
How do I retrieve the locale-specific date format string in Flex / ActionScript 3?

How do I retrieve the locale-specific date format string in Flex / ActionScript 3? I am unable to find a method to return the actual format string (that which specifies the date format) based on the current locale. I am asking this question because I was hoping to find a way to convert a String to a Date based on the current SHORT date...

Java Date issues

Hi All, Im having a problem with java date's, when i pass a date before 1949 into the bellow method. The date i have returned is for example 2049, im aware it has somthing to do with the date format and thought using yyyy instead of RRRR would have fixed it. But i just dont understand why or how to reslove it. Any help will be much ap...

How can I get correct payperiod from date?

I feel like this is math problem more than anything. My company has employees all over the country. Some parts of the company are on an "odd" pay cycle and some are on "even". I call the starting date of a given pay period a "payperiod". I need to do two things: 1) determine the payperiod in which a given date falls //Something like t...

Is US English the only language with mmddyyyy format?

Are there any other languages that default to anything other than ddmmyyyy (other than the US)? I'm working on an international project and wondering if there are any other languages that use the mmddyyyy date format. I have a limited knowledge of many languages but so far it seems most use ddmmyyyy instead. ...

What layer should a date be formatted?

What layer of a system should a date be formatted? Should the date be formatted when it is selected from the database (data layer) or should it be formatted at the presentation layer? I am thinking that the formatting is a visual preference so I would tend to put it as close to the presentation layer as possible. Where do you store t...

What is the easiest way to get the difference in months between two dates in C#?

What is the easiest way to get the difference in months between two dates in C#? ie: (date1 - date2).TotalMonths .. kind of thing. thanks! ...

Distributing appointments over a date range

I am trying to generate some test data. Say I have 1000 appointments that I need to allocate over a date range. Now I need to distribute these appointments such that there are twice as many appointments per day at the end of the month as there are at the start of the month. The increase in appointments needs to increase with a consist...

set DateTime to start of month

Hello, My API allows library client to pass Date: method(java.util.Date date) Working with joda-time, from this date I would like to extract the month and iterate over all days this month contains. Now, the passed date is usually new Date() - meaning current instant. My problem actually is setting the new DateMidnight(jdkDate) insta...

What is the proper way to use google line charts with dates

I see this link to use google chart api for putting multiple line charts together What is the recommended way to have dates on the bottom line as it seems like each row in the chart has the same level of space so if i have charts where their are dates and values i want the correct spacing to be there between date values (1 day differenc...

MySQL Get last date in each month from column of dates

An example is shown below; imagine each commar separated date is a row in the database Input: - 2010-01-11, 2010-01-18, 2010-01-25, 2010-02-01, 2010-02-08, 2010-02-15, 2010-02-22, 2010-03-01 it should return Ouput: 2010-01-25, 2010-02-22, 2010-03-01 The output is derived by getting the last date in the month, note for March there is o...

Get Weeks in SQL

I'm certain I'm overlooking something very basic here but I can't wrap my head around it after querying and googling for about an hour. I have a datetable already in existence, if that helps. It is populated with this past years' worth of dates and is updated nightly via a stored proc that gets run by a job on the server. What I need t...

How to Compare and fetch date in Cakephp ?

I am trying to make an availability calendar and need to know how can I compare dates when fetching it. My DB is id start_date end_date status Now suppose I want to fetch booking in next the month, i.e. from 2010-03-01 to 2010-04-01. How should I fetch this data? I did try comparing directly using an and condition but it didn't help...

Fluent NHibernate CheckProperty and Dates

I setup a NUnit test as such: new PersistenceSpecification<MyTable>(_session) .CheckProperty(c => c.ActionDate, DateTime.Now); When I run the test via NUnit I get the following error: SomeNamespace.MapTest: System.ApplicationException : Expected '2/23/2010 11:08:38 AM' but got '2/23/2010 11:08:38 AM' for Property 'ActionDate' ...

Shorten and compact this small SQL snippet (Count and most recent date)

What would be the best way to shorten the following SQL Snippet: SELECT a.ViewCount, b.DateCreated FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS ViewCount FROM UserViewHistory uvh1 WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (ViewedByUserID = @RequestingUserID)) AS a, (SELECT TOP (1) DateCreated ...

passing a smalldate time variable in sql?

There is an sp, EXEC Dbo.CREATE_A_PEACEFULL_WORL 'A',2,?? ?? presents a smalldatetime variable, the date is must be like; 24.02.2010 00:00:00 how can i pass it? ...

how do i display a date that is 2 weeks after a set date ?

if i have a date such as 10/10/10 how do i display (in date format) 2 weeks after that? i think it has to do with strtotime but i dont know how to write it. im looking at the site and cant figure it out.thnx ...

jquery datepicker highlight dates

Hi guys, i'm struggling to highlight the dates[startdate - enddate] which i select.Can anyone help me? ...

Rendering a table of dates with prices

Let's say you were given the arrival date 12/28/10 and a departure date of 1/5/11, in the form of an array ( which is always consistent and can be relied upon ) such as: $data = array( 0 => array( 'Date' => '12/28/10', 'Price' => 100 ), 1 => array( 'Date' => '12/29/10', 'Price' => 100 ), 2 => array( 'Date' => '12/30/10', 'Price' => 100 ...

Compare the duration of dates with selected dropdown please

Hi I have the Drop down with values as "One year ", "Two year",...etc.. Ok? also i have two ajax textbox with calender extender . I want to popup alert message if dropdown selected value is "One year" and duration between the both textbox value Means dates not matches. getting what i mean ? please help me. ...

date difference and match with value in javascript

Hi I have the Drop down with values as "One year ", "Two year",...etc.. Ok? also i have two ajax textbox with calender extender . I want to popup alert message if dropdown selected value is "One year" and duration between the both textbox value Means dates not matches. getting what i mean ? please help me. How can i get this scenario in ...