd" and from PHP my date format is "Y-m-d". I did an alert and viewed the selected date in the "onSelect" event for the datepicker. Within this event I am using ajax via the jquery "load" function to load content into a div. My problem is very odd behavior! For som...

Jquery ui datepicker on iphone?

JQuery ui datepicker wont work on mobile safari. Any workaround or fallback? ...

How to make javascript Date.parse understand short years?

Hi I noticed Date.Parse can't handle only 2 digits dates. Say I have this mm/dd/yy = 7/11/20 Date parse will this it is = 7/11/1920. Can you set it to use the year two thousand? Like it's kinda weird I got the jquery u.i date picker and if you type in 7/11/20 it will figure out 2020. So it would be nice if date.parse could keep up ...

JavaScript Autocomplete

I have dates and description. If the date is entered, then the description should autocomplete. Like if 12/25/yyyy is selected, then Christmas should automatically be shown? I tried this, but its not working. Any help? ` $(function() { $('#date').datepicker(); }); $(function() { var availableTags = ["Christmas Day","etc"]; $("...

Grails: How to get dates in g:textField from calendar?

I have four entry fields from a search filter. I was originally using g:datePicker but it was not quite what I wanted, it was too slow to select the date from drop down boxes, so I decided it was better to use a simple grails text field and next to it a calendar image that would trigger the calendar. I was trying to use the YUI Calendar,...

applying Datepicker to newly created input using Live()

Im having a problem with the jqurey datepicker. My form has a "add another" button to give the user a extra row so they can enter more then one match. I want the date to display the datepicker and found how to do it with the live() function $(function() { $('#AddAnother').bind('click', function(event) { var ...

javascript autocomplete with onChange event

I have two input fields, Id and Desc. I need a javascript which enters the values in second text field based on some of the fields already set. Like for christmas day, if 12/25 is entered, it should say Christmas day. Its working for one value. But if I put "else if" its not working for multiple values. [code] <script type="text/javasc...

Javascript validation

I have two input fields holidayDate and Description(id=tags) <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#holidayDate').datepicker(); var availableTags = ["New years Day", "Martin Luther King Day","Groundhog Day", "Valentine's Day", "Washington's Birthday", "Easter", "Earth Day", "National Arb...

getThirdMondayInJanuary(): Not working

I need to get third monday in january. I am trying this is javascript **@guys who commented: I was trying to implement this. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#holidayDate').datepicker(); var availableTags = ["New years Day", "Martin Luther King Day", "Groundhog Day", "Valentine's Day", "Wash...

jQuery UI Datepicker - disable today's date if today is Monday?

jQuery UI Datepicker: Hi, I'm trying to have the pop-up calendar allow only the Monday dates in the future to be selected. I've tried this code: $(function() { $('#dateWeekly').datepicker({ showOn: 'both', // use to enable calendar button and focus buttonImage: 'childtime/images/calendar.gif', buttonImag...

JQuery Datepicker needs to fire onclick

I need to fire the jquery datepicker from a link click. Right now if i click on the textbox the datepicker opens which is great but i have a button next to the textbox that someone can click and it needs to open the datepicker next to it. Also I would like a label instead of a textbox, is that possible. The code is below: $(document).re...

Why does jQuery datapicker not constrain input when setting a date format?

I have an input field that is being set as a date picker. When I initialize the dateFormat option it stops constraining the input and I can enter all sorts of rubbish dates in the text box. Why does this happen? I'd like to have constrained input still work when setting a custom date format. myTextInput.datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-M-yy...

Jquery DatePicker show past dates

Hello, I am using the Jquery Datepicker found here. Does anyone know how I can modify this code to allow for past date selecting. $('#start-date').bind('dpClosed', function(e, selectedDates) { var d = selectedDates[0]; if (d) { d = new Date(d); $('#end-date').dpSetStartDate(d.addDays(1).asString()).dpSetSelected(d.asStrin...

Datepicker Label instead of a textarea...Is that possible

I would like a label instead of a textbox, is that possible. The code is below: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#mydate").datepicker({ maxDate: '+1y', minDate: new Date() }); }); <li class="quick_date"><%= text_field_tag "mydate",'%m/%d/%Y'), :size => 10 %> <a id="quick_search" href="#">(Change Me)</a></li> ...

Jumping a week or month in the jQuery UI Datepicker

PetersenDidIt did a great job answering this question. He showed how to use a link to update the jQueryUI Datepicker's selected date by one day. His solution was: $('a#next').click(function () { var $picker = $("#datepicker"); var date=new Date($picker.datepicker('getDate')); date.setDate(date.getDate()+1); $picker.datepicker('setDate'...

how to pass array value from model to jquery datepicker?

Hi Jon, I am trying to highlight days on the calendar. The highlighted days are from the view model(IEnumerable type). My code is as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> var datesArray = new Array(); for (var item in Model) { datesArray[datesArray.length] = "<%= item.PerformanceDate.Day %>"; } $(document).ready(funct...