
Debug or build as non-admin in Visual Studio 2008

I am trying to install Visual Studio 2008 at a university's computer lab. The lab machines (XP Pro) are configured so that students don't have Administrator rights when they log in. So when I try to build or debug a class library project in Visual Studio 2008, I get this error: "Cannot register assembly 'C:\Documents and Settings(usernam...

Delphi debugger showing ???? for Currency variables

I'm trying to see the value of a variable, but the debugger shows me a value of "????". This seems to happen to Currency variables, but not other types (Double and enumerated types are ok). I'm debugging on Windows XP SP 3 using Delphi 10 Update 2. The process I'm using is: Build the project in the BDS IDE. Copy the exe to the direct...

Changing the program flow when running under a debugger

Is there any way of detecting that a debugger is running in memory? and here comes the on Form Load pseudocode. if debugger.IsRunning then Application.exit end if Edit: The original title was "Detecting an in memory debugger" ...

Debugging data in 'anynomous namespaces' (C++)

Recently, I got a crash dump file from a customer. I could track the problem down to a class that could contain incorrect data, but I only got a void-pointer to the class, not a real pointer (void-pointer came from a window-property, therefore it was a void-pointer). Unfortunately, the class to which I wanted to cast the pointer to, was...

How to halt ruby debugger (like gdb's CTL-C)

Is there a way to tell a running "script/server --debugger" to pause execution and open the debugger prompt (other than sticking a "debugger" statement in my code)? Similar to CTL-C in gdb. I would like to do this, so that I can set a breakpoint in Base.update_attributes without having to put "debugger" in my own function (and having to...

Any way in Visual Studio to not break on throwing of a specific exception?

Is there a pragma or debugger attribute which will allow the debugger to not break on the throwing of a specific exception even though under the Debug >> Exceptions menu I've told it to break when any CLR Exceptions are throw? In general while developing I like to have it break on exceptions while debugging so that I can immediately ins...

Visual Studio Debug Mode - Peculiar Behaviour

In visual studio 2008 while in the debug mode when we initiate a thread and put break points inside the thread function. Visual Studio doesn't debug giving explanation that i don't have the code. Why does this happens. How to do it ...

Upgrading project to Xcode 3.2 under Snow Leopard won't debug

Hi all, I have an Xcode project that has been upgraded to Xcode 3.2, and whilst it builds fine (and produces an executable that runs fine), when I try to debug it the debugger doesn't start. When I look in the debugging window, it says that the build was fine. When I look in the console, I get a 'Session started ', but the application...

In XCode, is there a way to disable the timestamps that appear in the debugger console?

XCode's debugger console makes it easy to see any debugging messages my app sends out using NSLog(), but it always sticks a timestamp prefix on them: 2009-08-30 04:54:48.128 MyApp[94652:a0f] some log message 2009-08-30 04:54:50.647 MyApp[94652:a0f] another log message ... I have no use for this prefix, and it takes up a lot of room. I...

GUI based debugger for Ruby?

Is there any GUI based debugger for Ruby? Just a debugger. I do not want a full IDE like NetBeans because they tend to get your project dirty with extra files. thanks! ...

How do I install a Debugger Visualizer?

I'm trying to use Mole for Visual Studio but it's not loading. I've had this issue before with other visualizers so I'm probably missing something obvious. I just copied the DLL (Mole.Visualizer.dll) into the following folder and restarted VS2K8: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers ...

Calling helper function in Evaluate/Modify (Ctrl+F7) window

Lets say i wrote helper for TStringList TslHelper = class helper for TStringList function DoSth: boolean; end; Then ive included this helper (unit in which helper is defined) in unit i want to use it. During debugging i hit Ctrl+F7 and i want to evaluate: someStringList.DoSth I cant get it to work. Is it possible? Regards ...

Debugging App on Iphone and now i get this error: unknown packet reply: "timeout" to environmental package

I have only started getting this error. The application works perfectly when working on the iPhone simulator, and there are now errors like the one above. The application is being put on a 3.0 iPhone if that is any help. ...

Debugging a 2D array in VS2008

I have a 2D array which contains height information. I want to see it in the debugger to a certain point if the values are correct. I know we can see a 1D array using "myArray,5", but it doesn't work when i write "myArray,5,5" or "myArray[0],5", without the quotation marks. Does anybody know how to do this? Or is this even possible? ...

VM and Debugger for Android

Is there any virtual machine to test Android? How can I debug the program for Android? ...

Don't stop debugger at THAT exception when it's thrown and caught

In tools/exceptions, I've set the option that the debugger stops when an exception is thrown. Whether it is caught or not . How do I exclude an exception of that rule? Somewhere in my code there is a caught exception that is part of the program logic. So I obviously don't want that exception to stop the debugger each time it is hit. E...

XCode Debugger: Why is it only showing me assembler?

I'm just starting out with Cocoa development in xcode, doing the hello world example. I'm up to step 6 of the section "runtime debugging", which is Using the Step Over button in the debugger toolbar, begin stepping through the code. As each line of code executes, you can examine the program’s state. The value of a variable is someti...

What are the benefits of using System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() over Attach to Process?

Using VS2008..To start debugging depending on my mood i'll either attach to process and hit break points that way or i'll place System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() in a relevant place in the code and start debugging when it breaks at that point. The latter being necessary sometimes I find! Not talking about F5 --> running in debug mode...

How can I detect a debugger or other tool that might be analysing my software?

A very simple situation. I'm working on an application in Delphi 2007 which is often compiled as 'Release' but still runs under a debugger. And occasionally it will run under SilkTest too, for regression testing. While this is quite fun I want to do something special... I want to detect if my application is running within a debugger/reg...

VSTS 2010 Debug Feature

I heard of a feature supposedly included in VSTS 2010, but now I can't find any mention of it. It was a tool that allowed a developer to attach a debugger that was on a flash/jump drive and start debugging a program. It did not require any installation. Note: I am not referring to the Historical Debugger. Anyone else heard of this? ...